no angst MAN I LOVE TO FISH ✘ Fishing Contest

"Alright, apprentices and warriors too. Freshkill pile is disappointing to see..." He'd been staring at it wondering whether to send a hunting patrol out now, or maybe even two, but in the end he had settled on making an entire event of it because frankly they could use something to distract them, something to motivate them. Soon they would return to their camp and be back in their own dens and soon they would be recovered enough to finally retaliate against WindClan for what they had done. But for now, spirits were low and needed lifting and he of all cats would step up and push for it. Surprising even himself with the surge of adrenaline as he clambered toward the pebbled shore, tail up.
"Get fishing. Most fish wins, what's the prize? Relieved of your duties for tomorrow with one cat of your choice." They had just marked the borders so they could spare two cats to lay around camp without being bullied into being productive; which was to say HE would not bully them since he was the cat most likely to cause another grief if he spotted them not doing their duties for even a second.

I've made a thread in plotting for a fishing contest on the discord!
Join it and check the pins for how to roll and what each fish counts for point wise!
IC prize is a free day, but the OOC prize is a doodle by me.

Please make sure you don't double post and still put some effort into your posting!
Also post your catch before you roll again to keep it organized!

This thread will conclude 5/15/23 on MONDAY!
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Ooh, a game to boost morale AND get more prey? Sounds like a fun time to them. While they would love to just immediately jump into the water and grab prey by the mouth, it isn't the logical option, and they're not looking to be seen as childish, either. They are definitely going to try their very best, both to provide a service and also to boast, assuming they do well. But they don't worry about that, they know they have the skill needed.

"Good luck to everyone," they say amicably, though there's clear a fire in their eyes as they prepare themself to fish, getting in position by the river. Their pupils constrict, their mind into full focus as they keep watch for a large enough shape to nab. They were aiming to be the winner, after all. A little fish just wouldn't do, but only time will tell if they are successful or not.

// rolled an 8!

Luckily, it seems their patience pays off, as they spot a rainbow trout swimming down river. They wait until it's close enough for them to snatch, and then, they deliver a killing blow as they drag it out and place it next to them. Satisfaction shows in their very being as they admire their catch, hoping they've already impressed Smokethroat as well as giving them further motivation to do their best.

// OOC : Earned 4 points so far, as well as total!
Smokethroat had Mosspaw's attention from the moment he had begun speaking, but word of a competition was what caught her curiosity. It was rare that apprentices were put in direct competition with warriors. The differences in experience made it far too unfair to do so. Faced with such competition, she had thought she would find taking part to be a fruitless endeavor. In reality though, the challenge only further enticed her. She wanted to know how she measured up against her elders. Some small part of her even dared to hope that she might win.

Even barring that, this would be an excellent opportunity to show the fruits of her training.

As they all made their way to begin the competition, she heard Aspenhaze's well wishes. She dipped her head in acknowledgement.

"Indeed, good luck." Mosspaw parroted them distractedly. Her attention had already focused completely onto the water before her, watching the dark shapes moving within. If she was going to keep up with the best her clan had to offer, she would need to put her all into it. Slowly, she began to stalk along the edge of the waters, her eyes narrowing. Then, she saw it, and she lunged.

// rolled a 5

Mosspaw's jaws closed around a trout, and she pulled it from the waters quickly. Then she dropped it onto the shore beneath her paws and killed it with a swipe of her claws. It was about average size, a decent start. She didn't take too much time to bask in her satisfaction though. Her attention was back on the river in an instant.

// Earned 3 points this post. TOTAL: 3​
The idea of getting relieved of their duties, even for a day, sounded extremely appealing to the warrior. "A contest!! A most valiant battle will be held." Ripplesnap giggled, speaking in a joking tone. "Yes good luck everyone!! Better make sure to be good competition for me, eh?"

Squaring their shoulders, they made their way to the riverbank, carefully settling down at its edge. Their eyes grew increasingly focused as they put their entire attention on the water, holding their breath slowly as well. This was something they took very seriously, and they were gonna try their hardest to win!! Even if the ultimate goal was to just get more food on the fresh-kill pile.

//rolled a 9!

After a few moments, a glint catches their eye, and their paw shoots out into the water, snatching up a rather fat perch. They deftly dealt a killing blow, exhaling out a large breath. Pride shimmered in their eyes, and they started off their little pile right next to them as their gaze returned to the river.

// earned 4 points! total: 4

[penned by bnnuy].
Iciclefang could use the day off, and she can't pass up a chance to show off -- she's never been able to. The young warrior stalks confidently to the edge of the water, but she waits to dip her paws. Aspenhaze hooks a shimmering trout, a good size. Young Mosspaw's own trout is smaller, but nothing to scoff at.

