mama please stop crying ;; joining.



She finds herself all too eager to avoid large groups of cats, sometimes- though it seems the Clans were always babbled about in the twolegplace. The upwalkers always set out food for stray cats, and she watched silently from her place behind the clear barrier that protected her from predators. All it took was one slip-up with her upwalker, bored beyond reason- for her to slip past the open barrier and into the odd space of her yard. Their dog yapped noisily behind her, as if trying to get her to go back inside. She ignores the dog's yapping, padding out of her yard without looking back.

Nothing escaped her lips as she wandered through the forest, eyes of evergreen flicking towards a group of cats that were walking in some weird formation. They turn, and their pelts spike up and hissing begins. But nothing leaves the young cat's jaws, no voice- she merely stares at the patrol of cats as if a statue. Inside, however, Weiss is riddled with anxiety.

Yeah, she was going to die here, wasn't she?​
It had been a relatively peaceful patrol up until this point. Slowly, Howling Wind has been growing more comfortable back out in the forest. Trufflepelt is gone, not a whiff of him has been caught since his exile. It's so strange to think about, still. A senior warrior of the clan to an enemy driven out...only the stars can know how such things happen.

When an unfamiliar scent is noticed, however, it isn't one of a rogue or loner. It's a kittypet. Immediately, her pelt is bristling, and she waves her tail in warning to her patrol. "Kittypet on our territory," She hisses lowly to them before marching forward, eyes narrowed. How in StarClan did a kittypet get all the way out here? She must've walked through all of SkyClan unnoticed to reach the oak forest.

When she does reach her, Howling Wind's claws are already unsheathed. "You're on ThunderClan territory, kittypet. You'd best be turning 'round back home now." She stands with authority, head and tail held high and green eyes slit. With ears pressing forward, she awaits the she-cat's next move.

// @Sloepaw
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Sloepaw loped alongside his mentor, never far. A plane of untouched ice revealed itself to be closer to mud than expected, dunking one of his sooty paws in muck. He managed to croak out a quiet, "Grim..." before Howling Wind flit between the dead underbrush. As if pulled taut along an invisible cord, he followed only paces behind.

Teak fur split along his spine, anticipating a fierce figure upon arrival only to be met by the statuesque shape of a kittypet. Dark lids bat across his amber eyes, conflict stunting thought. A wayward look confirmed his mentor's distrust and so he plied his own on, however flimsily. Kittypets were not welcome- he was no longer a kittypet. The apprentice's neck tremored slightly, the phantom weight of a collar not forgotten.

Plunging the stuttering sound of his heart deep, far from his attention, Sloepaw summoned what he hoped was a neutral expression. Still in the deputy's shadow, he could only offer a grave nod of affirmation at her words.

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Sunnyday certainly felt out of place whilst on the patrol, it had been a while since he had last been capable of undertaking such a task. Perhaps he wasn't actually ready yet either considering that he was lagging behind the rest of the patrol. So when the tension suddenly started alongside the calls about there being a kittypet he honestly felt hopelessly out of the loop. The lanky tom failed to show any sign of aggression as he hurried to catch up with the group, his blue eyes already seeking the unfamiliar face. Then he spied the kittypet and what he offered was that of a friendly smile. A stark contrast compared to that of his clanmates and the deputy. "You're quite far from home. Have you gotten yourself lost?" He inquired with a tilt of his head. "Do you need help?" Would he feel shame in his softness? No, he refused to do so.

She is on patrol with her grandmother and Sloepaw, Sunnyday is also there though she does not pay the golden tom much mind-he is not familiar to her and from Howling Wind's own feelings of disinterest and annoyance she has developed a neutral dismissiveness to his presence. He might as well have not been there for all she cared, her pale blue eyes isntead focusing on the supposed kittypet wandering about on their lands. The black tabby form of her grandmother is formidable and terrifying in its own way, a growl of the word singing like a curse and she lets her gaze flutter to the side uncertain on how to feel. The other cat seemed close to her age, young but not foolishly so, she should have been capable enough to scent the borders and know not to trek across unfamiliar land already marked by stronger cat smell. It is as she is finding her nerve and voice to speak up that the older tom interjects and comforts the other in an all too gentle voice that is such a stark contrast to Howling Wind's greeting it may very well have been an offer to come hunt on their territory for what it was. Moonpaw stiffens in place where she stands, eyes narrowing thoughtfully and she tilts her head up, shoulders squared.
"Anyone with a nose can find two-leg place from here on their own." It was both a comment and a judgement.