camp mama's boy .. kit intro

. ° ✦ "Over here is where me and our brothers sleep. There's a big stump we sleep by." Bravepaw excitedly led the two kits from the nursery and closer to his own den. They were about the age that Batwing and Leopardtongue had brought them to meet their Clan and start exploring camp. Bravepaw felt it was only fair for him the take on that responsibility to them, as their older brother.

"In a couple of moons you'll be in here, too! Think around leaf-fall, but we'll become warriors not long after." Round blue eyes looked up from his younger siblings to look around camp, trying to spot any of his denmates to introduce to his new kin.
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    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.

Their younger siblings were now old enough to leave the nursery now and again, and it felt like the time had slipped by in an instant. Two moons gone by, and Cardinalpaw still had no idea how to be an older brother. He wanted to be good at it, like he wanted - needed - to be good at hunting or fighting, but he felt too awkward, too unsure - too young to have the wisdom he imagined that older siblings usually had. Looking at his little siblings, he really had no idea what to say to them, or how to behave around them. It wasn't like talking to anyone else; they would probably be looking up to him and his brothers for guidance. For an example of how they should be. And he could not mess up, even though the thought of being anyone's role model kind of made his stomach twist into knots.

Cardinalpaw walks a tail-length or so behind his siblings, bringing up the rear to try to ensure that the little ones did not wander off, despite the fact that he was sure they would be too captivated by Bravepaw guiding them around to do so anyway. Hopefully his words do not come out as awkwardly as he feels that they do, head down and eyes fixed on the entrance of the apprentice's den. "You'll be glad to get out of the nursery by then. It'll be much more crowded when all of you are bigger."

Sunshinepaw doesn't linger on the brief thought that hits him, just as Bravepaw and Cardinalpaw show the kittens around. For just as much as he recognizes he may never have little siblings of his own, he must recognize that the two are suffering from a similar if not greater grief. His life is filled with mournful at leasts, and in this case, at least he still has Rabbitnose.

"Oooh, 'm not sure, guys," he stretches in his nest, his lazy grin shining towards the trio of older siblings and the two kits. "'m thinkin' they may race us to the finish line. Maybe - oooh, maybe they'll be... uh... Coaltongue and Hopewing before any of us sheds our 'paws." A jest in its entirety, though a piece of him wonders if he'll be any sort of good by the time the kits do become apprentices. His tail twitches again, and he rests his head on his paws.​
An amused smile played on Lightflower's face as she watched the two younger kits toddle after Bravepaw, Cardinalpaw and Hazepaw. Though it is a little bittersweet, seeing their circumstance. "Let me kitsit whenever, I'm glad to," she purred toward the older siblings with a wink. Hopefully her teasing remark held the meaning she'd wanted it to. She hoped she knew they weren't alone. And she also hoped her help was welcome. She'd understand if it wasn't though. Nonetheless she nodded in agreement with Sunshinepaw.

Burnstorm is as present a figure in Coalkit and Hopekit's lives as he is for his own children. Never would he operate under the pretense that he was their father, nor would he ever want to overstep and risk offending the group of apprentices that were still the youth's family but he did find himself hoping whenever he laid golden eyes at those small forms nestled against his mates body, that he could be a positive infleunce in their lives. A guardian, of sorts. He stands back and allows Bravepaw and his littermates to show the kits around camp, they were their younger siblings after all. But he sits just outside of the nursery, tail curled around his paws and a soft look worn about his features.

A huff of amusement can be heard from him when Cardinalpaw comments about how the nursery would soon become crowded. It already was, if you asked him. Between his kits, Moonwhispers, Flamewhiskers, and all the other orphaned youth it had been crowded long before Leopardtongue had given birth. "Soon we'll have to make a second nursery, just for you guys" he jokes, whiskers twitching with amusement as he imagines how much the elders would complain if they started taking over their space to form a second nursery. They would either hate it or love it, he thinks. Sunshinepaw jokes about how they would race the older litter to the finish line and Burnstorm regards him out of the corner of his golden eyes. Was it a joke or a real fear of the sun-dappled apprentice? He can't be quite certain. "It always seems to happen so fast doesn't it? Growing up. My warrior ceremony happened in a blink of an eye" he remembers still when he had just been Burnkit hiding behind his mothers legs and watching the other kits graduate to apprentice, wondering if one day that would be him.