It's Ripplesnap who causes Iciclefang's eyes to shimmer though -- the fish they hook is big. A perch. Fat, stuffed with all the tiny creatures they cannot see through the murky water.

"Good one," she meows coolly to the feline. But I have something to prove. She always does.

White-capped paws slip into the water at just the right moment, hooking a catfish. It arces into the air, graceful until its thud onto the bank. Iciclefang bops it swiftly, noting with some resentment that it's equivalent to Aspenhaze's catch and maybe even smaller than Ripplesnap's.

She won't be outdone that easily, though.

// rolled an 8, earned 4 points
---> total points: 4


Petalnose was not looking for a day off, though, the she-cat was highly competitive. So she easily snatched the chance at a contest, making herself at home near the edge of the bank with impatient paws kneading the ground below her. Finally, something lighthearted and distracting. Now she could focus her mind upon beating her clanmates and getting to know each other's skills at once.

The patched warrior furrowed her brows in a determined way towards the water, looking for shadows within. Something quickly came her way so she struck swiftly, not taking note at size due to her competitive nature.

//rolled a 3, single minnow - 1 point

She had caught it, though the small body that was scooped into her maw immediately disappointed her. She groaned to herself and rolled her eyes, bending down and allowing the little minnow to swim off and have a chance at growth. "Foxdung!" She spat, thrashing her tail in a frustrated manner. Though, she gave the others a congratulating nod.

She knew she could do better. Though, the rush of determination made her get ahead of herself. Oh well, she wasn't looking for a day off anyway. Boredom always got to the she-cat so she supposed losing wasn't too bad. Work would occupy her.
Mosspaw barely paid any mind to the warriors around her, even as they all made catches greater than her own. Though Petalnose's frustrated cry did make her ear flick. Her focus was entirely on her own hunt. She was not worried about her competitors, she simply wished to have a showing she could be proud of. Though winning would certainly guarantee that, it was not necessary for it.

In truth, even the prize offered did not even excite her. A day off of training would be a gift from the stars for many apprentices, but she wasn't sure what she would do with it. It was with a cat of her choice though, so perhaps she could use the reward to give one of her moms a day off. She did like that idea.

Eyes scanning the water, she let smaller shadows pass her by. A moment passed. Then she saw it, and she lunged once more.

// rolled a 6

Even swifter than the first time, Mosspaw found her jaws closing around another fish. Just like the first, she threw it down between her paws and finished it off quickly. It was just as big as her first. She was getting into a rhythm now and she felt satisfaction well up within her. Whether or not she won, holding her own among so many great warriors already made her feel accomplished.

// Earned 3 points this post. TOTAL: 6​
All of her attention was on her own gains, and she couldn't help but flick her ear as those around her gave praise or curses for their own bad luck. Heh, she was so certain she'd have this in the bag! The blue point gently tapped her tail against the grass, when she suddenly spotted movement in the water.

//rolled a 3

And... there! Shooting her paw out into the water, the warrior couldn't help the flicker of disappointment she felt in her stomach. A single minnow?? Really?? With a dejected flick of her paw, she quickly killed the fish and placed it atop of her previous catch. Gah, no, there was no need to despair! She would just have to make sure to get something even better on her next try, that's all!

Turning her attention to those around her now, the warrior squinted slightly as she gauged the competition. Oho! Grinning over at Iciclefang, she gave the young molly an approving look. "Nice nice!" While she wanted to compliment Mosspaw as well, it looked like she was getting pretty into it, and Ripplesnap didn't wanna throw her off her groove.

Wincing at Petalnose, she gave her a small smile. "Next one for sure!" She tried to give a small amount of encouragement to the other, a soft look in her eyes before she returned her attention back to the water.

Hm.. Ripplesnap was going to have to work even harder if she wanted to win this! That's fine by her though, she loved the challenge.

//earned 1 point. total: 5

[penned by bnnuy].
Most of the others were doing great as well, it seems. Only Petalnose and Ripplesnap's second attempt were close to fails so far, but they aren't inclined to acknowledge the blue point, attention only on the cat they actually liked. "You tried your best. I believe in you," they respond to her yelp honestly. Even so, they'd have to up their ante. Aspenhaze gets into position once more, flame fueled even further.

// rolled a 4!

Maybe their pride got the better of them, or some other reason like there being less fish now (which is what they would like to think, the reason couldn't possibly be them), but they aren't as successful this time. Their form is okay, but as their next prey is brought out of the river, it is only a black crappie, and one on the smaller side to boot.

