marble soda // rta, snow angels

May 22, 2023

eggpaw & 09 moons & male & he/him & skyclan apprentice

Snow is such a strange thing. The first time eggpaw had seen the glittering white flakes, he'd thought himself to be dreaming - surely, the stars couldn't possibly be falling from the heavens, right? But it hadn't taken long for one of his more experienced clanmates to explain the scenario as simply being part of the leafbare weather - with no shortage of amusement at the boys awe of course. Now, he hardly bats an eye at the snowfall - at least, not as it falls. The piles it leaves on the ground however - now that's another story entirely.

This morning, when the boy awakes to the fine layer of dust, he can't help but to feel playful. It's cold, and he's cold, and what better way to warm up than to run and mess about? Long legs carry eggshell figure forwards, blue eyes taking in his surroundings for only a moment. The soft crunch of frost underpaw is pleasant to his ears, and he looks at perfectly preserved pawsteps with a look of wonder - getting an idea. And then he flops right on over, rolling neatly until he's back on his paws, peering down at the strange shape he's left behind. It's almost a cat shape - sort of. Well, to him at least.

" Hey! Look what I made - doesn't it look just like me? " he chirps out to the nearest clanmate, wide eyes staring unblinkingly in his utter seriousness.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

( I ' M G O N N A B E T HE O N E Y O U U N W R A P )

*+:。.。 Orchidpaw is very much not a fan of the cold weather. It makes sneaking away from training more difficult, sleeping in frosted trees more uncomfortable, and worse than anything the snow keeps clumping up his fur! "Oh yes, the resemblance is quite striking" Orchidpaw would glower, shaking icicles from their paw with every step, "You both even have that hollowed-out look about you" Eventually giving up on keeping his paws dry, Orchidpaw would drop dramatically on his rump and lean heavily on his brother, letting out a loud whine of despair. Oh woe is him! "How can you possibly throw yourself at the snow like that? Doesn't your fur get matted with the ice? Starclan I could just DIE!" he's practically weeping, leaning almost entirely on his sibling as if the cruelties of the universe make standing unbearable!
Peeking at the indent his brother made though, it was quite impressive. Not so much the clumsy formation of what could sorta be a cat-shaped hole in the frost, but more Eggpaw's enthusiasm despite the bitterness of this awful season. Orchidpaw was glad to see him out and about again. Maybe he could convince Eggpaw to let Orchidpaw ride on his shoulders while he surfed the snow, keep his fur dry while Eggpaw had his merry way making his little cat-snow-holes. Ehe, if only.

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Son of Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw
    Skyclan — Apprentice

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently
Her brothers are three puffs of autumn dandelion, all rolling over the hills and careening into the sky together, buoyed by the collective lack of thought in their heads. Cherrypaw traipses over, internally aligning with Orchidpaw on one thing: she was tired of snow. Bits of it keep clinging to her elbows and ankles, gathering into lumps bigger than her paw if she didn't comb them out as she noticed. "No," she snorts, at the same time as Orchidpaw's "yes!"

Her brother's comment coaxes a derisive laugh from her though, and she leans in to examine Eggpaw's hollowed-out shadow more thoroughly. Then, at their littermate's continued dramatics, Eggpaw. "You guys are gonna get the bottom of your tail caked up in the stuff if you keep it up," she remarks, blinking unimpressedly down at Orchidpaw. Ashenclaw had done them no favors giving them all his thick pelt; Drizzlepelt and Figfeather seemed to be doing just fine for shorter-haired cats. "And I'm not helping you get it out," she sniffs. With that, she begins the Sisyphean task of brushing the snow off her heels again.​

The way the snow drenches his fluffy pelt, tugs his paws downwards, inspires a jerkiness to Softheart. He lifts his paws delicately, keeping it in contact with the floor as little as possible. Sharing in an appreciation for his own appearance requiring it to be free of any obstruction to it's potential, he approaches. It takes him a moment to register Orchidpaw's complaints, voicing the shared sentiment. "I wouldn't like it in my fur." The well cared for fluff he is burdened with is just about the only aspect of which he is not chill about. His otherwise unnoticeable heart speeds up at the thought of anything clinging to him. Despite this, it doesn't take him long to forget the worry. Cherrypaw's haughty departure furrowing his face.

Softheart keeps his paws close to each other, as if it will prevent any dirtying of his coat. His persistent laxness occasionally causes issues, so the panic stirred is unpleasant. An intense blue gaze drifts and is redirected towards the print in the white snow. "Cool though..." He blinks. "I bet you can make it look different..." His attention is briefly lost, a fleeting thing, before making another appearance. "If you moved in it."
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
Why would you want to move? He wanted to comment, staring at Eggpaw, plumed tail curling around himself, last act of finding some warmth in this weather. He outright refused to shuffle any closer than he already was, peering at the strange faceless blob that looked nothing like Eggpaw. No, it doesn’t. He breathed, shaking his helm.

“What’s the point?” He muttered, ears angled inquisitively, brows lowering, crinkling against the marred flesh of his face. His gaze slithered to Cherrypaw. “It’s just snow.” He muttered, barely audible, paper-thin.
thought speech

eggpaw & 09 moons & male & he/him & skyclan apprentice

The fact 'chid is taunting him goes completely over the boys head - grey blue eyes losing focus as he stares at the strange shape left behind. Pelt shaes - slinging snow loose and (hopefully) in his brothers direction. " That's what's fun, " is his only answer - layers upon layers of fur within his thick winter coat keep the worst of it at bay, only his poor ears and paws and nose suffering for it - and despite his siblings complaints, he finds the stickiness of the powder only helps with the insulation. Of course, he doesn't think to say that - instead sending beaming grin his sisters way " Aww - but i'd help you , " he would - even with if she'd follow through with her threat.

Softheart joins the conversation, and the cream furred tom is on his paws immediately - eyes wide. " Really? If I... move around? " he echoes. It only takes a moment for mind to be made up - and the process repeats itself. This time pale furred figure drags itself through the snow, wriggling and flailing about - until a curved line has taken shape, and spine is blanketed in white. " Oh - hey, it really is different, "

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

( I ' M G O N N A B E T HE O N E Y O U U N W R A P )

Cherrypaw cracks a small smile at Eggpaw's insistence. "Like I'd need it." Softheart's voice falls softly against the thin veil of siblinghood erected by the three. Eyes like chips of sunlit ice measure him briefly, curiously noting the pelt in a state fine enough to rival her own. He had joined while she had been in the mountains. As a result of that and the nature of being a warrior that was neither kin nor mentor, she hardly knows what to do with him.

Littlepaw is only a little more predictable. All she knows is that, while alike in sullenness and capriciousness, he and Crowpaw loathe each other. And only she is allowed to scoff at her brother. "I heard Silversmoke stepped on you the other day doing the same thing," she remarks with a flick of her tail.

Eggpaw leaps at Softheart's suggestion, and she tilts her head at the former kittypet in silent question when it seems to work. Work is defined by her brother's standards, though. "It looks even less like you," she clucks, amusement slithering back through her muzzle. "Are you trying to get him covered in snow? I have to sleep in the same den as him, you know," she jokes to Softheart.​