maple is sweeter than honey | o; reintro


Feeling like I caught a wave with ya
Nov 10, 2023
A golden hued pelt, once clean and well-kept, was messy and tangled with leaves and branches. Mud caked her paws, she seems rather tired and worn out. She felt...alone. The apprentice had been absent for some time from ThunderClan and her duties to the clan. She rose from her nest in the apprentice's den, stretching her limbs. The thinning apprentice padded forward, mindless and dazed. She seemed distracted as of late, her mind cluttered and fogged. Maplepaw let out a sigh and plopped herself down fight in front of the entrance of the apprentice den. She began to preen herself, her rosy pink tongue rasping over the tangled mess. She felt lost in her own home, but the dens were a comfort to her.

The fawn caramel feline, as she groomed her fur, looked up at the other cats. Strangers, most of them. To most of them, she was just a face in the crowd. Something to be forgotten. Maplepaw seemed to be looking for one cat in particular, but she knew very little - only that they were intriguing to her. The apprentice kept trying to get herself presentable while looking around in the crowd. Her vibrant eyes glazed over, seeming duller than normal. Where would she even begin to get realigned with the clan? She remained where she was as if like a statue watching over the apprentice den.
. ° ✦ Ever since the new addition of the warrior code had been added, the connection between him and his older denmates had become strained. The chocolate rosette had been quick to blame it on the leaders causing this tension, that he couldn't have possibly done anything to deserve being avoided other than the awkward fact he could not do the same things for another moon. But ever since he and Foxpaw had pulled their Clanmates together in attempt to prove the leaders wrong he couldn't help but feel it had only made things worse.

Maplepaw wasn't an apprentice he knew very well, which should come at a surprise considering how much the boy shoved himself into a friendship with anyone he's met thus far. She was quiet, even more than Fallowpaw was, blending into the shadows like ink. Today the tabby had caught his attention if only because he was directly crossing her path as she groomed her fur alone.

"Would you like me to help you?" Bravepaw offered kindly with a big smile on his maw. "Sometimes I still need help with my coat, too. Maybe we can help each other!"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.