They huff in annoyance, but quickly compose themself. It is not a minnow, at least, so it's not like they are making a fool of themself. At any rate, they would have to do better their next try. They place the crappie next to the trout, licking their paw before they have to get it wet again.

// OOC : Earned 2 points! 6 points total.

Gillsight isn't really looking for a day off, rather, something to do. Smokethroat's call for competition comes at a perfect time - the kill pile did need filling, and well, an extra set of paws to help in that task wouldn't do much harm, would it?

The young warrior pads over, bowing his head in acknowledgment of the others who have stepped up to the challenge. "G-Good luck," he says in return, before taking his place along the river. It isn't long before he spots movement within his water-blanketed hunting grounds, and he's quick to strike with a white paw. Gillsight scoops the fish out of the river's hold, and another swift strike delivers the killing blow.

It's by no means the biggest catch among his competition, but it isn't the smallest either. Merely average, but enough to make Gillsight want to seek out another catch, something bigger, hopefully.

// rolled a 5 (+3 points)
total points: 3​
She had little need for a day off, and yet the call of a competition intrigued her enough. She enjoyed spending time with her clanmates when she could, however, and the competition seemed like a content way to do so. "Good luck everyone." She purred softly, turning her smoky green eyes to the water. Fishing was always a skill she enjoyed learning and it made her feel useful.
With her gaze focused on the water below, she watched for movement in the water as she listened to the casual chatter of her clanmates. Seeing a glimmer of scales, she struck, hooking her claws and pulling out a rather average-sized fish, dropping it at her paws to kill it properly. Humming low to herself, she stared back at the water and considered. Could she catch another?

// rolled a 7!
total points; 3

[ fight fate or see it through ]
Iciclefang gives Ripplesnap a mildly surprised glance at their praise. She dips her head courteously to the older warrior, though her icechip eyes narrow at the sliver of silver they fish up next. "Next time," she echoes, and her attention flicks to Aspenhaze next. The gray-masked warrior has fished a smaller fish this time, but bigger than the minnow Ripplesnap has. "Not bad," she says in a low voice to them.

Her ivory paws slip back into the water at the glimpse of a shadow. Scales shine, vibrant, in the sun -- a rainbow trout, but not impressive by any means. Still, it could feed a hungry apprentice, and it's nothing to scoff at, at least. Iciclefang's impatience sweeps through her. She'd like to spend a day lazing about with Ashpaw...

// rolled a 5
--> earned 3 points. total is 7 points

Aspenhaze goes back into form, fully focused on catching their own fishes now. They’ll see how everyone else does later, they are fully engrossed into this little competition. Time to try again.

// Rolled a 2!

It doesn’t seem like luck is on their side anymore, as when they flash their paw back into the water, they stumble on their paws. Any fish they might have swiped up escapes their grasp. “Dammit,” the tortie point hisses in annoyance. They were getting more sloppy, this wouldn’t do. Their pride takes an obvious sting, but they decide that they will DEFINITELY catch the next one.

// OOC : Gained no points! 6 points total. Also I’m on mobile I’ll format this later lmao
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Great. Now she looked like an idiot infront of everyone, the first to get a pathetic catch. She gave Ripplesnap and Aspenhaze an embarrassed smile towards their encouragements, hiding her flustered blush from both of their words by switching her gaze back upon the river. Focus. Skill. That was all. The she-cat narrowed her eyes on the water, now taking attention of size and refusing to get ahead of herself again. She saw a bigger shadow come her way again and she struck.

//rolled a 5; 3 points added -> 4 points in total

This time, she had scored. Pride swelled her chest as a average sized fish wriggled in her jaws. She carefully set it down in the pile, giving the others more congratulating and encouraging gazes.

Mosspaw had caught an average fish, blown away and humbled that an apprentice had did as well as her. “Impressive.” She mewed, offering her a nod and forced smile. She was sure she’d grow to be a great fisher.

Ripplesnap had made the same mistake of hers, feeling the burn of embarrassment for faer "Happens to the best of us." She meowed, tipping her head to her spot in the river to motion she had just done the same.

Rosewater and Gillsight had caught an average fish such as her, though it seemed a tad larger. She hummed and swayed her body, if the other two happened to catch her gaze she'd give them a respectful and congratulating nod.

Petalnose caught note of Iciclefangs two catches, almost blown away she was more turned down at her next catch, "You're fishing is impressive." She calmed pointed out, eyes glittering with pride for her. She had grown to be a great warrior already.

She gazed upon Aspenhaze whom had stumbled, relating to the sting of pride and nearly feeling it herself. She winced, "Can't believe these things are so fast." She meowed, shaking her head to herself as she watched the shadows from afar.

