private MANY SURPRISES WILL FIND YOU [ ✦ ] howlingstar

Burnstorm has had two apprentices now. First Falconheart and now Badgerpaw, and while he is honored that he has been chosen for mentorship not just once but twice now he has to admit that he is tired of having to pick up where another cat had left off when it came to training. His dream is to train a kit from the ground up, mold them into the perfect image of what he believes a ThunderClannner should be. Teach them strength and honor and pride. And who better to do this with then one of his own kits? The decision is not up to him, though, he knows and so he sets his sights on the leaders den, on the place where his grandmother resides within.

"Howlingstar?" he calls, trying to peer past the lichen curtain and failing. Hopefully, she was even here and not out on a patrol or attending to some other leaderly duty. "It's me, Burnstorm. Can I come in?". Supposing she answers and the response is affirmative, he would push his way past the curtain and into the den, blinking as his eyes adjust to the sudden lack of light. "I'm sorry for bothering you right now, but.. there's something I would like to ask of you, if its not too presumptious of me to do so, of course" surely, Roeflame had already told her the news, right?


  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
When she hears her grandson's voice, she pricks her ears and turns her head from where she had been licking at a stubborn knot in her tail. Though she still grieves, a smile easily comes to her maw when it comes to Burnstorm. "Of course, come in," She trills to him, getting to her paws to meet him closer to the entrance. She moves to greet him with a loving bump of her skull to his, ears dipped back. His voice sounds eager, so she knows not to worry when he brings up his question. Instead, curiosity lights up her gaze and she tilts her head a bit. "It's never a bother, Burnstorm. You can always visit your grandmother," She mews with a good-natured chuckle. "But what is it?" She mulls through the options in her head, completely unaware of what the true nature of his inquiry is.

The sound of his grandmothers voice fills the air with a warmth he only knows in the presence of kin, the kind of feeling that reminds him how much this clan was home to him. As long as his family is here, they could weather any storm. Together. She beckons him in and gratefully, he enters, loweing his head so that she could reach it easier when she goes to press her own against his.

'it's never a bother' she says, and he believes her. His grandmother has never once turned him away in his life. She had always been a guiding figure in his life, someone to turn to when he needed advice, when he needed help. Anything. "Well" he starts "As you know, I've had two apprentices now. Falconheart has graduated into a fine warrior and Badgerpaw is due to graduate soon" He had no complaints when it came to being a mentor to those whose mentors could not continue their training, afterall he had been in a similar situation to them in his own apprenticeship. "So I was wondering if my next apprentice could be one of my kits. When they're ready of course." Hopefully it is not too presumptuous of him to ask such a thing, but it is something he wants pretty greatly. To train one of his future children himself would be a blessing like no other in his mind.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
Howlingstar nods along at first, listening to him with pricked ears. It's true, he's been given two apprentices that were already well into their apprenticeship. In her opinion, they've helped to ease the young lead warrior into teaching. They both already had foundations in their knowledge and skills, after all. Badgerpaw is coming along nicely in her own training and is on track to earn her name on time. All things considered, her grandson has succeeded as a mentor thus far. So perhaps she wouldn't argue if he were to request one specifically. It's just that...she didn't expect this.

Her eyes stretch wide for a moment, whiskers taut in surprise. She nearly chokes on a gulp of air as she splutters, "Y-your kits?" Stunned, she stares at him expectantly, waiting for some more explanation. Tentatively, she even adds on, "Do you the future? When you have kits?" She's utterly confused.
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Her expression, the shock that seems to knock the wind out of her, is not what he had been expecting. He had expected easy agreement. An "Oh of course!" spilled from her jaws. He shuffle's his paws, suddenly feeling nervous "Oh.. Roeflame didn't tell you?" he asks, a small, light, chuckle escaping his jaws. Oops. He hopes his mate doesn't hold it against him for spilling the secret before she could but in his excitement he had not thought to ask first.

"It should be in about a moon so.. the near future yes" his golden eyes shine in excitement and his big fluffy tail waves in the air. Soon, their would be little paws running about the nursery, kits that looked like mirror images of him, of Roeflame, dashing through the camp, batting moss balls about and crying out with shrill kitten voices. He can see them so clearly, it makes his heart ache for the eventuality. "I'm going to be a dad" he adds quietly, emotion threatening to overtake him and make him cry right here in his grandmothers den.


  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
"Roeflame didn't tell me what?" She pushes, head tilting even further. She swears, sometimes her grandson has absolute feathers for brains! She wants to cuff him over the ear and tell him 'out with it!' And he continues, saying it should be in about a moon...

That confirms it. Roeflame is pregnant, with Burnstorm's kits. The realization hits her like a bolt of lightning. Her eyes flash wide, excitement brimming in their depths. "She's going to have kits?" She breathes eagerly, ears pressing forward with sudden interest. She stands now, too excited to remain sitting. Kits! Great grandchildren running around her paws, more kin to tell stories to. Her family continues to grow and she couldn't be happier! "Congratulations," She purrs happily, moving to touch her nose to his cheek. "And- of course! Of course you can mentor one."
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