When one exhaustion - bruised celadon eye cracks open today, there's instantly the sense that, yes, something is different. The hazy fog of drowsiness clears as if slashed by a great spread - clawed paw, and the tabby lays in her nest, ears twitching nervously, and takes inventory. There is no immediate familiarity of a sudden pain, or the feeling of warm blood clotting the well - worn moss of her nest, including the faded scrap that still, ever so faintly, breathes of elderberries like the last dregs of dawn mist burning off in the greenleaf heat. The den is as it always is—fragrant of pine and moss, the first glows of sunrise just beginning to creep into the entrance and reach gentle paws over the many sleeping bodies.

It's when she moves that she finally figures out what the off feeling is—in the form of an abrupt searing of fire down her shoulders as she pulls herself upright, eliciting a muffled hiss from the tabby warrior. It's a deep - seated ache, the type she would normally luxuriate in as the sign of a day's hard work, but multiplied by a hundred. It's practically a slap in the face that it would almost be a good thing if not for the sudden intensity, the brutalizing newness of the pain; the kind of screaming burn she hasn't felt since perhaps her first days as a warrior—nearly a full turn of the seasons ago—and even then it hadn't been quite this bad.

" Ow, " she grouses like a grumpy elder as she manages to navigate around sleeping bodies and hobble out into camp, each step sending a fresh brand of flame through long - unused muscles. It's a vicious reminder of how long she'd been in the nursery, how many moons had been spent near - sedentary in her nest; the vengeance of a week of work catching up to her with inferno - licked claws. Stars above, she'd forgotten the cruel speed with which the body could weaken, and she's not quite stupid enough to ignore that working through the brittle nature of her motions for the last quarter - moon had perhaps not been the best idea. The acknowledgement doesn't make it hurt any less, though—if anything, the pain ripping down the overwound muscle of her back is worsened by her heightened awareness that she's not quite in the shape she was before ( and that it's mostly her own fault ).

" Ow, ow, ow, ow . . . " the warrior repeats half - breathlessly as one paw attempts to press into her shoulder and ease the ache. Mistake. " Ow—! "

// Nothing serious, just run - of - the - mill muscle soreness from overworking & trying to go back to full capacity after six - plus months of being sedentary, LOL.

" speech "

〕Sleeping in a new den was something to get used to, to say the least. Lionpaw appreciated the spaciousness of the apprentices' den, as the nursery had been growing rather cramped toward the end of his residency, but he missed the comforting warmth and scent of his mother. He missed seeing her face first thing in the morning.

Crowsight was wasting no time with commencing Lionpaw's training, so much so that he seldom had the chance to converse with Bobbie. This morning presented an opportunity, as Lionpaw caught a glimpse of the molly slipping out into camp—well, stumbling out, more like. "Good mornin', Mama-" The chocolate torbie point purred with a gentle smile, tail waving as he approached Bobbie though he quickly realized her wincing and cursing in pain. "Are you alright? Are y'hurt?" He purses his lips, rounded blue eyes glistening with an inking of nervousness as he tempts himself to glance in the direction of the medicine den. If Bobbie was hurting in any way, surely Fireflyglow would know what to do. His big brother always had a solution. If Bobbie had anything wrong then she should take care of it sooner or later, right? She had to stay healthy so that she could watch him do apprentice things! Lionpaw wasn't sure if he'd be able to do his best if his mother wasn't standing by him through every moment.

  • ooc.
  • LIONPAW —— apprentice of skyclan , mentored by crowsight ✦ penned by beatles
    trans male / he/they pronouns / 6 moons & ages every 9th
    single / bisexual & monogamous
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— easy combat difficulty / won't start fights, won't kill

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 78922242_RoBq9inRj8ibOv1.png

    a longhaired chocolate torbie point with blue eyes. a silky, cream-colored pelt is adorned with chocolate points. his points are splashed with ginger spots. tabby patterns also stripe around their dark limbs and face.

