private Mambo No. 5 || Fidgetpaw

.✫*゚・゚ | When Mousepaw had found out Fidgetpaw had once upon a time wanted to be a tunneler, the young tomcat knew that he had to show him the ropes, show him why the tunnelers were who they were, and show him how good they had it. Rub it in Fidget's face that the anxious male would never be able to have what the tunnelers had, and that he'd always be worthless - at least to Mousepaw. Sure, there were some apprentices he liked that were moor runners - they were important too - but Fidgetpaw? No. They were too antsy, too stumbly, too... not good enough. And Mousepaw needed to show the other that that weakness - that being not good enough - wasn't going to pass, not for Mousepaw at least. Not for others he knew either. If Fidgetpaw couldn't become better they didn't deserve to be in WindClan. Maybe this would be a step in the right direction for the other. Probably not... but maybe.

Fake smile plastered on Mousepaw's face, ears pricked as he looked towards the tabby apprentice, standing in front of one of the tunnels that he used to crawl around in and practice digging Mousepaw motioned towards the entrance. "You gotta go in and see how nice it is while you can still fit Fidgetpaw!" Mousepaw stated, standing on his toes and bouncing. His excitement for the other to go into the tunnel was real, but for the wrong reasons. "You'll get too big eventually, but you're the perfect size now to see how cool it is to be a tunneler! Just this once!"

Every fiber of his being was regretting going along with this already. But part of their brain told them that this was fine. It couldn’t hurt to at least go along with friendly advances. At least Mousepaw was being nice! Maybe this was a change! Maybe he’d finally befriend the rude tunneler, and befriend the rest. The nervous tapping of his paw was starting up again, but he’d hopefully pass it off as excitement. He was a little excited- when he was younger, he thought being a tunneler would be so cool… Until he heard about how you could get crushed. It didn’t happen often though, so it would be fine! It’d be okay! Especially since he had a tunneler with him right now.

The taller apprentice ducked their head to look into the tunnel, ears beginning to flatten to their skull. “We won't get in trouble for this… will we?” They asked, giving Mousepaw a nervous look. If there was one thing he didn’t want, it was to be yelled at by Sootstar. Oh, that’d be terrifying. The thought of it almost sent a shiver down his spine, but he mentally shook it away. “I still think I’m a bit too big for the tunnels- I-I mean I can still fit b-but… What if I get stuck, you’d have to drag me out by the tail… And I’d be so embarrassed… The last part was quietly mumbled to himself. It wasn’t a lie. They’d be so… so… Augh.

It took a lot of strength for Mousepaw to not sigh when the other apprentice turned around to look towards him, asking if he was sure that they wouldn't get in trouble for this. How could they, when Mousepaw had been so careful to pick a spot that wouldn't have anyone coming by for a while? It was a short tunnel, one used for practice in digging and making sure the new apprentices didn't get lost. It was a beginner tunnel, and Mousepaw was getting annoyed that Fidgetpaw was taking so long to decide if he actually wanted to go in or not. Mousepaw wanted to do this, and that's all that mattered, so they were going to do it.

"Even if we could get in trouble for this - which we couldn't, by the way, it's fine - it's a tunnel I used to use for practice. No one cares about this tunnel, it's just here to make sure apprentices know what it feels like to be in one." He was pretty sure that was the exact reason, anyway.

Mousepaw listened to the other words Fidgetpaw spoke before letting out a small sigh, shaking his head before crawling into the tunnel, stopping when he was sure there would be just enough light for the moor runner apprentice to still see him as he turned around a few times, walking out of the tunnel soon after, facing Fidgetpaw as he exited. "You won't get stuck, we're about the same size and I was able to spin in there." His face showed slight annoyance at the mention of them being the same size. He liked being a tunneler, of course, but it meant that he was picked because he'd be smaller than others, and he didn't like admitting he wasn't better at growing than others - especially when some of those that were younger than him were already his size or bigger. "Besides, I'll be right by you the whole time, it's safer this way cause you got a proper tunneler with you, so if something does happen, I can get you out." Even if Mousepaw didn't really like Fidgetpaw, they were still a WindClanner - a cowardly one, but a WindClanner still - and he wasn't going to let him die.
  • [ooc] text
  • dislikes anyone outside of windclan
    if known to be a kittypet or skyclanner, will immediately hate
    is a bully
    friendly/non-violent powerplay okay
    tag if needed/wanted in a thread
  • dirty fighter
    likely to attack first
    will "accidentally" try to kill character if skyclanner or kittypet
    mention when attacking please

His ears perked up for a brief moment, listening to Mousepaw and watching his moves. The tabby apprentice frowned and took a step back as Mousepaw exited the tunnel after spinning, glancing away. His green eyes looked back from the ground to the tunnel multiple times, hesitating even further. It was only a matter of time before the other apprentice would get mad at them, and they had a vague understanding of this. A few more seconds passed before Fidgetpaw lifted his head, taking a step closer to the tunnel and sticking his head into the tunnel. I won't get hurt. I'll be fine. Mousepaw knows what he's doing. Fidgetpaw took their head out the tunnel, giving Mousepaw a worried look before nervously smiling. "O-Okay. Okay." That's all he said before he crouched down and began to crawl into the tunnel, moving his shaking paws slowly.

It was different than what he thought it would be like. In his dreams and thoughts, the tunnels were always so much smaller, squishing him inside until the crushed the tabby apprentice in them, burying him alive. But no, they had enough room to move around, and Fidgetpaw even took a moment to spin. Spin- like his 'friend' did! It wasn't much room for them to spin, but they did it anyway. The nervous smile grew to a more happier one, green orbs looking out the tunnel towards Mousepaw, a happier shine to them. "I-It's not that bad! You were right!" The apprentice spun around again and began moving forward into the tunnel some more, taking in the smell of the dirt, the feeling on his whiskers, the darkness. The darkness was a little scary, but otherwise, the apprentice enjoyed it, at least for now. They couldn't imagine how tunnelers could even hunt or fight in here, if those opportunities even arose. Or dig, the digging seemed annoying. Dirt in claws... that sounded unpleasant.