pafp Making this song up ❧ Harmless rumour

It had admittedly been far too long since she last regaled the kits of SkyClan with her outlandish stories. She remembers spreading light hearted gossip and rumours to Sangriakit and her cohort with Honeysplash. The memory is bittersweet, she tries to cling onto the best parts of the specters her memory holds. Since then she hasn't returned to form so to speak, she had held back from doing it with the brood left in her charge. Part of her believes Daffodilkit would have taken it a little too seriously, given how good of a head he has on his shoulders as a paw she's thankful she didn't. As she watches a group of kits play with the freshly fallen snow she can't help but feel the inclination to bring some harmless rumours back into the lives of SkyClan's youngest members.

"Fawnkit! Do you want to know a secret about the snow?" She approaches the kit with a smile, light on her paws. Well- as light as she can be while maintaining concentration to not trip over herself on the icy snow. Fawnkit seems like a nice kid, whenever she sees him he seems to be worrying about something or another. Though she does hold some concern maybe he won't find the rumour so silly and harmless, ah well she's already committed to it. Settling on her haunches next to the kit she extends a paw to gesture at the snow gathered around them.

"Have you eaten much of it? You're not in trouble if you have, I used to do that as a kit too" she had a terrible habit of getting into things she shouldn't. That has since began to follow her into her adult moons as well. "Make sure you don't eat too much of it though" Florabreeze lowers her tone to come across as a whisper, giving him an impression that this information was important enough or rather secretive enough to be for his ears only.

"I heard that if you do you'll freeze and not in the chills way either" she finds it difficult to keep the amusement from her tone. Eventually giving up on pretending to be serious, hoping that it made it clear that this may be a little fictious. "I heard from a friend of mine in Twolegplace that if you eat enough you will be frozen in place!"

  • Please wait for @Fawnkit~
  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 37 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw & Sfogliatella
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
  • Wow
Reactions: Fawnpaw~

[ ༻ 𓆩✧𓆪 ༺ ] Florabreeze was one of the few warriors that Fawnkit had a bit of recognizition to due to her sometimes visiting the nursery whenever she can get her rank within the clan as a lead-warrior, after all he was taught most of what he knew from Butterflytuft and from what he seen during his out-time from the nursery. So, when he heard the she-cat call to him and eagerly decided to ask him if he wanted to know a secret on snow, which he quickly nodded to.

When she asked if he eaten snow there was a pause an hesitancy that flooded his bi-color eyes before relief flooded him when she expressed he wasn't in trouble for eating any of it. "I did.. a tiny bit but it tasted like nothing" he explained before listen to her continue, a bit of alert look coming on his face when she expressed not to eat much of it, "why?" he asked.

Soon she leaned closer, lowering her voice which made Fawnkit crane his neck closer and ears curved towards her to listen better to what she had to say, expressing one would freeze, but not like chills... which confused the boy before noting a twinge of amusement from her voice and then she finally poured out her harmless romour that made him gasp in surprise, "oh... starclan... I really hope I didn't eat too much of it thenm.. I don't wanna freeze, m-maybe I should tell the other kits too...could Fireflyglow do anything to unfreeze a cat who ate too much?" slight ramblings of concern poured from Fawnkit's lips, unaeare that it was just a harmless joke.
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fawnkit 𓆩✧𓆪 He/Him, Kit of Skyclan, 5 moons.
    Fluffy Fawn with low white with bi-colored eyes (Blue and Yellow)
    NPC x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Howlfire had been on one of her visits to the nursery when she spotted Florabreeze speaking with Fawnkit. Like her fellow lead warrior, Howlfire is fond of spending time in the nursery. Most of the time it's to spend time with her friend Butterflytuft, but she wouldn't pass up the chance to say hello to any of the other queens or kits residing here.