The sound of Bobbie complaining like an elder at the start of the morning wasn't something that Owlheart had expected. She stirred awake at the sound and untucked herself from her nest to follow her out, trying her best to delicately weave through the other nests. Lionpaw's concern was sweet to see, he deemed like a really sweet kid. With a stretch and a small yawn she walked towards the mother and child, nodding her head in greeting at the two of them. "Morning- are you okay Bobbie?" She tiled her head as she stared at the older warrior, echoing Lionpaw's sentiments.

"Do need to go see Fireflyglow or Dawnglare?" She had no first hand experience with the unique struggle of going from being nursery bound to pushing herself as if she had never stepped away from warrior duties to raise children. Because of that she didn't know what to do if it was anything beyond upsetting the muscles in her body, being able to identify that was of better use for a medicine cat. With a thoughtful hum the tabby tried to consider what should be the course of action from here.

Bobbie didn't seem like she would ignore seeking urgent care if it was anything- well- urgent. It could just be that she didn't actually know her at all, which was a very sound possibility considering how she could probably count on her paw the amount of times she had spoken with her before her second group of kits became apprentices. Speaking of which, concerned eyes flickered down towards Lionpaw, the poor apprentice seemed a lot more concerned about this then either of the warriors were right this second. "How about Lionpaw and I walk with you to the medicine den? If you feel better from whatever's causing you problems before we reach there then you don't have to actually see them?" The suggestion was gentle, used to compromise a solution that both Bobbie and Lionpaw may agree with,

There wasn't any conflict so far but she thought it would be better to suggest it early. More than happy to prematurely attempt to play mediator before a potential injury flared up, she didn't want to see the apprentice upset either so maybe this would ease any concerns or anxiety over the situation.

drowsynose probably should have been on some patrol somewhere, he thinks. but he's not. the sheep are entirely too tired and drowsynose, true to his name, is too. he lays his head down, tail swishing back and forth and back again as he tries to find his rhythm so thst he may fall asleep. it doesn't even take thst long for him to fall asleep and for the most part it seems dreamless... until the sound of his mother saying ow seeps into his semi conscious body. he is listening to her say ow but what he can see is a bloodied form, calling out for help and he is jerked awake. he looks around frantically only to find his mother okay... relatively speaking.

she's fine. she's fine. one... two... three...

deep breaths, in and out. his anxieties and fears had always seemed to get the best of him. he was down right paranoid that anytime he closed his eyes something bad would happen. this did not help. shaking his pelt out he made his way to his mother, offering a dip in head to greet owlheart and a few licks behind lionpaw's ears to greet his little brother. he then turns his attention to his mama, eyes soft and worried all the same.

"hey, mama. maybe, uhm, m-maybe owlheart is right. b-but only if you r-really want to."

she's his mom. he can't force her to do anything, even if he really just wanted to make sure she was okay. in a sense, right now, he wanted to even make sure she was still alive. something in his brain told him otherwise, and he doesn't know why. shaking his head slightly he presses a lick to his mama's cheek. conformation enough. she's definitely here. and she seems okay.... not bleeding at least.
The black smoke ever the early bird left his shared nest in order to get some fresh air before toiling away. Lionpaw was supposed to rest for the day, do whatever he liked. When he returned to the warrior's den, he was not prepared for a commotion. Despite the fact he shares the warrior's den with his mother, he scarcely spoke to her. He was far too devoted to his partners and now with an apprentice, he seldom had any time for her (not that he would've spoken to her without prompting).

Considering there is little to add, as his brother's voice their concern as well as Owlheart he decides to remain on the silent side. Crowsight merely makes his way to Owlheart, nuzzling her cheek and wrapping his tail around her own. If anyone expected him to be cruel and devoid his partner from helping Bobbie, they would be incorrect. If Oddgleam and Owlheart wanted to know his blood family and befriend them, he was fine with it. The only time he would out a stop to it would be if anyone dared to hurt them.

You've all said she should go see Firefly, but not the other way around. "How about bringing Firefly here? I'm sure he wouldn't mind." With Dawnglare back, Fireflyglow had more breathing room. It wouldn't be too pushy of him to bring his older brother, right?