making your way to oregon | steep


Oct 10, 2022

"Okay, we'll break off here." assigned to hunt with Steeppaw, Koi doesn't find that she has much qualms with this. The other girl was level-headed, fiery, traits she could appreciate in another apprentice, traits she could see in herself as well. Though she doesn't know the other much other than being Icesparkle and Mudpelts kitten, she hopes that they can become friends. Koi would like more friends but the thought of approaching them herself... Eugh! Tedious.

One of her best friends, Crappiepaw, had their bonds forged through shared trauma. Though she doesn't wish for a similar event (not when flashes of Peachpaws fur jerk in through normal thoughts and make her a mess) she wishes making friends was easy like that, just without... all of the troubles... She makes a face.

A bit of walking and they meet the part of the river that hadn't become swollen and angry, eyes shift over to Steeppaw. "You can swim, right?" spoken seriously as if its the most important thing in the world, ears perking forth. Koi didn't want to go on a swimming escapade in frozen waters if Steep fell through, because of course, it could never happen to Koi and only to others. But then it'd be a visit to Gloompaw and almost immediately she giggles, a childish one, near rare coming from a stoic (at least thats how she feels she comes off as) creature like her.

Theres a noise at the other side, further down, and Koi crouches to try to disguise herself against the bank. Curse her spotted fur! Theres a twoleg thats moving back and forth, drops a fish in a weird circular object and... Walks off? She squints, craning her neck. Was that more in there? Holy shit! That could feed their clanmates until spring! She looks up to Steep with wide eyes. "Are you thinking what i'm thinking? Because if so, we should go now." excitement brims in her, a smirk. She'd follow after Steep if the other girl went, just to bring up the rear and protect from any twolegs that would come from behind.

// @Steeppaw
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Steeppaw nodded gravely at the directive, char chin to her chest, a little amused at being told what-for by a fellow apprentice. It was a good idea though so- who was she to disagree? She trekked after the dawn-splash molly, hum in her throat. They hadn't really hung out before, and while this was definitely still clan work she hoped to learn something about Koipaw.

'You can swim, right?' Steeppaw let out a huff, ear low in mock offense. "'Course! Didn't get this big avoiding the water." As if swimming really made her taller, she wished! She'd be in there night and day until she was taller than Cicadastar. "It's fine, we'll keep this hunt dry anyway. Still too cold." A forelorn look was cast at the river, it's swollen surface rolling ribbons of debris downstream.

Movement in her periphery called her attention back, a weird, wiry frame hunching over- oh, fish? Steeppaw mirrors her companion, attempting to tuck her boxy frame into the reeds. She'd never seen a twoleg before, only heard about them. This one was clad in a sort of mucky green pelt, with a slender stick in it's hands. Her lungs began to welcome air once it loped away, willowy shadow dwindling. Those fish...

They had to! Koipaw seemed to have the same idea and Steeppaw met the other's wide eyes with her own. "Uh-yeah! We'll have nests of fish if we can drag that thing back to camp!" In a heartbeat she was kareening towards the dull silver bowl, intent on investigating their potential haul. She tried to be quiet but her eager paws stumbled atop the odd pebble along the way.

Sets of unfocused eyes, lucent against the dim metal, met the monochrome molly as she got to the object and peeped in. "There's so many!" She hissed, pawing at the sides. "Maybe we can carry it, wanna try?" Steeppaw propped her wide shoulder against it, already sensing its heft. Okay, this probably wouldn't work but they had to give it a go.