camp making the same mistakes | guarding camp

Dec 3, 2022
takes place the same time as this thread ! thought it might be interesting to give a way for those in camp a chance to react

Burnpaw arrived back at camp without his mentor, calling for Howlingstar to meet Sootstar at the border. Since the camp could not be left without one of the members of Howlingstar's council, Dewfang had been asked to watch over it. His pelt prickled. Sootstar? He thought to himself. The leader who had nearly gotten struck by lightning?

The warrior sat himself down at the entrance of the camp, pale blue eyes narrowed as he took a look around his surroundings. His claws kneaded into the ground. If a fight would begin, at least his ears would hear it first to get the kits safe.

"I wonder what she wants." He said outloud.


Burnpaw's call had alerted most of the camp by now. I thought today was going too smoothly. the seal point would think to himself as he emerged from the Warrior's den. He had been resting up before going on a patrol later, but this was more important. The large tom would growl as he padded through the camp, scanning the walls as if waiting for Windclanners to pour down them. "Nothing good I'm sure. Probably boasting about how much better she is than the rest of the forest." His blue eyes would roll as he came to sit beside his brother. "They better not dream of coming here. I'll shred 'em and use their pelts in my nest." His teeth bared, and he dug his claws into the ground below. He wished to be out there, to protect their leader, but it wouldn't be smart to leave the camp now, not until they came back. If those moorland scums made it to their camp, it would be the biggest mistake of their lives.

It swept over the camp like a disease, rooting itself not in the stomachs or throats of his clanmates, but in their minds. It seemed like in the blink of an eye, the same word was on everyone’s lips: Windclan.

Shinekit’s meager understanding of the outside world was shaped entirely by internal forces. The queens in the nursery gossiping about whatever white noise had caught their attention that week, or the warriors casually talking politics that a tiny mind tried but failed to fully comprehend, all of it painted a blurry picture of the forest, filled with falsehoods and oversimplifications. The living shaft of sunlight tried to search his memories. Windclan was the one that crazy lady was in charge of, right?

Sky-Blue eyes searched camp and saw nervousness shielded by bravado, and Shinekit couldn’t help but cock his head in confusion. After all, if there was one lesson to take away from countless overheard and half-understood conversations, it was that Thunderclan was the best! Windclan was crazy, Skyclan was full of weirdos who liked twolegs, Riverclan lived underwater or something, and Shadowclan was just plain mean. What did they have to be worried about?

“Maybe she’s coming to live with us?” He proposed, putting a tiny mind to work concocting an explanation. “Since Windclan sucks so much and we’re so good, maybe they want to join us?” That made sense, right?​

He didn't like it. Knowing that the Mad Queen herself was darkening their very border at that moment left him feeling deeply uneasy. Wherever Sootstar went trouble followed, like creeping tendrils of evil that threatened to poison everything it touched. Sunnyday couldn't stop his tail from flicking about in irritation as he came to stand near Dewfang and Frostglare. "Whatever is happening I hope Howlingstar is safe. WindClan is never to be trusted, so be prepared for any sneak attacks on the camp. They did it to SkyClan, I wouldn't put it past them to try it here." He longed to use harsher words but he refrained considering that Shinekit was present.

"Wishful thinking Shinekit, but she'd make a terrible ThunderClanner. Now how about you and I go to the nursery and play some mossball, hm?" If a potential threat was loaming nearby then he really didn't want a kit getting caught out in the chaos. If a game could lure Shinekit back to the security of the den then he'd do what he could to amuse him.
Raccoonstripe had wanted to go with his mother in the worst way, but given WindClan's recent foray into RiverClan's camp, she'd wanted their home well-protected. It made sense, and he had obeyed without question, though his heart longs to hear the reason her presence had been requested.

He smirks at Shinekit, asking if Sootstar would be coming to live with them in ThunderClan. Sunnyday is quick to quell any hopes of that happening, and Raccoonstripe throws Dewfang and Frostglare a sly wink. "Too bad, really. Such a pretty face shouldn't hide so much evil." His tongue clicks. He can't seem to stop making up scenarios in his head. Had Sootstar come in peace, or is this another of their two-pronged trickeries?