twolegplace marble soda ✸ intro

Fizzy Soda

May 3, 2023

He couldn't jump the fence, it was much too high for his short legs, but there was a post at the bottom that was not secure and with a hard enough push he could squeeze his way out through the gap. He had discovered it a few months ago, his two-legs often were gone during the day and in his endless boredom he realized they left the basement window unlatched. The window itself faced the inside of the yard and he was not so miserable at jumping he couldn't get to the shelf next to it so in no time he was free. The yard quickly lost his interested after a few weeks, rolling in the grass and clawing the wicker chairs on the patio weren't entertaining enough to hold him for long. Then he found the fence spot.
The window closed on its own, swinging both ways to let him in and out but the fence long as he remembered to wedge a piece of the broken concrete there, he could wiggle his way back in. His plan today was to take a walk around the corner to the clinic, nose around to see if the other cat who lived there was around but if not he'd keep walking to the empty car lot nearby to sunbath on the nice warm pavement.
Fizzy's stubby legs set to work, his pale dipped paws tapping along as he waddled down the beaten path to his destination; curled ears bouncing and bell jingling.
( 💜 ) A ear would flick as the jingling of a bell stirred the cream and blue tabby awake. She had been resting atop a fence post when the twinkling sound interrupted her and she lifted her head from her paws to spot a rather... unusual-looking cat.

At first, she thought it was a kitten waddling his way toward her direction, and while they did still appear younger than herself, she noted that it was the shortness of his legs that made him appear that way. Lavender would tilt her head in curiosity and as they walked beneath her post she would call down to him, "Where are you off to making all that noise?"

Lavender spoke with a smile on her maw, a sign that she only meant her question in curiosity and light teasing. Gale had said the cats with the things around their necks were called 'kitty-pets', and while she had shuddered at the idea of a twoleg handling her or even being close to her, she found them fascinating nonetheless. "What's your name, kit?"