private mamas’ boy, mamas’ boy // Chrysaliswing


my father never talked a lot
Jun 6, 2024

Mother always spoke highly of their father. There wasnt a once of anything he could recall of her saying they were a bad cat, they were evil or something. No, always just ‘hes busy’, ‘he fights like all of Lionclan’, ‘he loves you hes just very important’ and the like. Yet there was bitterness at the back of his throat, there was this unresolved emotion that swirled and danced in his stomach. So he was busy, he was an important cat and he was strong, loyal and that was it. What did he do so importantly in the clan? Why couldnt he gave a few minutes to say hi to them? How come the other kits got to have both of their parents while he didnt?

Chrysaliswing was an enigma of a being in his world and he wanted to know more. To know exactly why there was enough time in the day to drop of a honey comb, say hi and bye after a prey drop- Florabreeze did that. She could always find time to say hi even if it was only for a few moments. She was busy, she did this and that and the other thing! Why couldnt he?

Cloverkit had a desire to know what he had done wrong to not earn his father’s graces. If he was such a good warrior then he wanted to live up to the name he had of a fighter and loyal Skyclanner. He wanted to be as good of a warrior as he was, he wanted to be good enough to warrant a hello. To warrant some sort of attention from the irate tomcat.

Yet then there was the things hes heard whispers about. About Chrysaliswing being a jerk, being rude, temperamental and down right a word he’s not allowed to repeat. Cloverkit blinked slowly from across the camp at the entrance of the nursery, he’d been watching Chrysaliswing for a good five minutes now trying to covert the courage to approach. To say something even if it was to call him a butthole, or a mouse brain or stinky! Yeah stinky would really get him, show him he wasnt to be messed with!

The little cream and orange chimera, a mirror of two different cats in this world, puffed his chest out and took a few deep breaths before squaring his shoulders. Cloverkit then marched his little paws across the camp towards the tomcat and he lifted his chin a little, before faltering as he found- he didnt know what to say. He didnt think he’d get this far either and his confidence simmered like a flame under water. The little tomkit adverted his dual colored gaze downwards, flicking his tail lightly.

Is it true youre a good warrior?” Cloverkit blurted out to start with and his ears flicked back, tail wildly moving- much like his father did to express his emotions though this was unknown to the young kit, “Mama says you fight like Lionclan

  • CLOVERKIT he/him, kitten of skyclan, two moons
    A long haired, cream and ginger tabby chimera with heterochromia and low white // very shy, quiet and judgemental // hard to befreind, hard to form relationships
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by wolf_1997@wolfie on discord, feel free to dm for plots.