no angst MAN ON THE MOON [ group training ]

( ) a soft yawn stretches the jaws of the muscular feline as they pad softly along a riverside trail. surrounding them, a small patrol of mentors and apprentices follow, chatting amongst themselves. willowroot's gaze flicks to her side, where her own apprentice pads. a soft nudge is sent midnightpaw's way, and the smoke will cast her a smile should she look their way. "ready to be done with these?" they ask teasingly, eyes sparkling with the knowledge that their apprentice will soon graduate. how lucky they are to have guided so many young lives. trees of willowroot's namesake sweep gently side to side as a soft breeze flows through the territory. to their right, the river flows with a comforting sound, riffles sparkling in the sunlight. it's a lovely day for this, and the smoke feline is in a good mood as evidenced by the way her tail flows over her back.

humming softly to herself, she leads the group into the shaded peace of the beach copse. the sandy ground bares scuff marks and turned earth from previous training activities, clawmarks etched into stones and stumps that line the open clearing. a squirrel chitters from a nearby tree and bright eyes find its form, narrowing in hunger. halting in the middle, willowroot allows the sun to warm her back for a moment, breathing in the fresh air and feeling it fill her with a sense of vigor. "alright!" she chirps, gaze flicking from young face to young face. "today i thought we could start out with a refresher on land hunting." she knows groans and low hisses will echo from the gathered apprentices, and should it happen, her whiskers will twitch with amusement. "don't worry, it won't take up our whole day. this is just something we all need to know come leafbare. be lucky i'm not making you climb trees to catch birds." if lichenstar were leading this, there's no doubt in willowroot's mind that she'd make them try.

"now, because we've got some newcomers and some more experienced apprentices, i'm going to have you all pair up. if there's not enough pairs, hawkcloud and driftwood can step in too," her eyes slide to her former apprentice and the other young warrior, nodding. "we'll have a little competition in a minute, but first, can anyone show me the correct crouch form for hunting on land?" she thrives when teaching. this is her element, interacting with those younger than her and guiding them to be the best they can be. it's why she's been trusted with so many lives to shape, and she takes the responsibility extremely seriously.

  • // group training assigned with @Hawkcloud and @Driftwood (w/ apprentices @MIDNIGHTPAW, @Frecklepaw., @SHOALPAW., @CLOUDPAW, + @Magpiepaω) but any other mentor/apprentice pairs are free to join! "#91A26C"
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    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smoky long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, cut through with dark ghost stripes. friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape, and her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.

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જ➶ Being able to keep up her training keeps her body sharp and her mind always buzzing with ways to improve. Even now as she follows alongside her mentor and chuckles at her words and gentle bump she feels a small measure of sadness. Easily defined and she sighs quietly as she lifts her eyes up to Willowroot. "Honestly, I think I'm going to miss it. Even if I worked so hard to get there. It's been great having you as my mentor." Despite her own shortcomings she still doesn't regret the things she has said or done. Honestly she will not baby others or cater to their emotions. The clan has to thrive and everyone has to press on. Its what she had to do afterall an special treatment is something she will not give. Her tail shifts back and forth as she glances to the group that is with them. A group training session and her best friend Magpiepaw is one of them. She smiles to them them then and focuses on what her mentor has to say as she settles down.

Land hunting. Oh, it's one of her favorites at times. Though most times because of her own impatience it can be quite annoying. But true with leafbare coming they so need to get better with hunting voles and mice and even some birds. Shuffling her paws a little she looks at the other apprentices that she might have to work with before she sighs roughly. Hardly a challenge. She liked to make a competiton out of it but maybe later on. "I can show it." She easily speaks up before standing and then crouching. Her tail hangs low but not touching the ground and her bodyweight is spread out equally, belly fur barely touching the ground and ears pulled back just slightly.
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〕Training was something they craved, their paws itched and danced for more. They wanted to be the best of the best and nothing was going to stop them, but alas their own shortcomings would be their own downfall really. Magpiepaw followed the group through the reeds and trailed behind their own mentor, Hawkcloud, and flicked their ears back slightly. It was rearing to do so much more but their gaze kept flicking to their sibling, Frecklepaw to assure they were okay.

Midnightpaw follows Willowroot up ahead as the smokey warrior chirps, announcing they were to try to do some land hunting and it couldnt help the inward groan. It hated hunting on land. They were never good at it, it was like it was incapable of keeping still enough or moving quietly enough to do much of anything on land. They liked the water as it was easy, fluid and like a second nature to them. Alas, they had to improve if they wanted to make sure they could provide for the clan no matter what.

The black and white cat twitched their whiskers slightly as Willowroot spoke about pairing them up for competition later. Magpiepaw perked up at this notion and looked to Midnightpaw quickly at this, catching the other apprentice’s smile. They’d love to go up against the other apprentice- they were due for a rematch anyway!

Still, the young apprentice watched as Midnightpaw wasnt shy in being the first one to speak up about doing the crouch for land hunting. They surpass a slight eye roll as she crouched to the ground, and their tail flicked behind them as they waited for Willowroot to speak up on the praise for Midngihtpaws’ crouch. They could do it- they just didnt want to right then!

  • ooc.” “
  • Magpiepaw —— Apprentice of Riverclan , mentored by Hawkcloud . NPC x NPC . littermate to Gladefrost and Frecklepaw ✦ penned by wolfie
    AFAB Agender Masculine / they/it/ze / 10 months & ages every 23ʳᵈ
    single / Demisexual Homoromantic(femme leaning) & polyamorous / open to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
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    a longhaired black and white cat with blue eyes. write a short description detailing appearance including necessary information.
Hawkcloud trails along cheerfully beside the rest of the group, the spring in her eager pawsteps making the bright she-cat a stark contrast from her somber apprentice. The pair even look as different as night and day — Hawkcloud’s ginger-patched fur gleaming in the light like a rich sunset, Magpiepaw’s midnight-and-white pelt like snow beneath a winter evening. The warrior hopes, little by little, to break her apprentice out of their quiet shell where they can enjoy training together as a remarkable duo, maybe even become friends. However, each of Magpiepaw’s frowns, grits of their teeth and lashes of their tail — paired with the fury she witnessed on their face when she was named their new mentor — remind Hawkcloud that the journey getting there may be tougher than she anticipated.

She comes to stand beside Willowroot when the group reaches the sunlit beach copse, eager to train alongside other mentors for the first time. With Willowroot’s greater experience and her apprentice’s friend Midnightpaw being present, Hawkcloud’s optimism for the ordeal for Magpiepaw grows. She watches as the other apprentice attempts the hunting crouch, turning her attention then to Magpiepaw — who merely watches, too. ”Go on, Magpiepaw!” Hawkcloud chimes in encouragingly. ”You do it, too!” Sure, the crouching form is overall quite simple — but there’s nothing wrong with extra practice. Plus, Willowroot had mentioned a competition, and Hawkcloud wants Magpiepaw to win.​
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