pafp Making up metaphors ƚƚ Gossip


Lowering your expectations
May 26, 2024

A content sigh escapes Houndpaw as she sprawls across the ground to soak up the afternoon sun. For a moment they think they should sit instead of lay, take up less space that way. Ultimately she decides against the more considerate option, a considerate cat doesn't get to soak up the most sun after all. They cross their front paws over the other and finds herself looking up at Pridepaw.

Lazy smile beaming up at the chimera with an exaggerated yawn drawn out “so, how was your day?” She finds herself asking as she scoots herself to brush up against her side. Feeling like a kit again who would eagerly eat up what tale the queens spin in the nursery. It was a common sight to see Houndpaw by Pridepaw’s side as the other chatted about something or other, it always looked like they were gossiping about something.

It was usually not true, it just never helped that Pridepaw always looked so steely while speaking while Houndpaw carried an air of smugness to them. They rest their head on top of their front paws as they listen to her recount her day, an ear flicks up at the mention of a particular individual. This left room for entertainment for them though, with a loud gasp they lift their head up to look up at her.

“No way! Pridepaw you can't just say that about them!” She exclaimed with a wide grin as she nudges her side. It would be clear to the other apprentice that they were just teasing, she was known to have a flair for the dramatics when the mood takes her. “What if they hear you? I never took you to be such a gossip!”

{ will edit the pronouns on this post to reflect whoever @PRIDEPAW is talking about after her reply <33 }