He is broken from his thoughts by Lightflower offering to kitsit "That's very kind of you Lightflower, I'm sure Roeflame would appreciate the offer" there were no shortage of paws to help around the nursery right now, but nearly everyone had their paws full with kits of their own. He's certain a break could be had between all of the queens and they still wouldn't get enough rest to catch up on what they had missed.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
( 💫 )
Having followed in the paw steps of the other kits and completely obvious to weither or not she was invited, Softkit found herself in the slightly larger den made for apprentices. Larger cats talked and talked, but the only thing that really caught the kit's attention was how utterly boring it was in here. And quite. She didn't want Coalkit and Hopekit to leave! Even if she didn't get to talk to them much, it meant less cats int he den!
"It's not loud enough." She announced, making herself home in Burnstorm's shadow. "How could you like this? AND it's stinky!"
⊱⊰ Trailing along behind Bravepaw, the kit carefully mimics each of his older brother’s movements. Each of his pawsteps is followed perfectly—or, ss perfectly as Hopekit can manage with his much shorter limbs. He likes his older siblings, and especially Bravepaw. His chocolate-furred big brother is kind and clearly trying hard to make Coalkit and Hopekit happy, and the little lilac tom enjoys spending time with him. Of course, he likes Cardinalpaw and Hazepaw, too, but he admits that he has a favorite older sibling.

Despite his excitement to go with Bravepaw and see the rest of ThunderClan’s camp, the little tom-kit wears a disgruntled expression as he steps out into the camp. Eyes squinted, brows furrowed, limbs tensed—being stared at by so many cats makes his fur prickle. He and Coalkit are shown to the den that their older brothers sleep in, and Bravepaw mentions that before long they’ll also be apprentices. But their older brothers will all be warriors shortly after that time, so they won’t even get to share a den for very long.

You'll be glad to get out of the nursery by then, his dark-furred older sibling says, and Hopekit scowls. His ire isn’t directed toward Cardinalpaw, but toward the idea of needing to be in the nursery for even a day longer. "I’d be glad to get out of the nursery now," he quips, with a curl of his lip. Then Sunshinepaw speaks up as well, and the number of gathered cats is beginning to become uncomfortable. The scarred apprentice’s words bring a small smile to his face; the idea of becoming a warrior quickly is too good not to consider.

He blinks up at Burnstorm when the warrior approaches, talking about needing to make a second nursery. Hopekit just wants to be an apprentice already, but that’s the next best thing, he guesses. At least then he wouldn’t have to share a den with Scarletkit anymore. Softkit speaks up, and lilac ears flatten backward. "It’s not stinky in here," he protests—he wants to be in this den, he doesn’t think it’s stinky or not loud enough!
BUT I'M JUST SO OUT OF MY DEPTH — Coalkit's round and fluffy face was twisted into an expression equal parts curiosity and apprehension as he followed in the pawsteps of his older brother. There was certainly an appeal to seeing what was outside of the nursery that he and Hopekit had been restricted to for two moons so far, but it also worried him. Formed a heavy weight in his gut, young mind plagued with visions of the chaos - or at least, that's what it was to him - that seemed so commonplace outside of the nursery. And within it too, although he liked to think that he had done a good job of keeping things restrained, at least ever since he had grown old enough to speak. Practically the first words that had tumbled out of his muzzle had been scolding one of his denmates for their misbehavior, and it seemed quite likely that the same would be true for his first words within the apprentices' den.

The crowd that had already begun to gather around the both of them made his ears flick back briefly, though he didn't wear the same scowling ire as Hopekit. Instead he glanced at each of them in turn as they approached, some familiar and some not, save for his brief glances outside of the nursery. "I hope my name doesn't end up being Coaltongue. My tongue doesn't look anything like my coat..." The young tom stuck it out as if in demonstration, though his face did pinch up a little in confusion. His mother's name had been similarly flawed, hadn't it? Though it wasn't exactly as if he could ask her now, his only knowledge of her secondhand and passed down by cats like Burnstorm and Roeflame.