The chocolate torbie couldn't help but listen in on the conversation between the two, chuckling to herself when she heard Fawnkit's childlike panic at being told not to eat too much snow. She's not quite sure whether it was wise to scare the kits with the notion of freezing if they ate too much snow, but Howlfire doesn't think she's being malicious so goes along with a little bit. "Oh, well, I'm not sure if Fireflyglow could do that," Howlfire answered solemnly, as she came over to join the two of them. "But even if he couldn't, I'm sure we could warm you up!"
  • Wow
Reactions: Fawnpaw~

Butterflytuft's ears perk as she catches snippets of the conversation from where she's grooming @LAMBKIT and @RAMKIT nearby. Fawnkit's rising panic stirs a protective instinct in her, though she quickly softens at the realization that Florabreeze and Howlfire are simply playing. Still, she can't help but intervene with a gentle touch. Rising to her paws, she pads over. "Fawnkit, you don't need to worry," She murmurs lightly with a warm smile, brushing her tail affectionately over his back. "Snow is just frozen water, and it would take a lot more than a few pawfuls to freeze you in place. But," Her yellow eyes sparkle with amusement, "it's probably best not to eat too much of it, or your belly might get chilly."

She looks to her friends with a playful quirk of her brow, as if scolding them. They're not the ones who have to deal with spooked kits' nightmares, after all. "Though I'm sure Fireflyglow would come up with some clever way to help a frozen kit. Maybe we'd just have to bundle you in all the moss we can find!" Turning back to Fawnkit, she gives him a reassuring, soothing nuzzle. "You're perfectly safe, little one."
  • Love
Reactions: Fawnpaw~

Fawnkit panics, there is a large part of her that recoils in guilt over in thought over this. He's always such a sweet kit, it feels a little bad to stir him up. Unfortunately it's also very funny, apart from the panic no harm should really come from this. There's a concern that she's gone too far but Howlfire joins in just fine, she brings a paw to her maw in an attempt to cough away a laugh at the comment the lead warrior makes. "Fireflyglow is known for getting rid of curses, I think they could do it" she shakes her head with a smile, trying to free a tangled section of her fur from her ventures in the pine forest earlier.

Butterflytuft's soft tone is overhead, she dips her head in greeting politely to her friend. There is a careful lingering gaze as she tracks the queens movements, trying to determine if she's upset with her in any way. In her own way she seems to join in on it, while quelling his concerns. She admires that about the tortoiseshell, her ability to soothe any child's worry while still delicately dancing around a conversation to keep both parties placated. It's a nice quality and a really cool skill, she can't help but nod as she digs her paw into the snow. "You'd have to eat a lot of snow, I see Twolegs eat it all the time and they never seem to be frozen!" Florabreeze exclaims as she bundles up a small ball of snow to try and show the kit what it might look like.

"It's good to make sure the other kits don't eat too much" it was very considerate of him to think about his den mates. "We don't want to fill Fireflyglow's den with frozen kits after all" they already had an abundance of sick warriors, the last thing they need is to add their rising nursery numbers to that quota.

  • m2N73tg.png
    FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 38 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw & Sfogliatella
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
  • Love
Reactions: Fawnpaw~
"Fireflyglow would definitely like to avoid frozen kits in his den, thank you."

The deep voice comes suddenly, tail twitching behind him in amusement at the conversation being held. Poor Fawnkit, being tricked like this- it was funny, but also worrisome that the tom would take what he's told so seriously. The seal point makes his way over, dipping his head to his sister, Butterflytuft, and Florabreeze- three she-cats he held high respect for.

"No eating snow, please, young Fawnkit." Fireflyglow requests gently, his voice lacking any ire or irritation. There was a strange familiarity he had with the kit's antics. He'd dealt with it in the medicine den when Fawnkit was sick, after all. "I cannot rid you of curses, however. I do not wish for you to believe such about me." He says softly, blind blue eyes flicking in the direction of Florabreeze with humor. "We just wish for you to stay safe and healthy. Isn't that right, everyone?" He asks, nudging Howlfire's shoulder with his own broad one.​
  • Love
Reactions: Fawnpaw~