Gillsight watches as his fellow competitors begin to make their next catches. Iciclefang catches a pretty-looking fish, colorful in nature, but not nearly as big as her first catch. Still a good catch though, he thinks. Petalnose catches something along the same size as Gillsight's own too. Aspenhaze seems to miss their catch, to which Gillsight gives a grimace to. Hopefully he doesn't do the same for his next catch.

As Gillsight looks back at the water, his gaze almost misses the shadow in his line of sight. A delayed realization, Gillsight scrambles forward, aiming to hook the fish with his paw in the way he'd done with his first. However, the fish is quick, just as Aspenhaze's. Or, that's what he'll tell himself, at least - as his paw hits the river. And only the river, with the fish escaping as water splashes upwards - a stream that washes over Gillsight. Now drenched, embarrassment rises at his poor attempt at a catch. He can only hope no one else noticed, and that no one else was splashed by his failed strike.

// rolled a 1 (+0 points)
total points: 3​
Aspenhaze chuckles at Petalnose's bashfulness from their compliment, and their expression lightens at her further conversing with them. "I know. They're built for the water after all, but it still surprises me sometimes just how quickly they can swim. What I would give to traverse in water like that." Maybe it would make this game, and just hunting in general, that much more smoother. Alas, they are a cat, and always will be. No matter, it's not like being able to breathe underwater would stop them from catching a meal. Back to it, speaking of.

// Rolled a 7!

They bide their time, eyeing the water meticulously for a better catch, or any catch at all. It feels like an eternity before they find a shadow they're comfortable enough with the size, and seize the moment, raking it back to shore. It's a brook trout, pretty close in size to the other trout they caught earlier, so their disappointment turns back to pride.

...Well, until Gillsight finds himself falling into the river. The stray water hits their pelt, and they're stunned for a few seconds. They don't get mad, and instead laugh after the shock wears off.
"You're lucky it actually feels nice on my pelt," they jest lightheartedly, licking the wet spot.

// OOC : Earned 3 points! 9 points total. Also RIFP LMAOOO
apprentices, and warriors too, he calls — and cicadastar has never been one to refuse that growl of a voice. the leader quirks a brow, drawing closer, lets his fur brush his mates once attention turns towards the glimmering waters. despite their luck in the season, he was correct. the pile was looking rather lackluster, a result of tragedy and power put elsewhere. the camp was being reconstructed, piece by agonizing piece, but they had only so many paws to spare. those who did not mill the borders today, however, warriors and apprentices alike are already reeling in catches of their own, and blue eyes glimmer his approval from aside smokethroat, ” seems it won’t be disappointing much longer, ja? “ the feline teases, a glimmer of something he’d felt rarely as of late flaring it’s contentment. he glances towards the lingering, intimidating tom, eyes gleaming before he aims a nudge at his shoulder, ” come — fish with me. “ purred, eager. the river leader lets his tail linger along his beloved’s flank as he moves away, round the dark feline in long, slow strides.

newleaf is singing its gifts of life, fish flitting in streaks of brilliant color close enough for hungry paws to grab. aspenhaze is collecting a small pile already, calling a cheer towards their disgruntled clanmates and it is enough to ghost an amused smile over the darkness of his maw. it feels tremulous, despite the way his teeth bare to prevent it from showing — was it allowed? was he allowed to enjoy the moment, to latch onto fleeting moments of joy like golden light? greedily, he takes it anyway : settling along the shoreline, paws tipping the rippling edge.

in moments, color flashes underneath and his limb flits out to strike. the fish is stunned, and he rakes it from the waters to lift to full, looming height. the man preens, a thick salmon writhing desperately in his parted jaws before teeth tighten, ending its life. his fur is damp and slicked to the hollow edges of sharp features, ringlets of mottled black - white dripping wildly to the pebbles underpaw, " no luck necessary, gillsight. " it’s said with a grin, slightly muffled around shimmering scales before he deposits the catch in the soft grass beside him. that is when aspenhaze reels yet another catch, impressively sized, and the leader laughs aloud — good natured, a fleeting glimpse of himself moons ago, ” besides, it seems aspenhaze has taken it all — “ a splash, and his head whips back around, eyes wide at the newly submerged, spluttering gillsight. if he weren’t already staring at the bicolored feline in bewilderment, perhaps he would turn, pretend not to witness the warrior pulling himself from the clear waters — but he catches himself a beat too late, blinking rapid before thinking to finally, finally avert his eyes.

taken all the luck, indeed.

  • i. rolled a nine! four points.
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 43 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"
  • Haha
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