Cardinalpaw's words did little to soothe him, the thought of even more rambunctious faces in the nursery making him gag dramatically - as if such a thing was the end of the world. The fact that it was seemed obvious enough to him, especially when Softkit came bouncing along to prove his point. "I think it's nice... you know, the nursery wouldn't be so loud either if it weren't for kits like you." There was a grumble to his words, although they lacked proper sharpness. Mostly because his attention was split, green gaze surveying the apprentices' den before it snapped back towards his older brothers. "How do you all pick out where to sleep? Is it organized?" It wasn't as if they all had parents in there to gather near like in the nursery, so there had to be a system in place, right?

  • 80155835_FbFPjksnsoCGuSC.png
    shorthaired black smoke with forest green eyes
    amab; goes by he/him pronouns
    2 moons old; ages the 5th every month
    homosexual; not yet interested in romance
    son of leopardtongue and batwing
    brother to bravepaw, cougarpaw, hazepaw, foxpaw, and hopekit
    extremely difficult to befriend; cold and blunt
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
    all opinions are ic
( 💫 )

Barley containing her snickers, Softkit's ears flick towards Hopekit, then Coalkit. Neither cat's words hurt, but they did bring forth the same emotion a mosquito does when it buzzes around your ears. She was older then the brothers , something her size did not denote, but both acted older. Older then any adult she'd ever meet before. They had the same dispostion as a washed up warrior tired and lazy with age. In other words - an elder.
Or perhaps she was just being emotional. She was older, so she had to do the more grown up thing because she was, infact, better then them simply by virtue of being old. Coalkit's words hurt the least by far, and so she kept her eyes on him. He was harmless. A dusty gray coat and a sharp tongue, but nothing more. Besides, his words didn't mean anything, right? Water off a pigeon's back. Or no... what was the saying?
Still, the small smirk stayed on her face a rebuttle brewing but not nearly fast enough. By the time she'd thought of something, the topic seemed to change.
"Nah, they'd call you Coaltongue 'cos nothing you say is nice or pretty." She mumbled, unable to let her zinger go unsaid, but also a bit weary of being mean around the adults.
. ° ✦ His Clan gathered rather quickly to see his siblings and a small bit of pride bloomed within the apprentice. That his Clanmates were so interested in his kin made him feel better about leading them out of the nursery. Now he had broken the seal, they would be able to wander around camp and play and explore. Thankfully as Cardinalpaw said, there were plenty of queens to watch them and the other kittens to play with.

Bravepaw regarded Lightflower kindly, though sheepish. He wasn't in charge of his little siblings, after all. "I can let Roeflame know you offered."

"WHAT?!" He gasped at Sunshinepaw's ridiculous silly statement and firmly shook his head. "I'm the oldest brother, so I'm gonna be a warrior FIRST! But uh, yeah, he wouldn't be Coaltongue. Maybe Coalstep!" That sounded like a nice name. He glanced over to Softkit as she piped up her own little retorts and his tail twitched in surprise- the apprentices did well to keep their den clean. He wondered when Softkit would be joining him and his littermates in here, though, as they had been in the nursery together during leafbare. Perhaps she wasn't ready, for whatever reason.

"It is! So the newer apprentices take the nests on the outside, and as your denmates graduate you slowly move in closer to where their old nest was. The oldest apprentices sleep right in the center, I've heard it's the same in the warriors den too." Bravepaw marched right up to where his own mossy bed was. "Our nest is closer than some of the other apprentices because we left the nursery before the new law. So we had a bit more time to move ahead when Badgerstrike, Palefire, Lightflower and Phloxdawn graduated.
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  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.
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Reactions: Lightflower

It was extremely strange to hear Burnstorm speak about his siblings as if they were his kits, though he hadn't, really - just a simple comment. It still made the young cat's already wiry whiskers twitch, jaw setting just for a moment, ear twitching. Like Bravepaw, even though he wouldn't say it, part of him deep within was also satisfied that his younger siblings were receiving so much attention. The way they spoke was certainly in contrast to Bravepaw - if anything, they sometimes sounded more like tiny versions of him, which was stranger yet. He can't help but make a little bit of a face, shaking it off before anyone can question what the reason was, but he quickly makes a face again, tip of his scraggly tail twitching as his auburn gaze falls on his allegedly older brother. They had other things to focus on, like the kits, but he can't help himself. The words tumble out before he can stop himself. "You're the oldest?" Cardinalpaw says incredulously, squinting suspiciously. Truthfully, Cardinalpaw didn't know the first thing about being an older brother, and he definitely did not want to be the oldest times two - but it's a sort of obligatory battle.
