Walking to horseplace has never felt quite as miserable as it does now. He follows Morningsong from a few short paces away, never speeding up quite enough to take to his brother's side. They haven't stood like that for moons. Now, with WindClan blood haunting his mouth and Snakehiss' words spinning between his ears, is not the time to try again. Would they even take him back? Had Heavy Snow believed him as he lashed out to whisper? Had he shared the news with those that he followed? Or was he a traitor twice over, to Sootstar and Sunstride both? His paws twitch to flee, and there's something awful about that. About proving them right, about– about legacy, and his inability to escape from it.

A few steps away from the barn, Sparkspirit stops walking. The dual crunch of the littermates' paws across freshly fallen snow dims to just the set, and he's sure that his brother will pick up on it quickly. Still he calls out, timidly, "Morningsong?" His gaze flickers to the imposing shape before them. Then to the tracks that they have led right to this very place. WindClan would come soon. A fight would come quickly after. They weren't faceless rogues, or cats from across the border. He knows each of them intimately, from how they woke up on a dreary morning to their least favorite route to patrol. Afraid to die defending WindClan. He might lose the meager meal he had managed to scarf down.

"What if he was right?" he finally asks, voice cracking like thin ice. It's an easier question than what if they hate me too?

  • OOC. please wait for @Morningsong~ !! this takes place the first night of the rebels' barn vacation.
    ——  a trim mock tortoiseshell tom with mostly black fur splashed with the occasional patch orange. he has a singular white mark on the back of his neck shaped similarly to a lightning strike, and a small scar across the bridge of his nose. his eyes are a shocking electric blue.
  • "speech"
Walking to to horseplace on hurried paws was the most stressful, paranoia inducing trek he has ever gone through. He fully expected Snakehiss to send Windclan after them, and when he did not hear the bloodthirsty cries akin to the baying of hounds, he was surprised. He dared not speak too soon, so he kept his wits about him. His ears swiveled in every direction, his eyes glanced around at every movement. Should anyone attack him here, he'd likely kill them and leave them to rot, just as they did Lilacstem.

He wants to trust his brother. But he cannot find it in himself to do so. He was Weaselclaw's star student, his to mold into the perfect little soldier while distancing him from his family. Morningsong pretended it never bothered him, but the seed of hurt masquerading as resentment had taken root in his heart and even now with just the two of them, Morningsong wonders if it's all just a ploy to kill him, to bring his body back to Sootstar to prove his loyalty to a madwoman who could care less about him.

He pauses and turns to Sparkspirit as he calls his name so timidly. He blinks at the question asked after the pause.

"Snakehiss is a rotten, slimy little rat with a bark worse than his bite. He's wrong, Sparkspirit. I will make sure of it. I will do our family justice. Sunstride will prevail." He says, the dull look in his eyes briefly replaced with the burning fire of vengeance.

"But first we need to find everyone...Did you see if Larkfeather made it out?" He asks hesitantly, then looks to the barn door. He takes a breath, unsure of what to expect once he peers inside. What kind of scene is it in there? How many injured, has anyone died from their wounds? Who else didn't make it?​
Pinkpaw is soooo bored. She's so bored, she thinks she kinda imagined the wobbly shapes that are sorta kinda familiar, crunching through the snow. She sleepy enough... and bored enough. Being sleepy and bored, what was the point in staying up at all? Well, while the warriors talked about important warrior stuff, Pinkpaw kinda wanted to do important things too, like, um... stand guard and stuff. She'd be the fiercest guard ever, sleepy or not.

The wobbly shapes are real. Real cats, and Pinkpaw is on her paws right away. ( Well, maybe not right away right away, but it's right away enough ) And then she realizes that these are wobbly cats she knows!

" Sparkspirit! Morningsong! " Pinkpaw squeals, running to meet them right away right away this time. " Is Larkfeather with you? What about Lilacstem? Did you know I have a secret sister? " she asks them with wide - eyes, tail sticking straight in the air. " She's here! And, um, there are other stranger cats too! "

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with yellow eyes, ringed blue around her pupils (sectoral heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​
  • Love
Reactions: sparkspirit

Inside the barn, Rattleheart had finally allowed himself a chance to relax and rest, chin on his paws and eyes nearly fully shut as the hours crawled on by. His side was still aching, and yet as soon as a new Windclanner scent reached his nose, he was on his paws. His heart was beating wildly in his chest, beating against his ribcage like it was trying to escape and race away from whatever raiding force his now former home had sent. Yet, when he followed - almost frantically - after Pinkpaw, he was surprised by the lack of a vicious crowd outside meant to face them. Instead it was just Sparkspirit and Morningsong, featuring at least one cat the tunneler hadn't been expecting to see at all. Morningsong leaving Sootstar's twisted regime wasn't much of a surprise, but Sparkspirit? That was more of a shock, the younger feline's full feelings and motivations always sort of a mystery.

Though neither of them seemed to be presenting a threat to the cats gathered in the barn, Rattleheart still couldn't help the anxious expression on his face as he grew closer. His long tail flicked lightly over Pinkpaw's back, a silent and protective motion. Though he was sure it wouldn't be long until the kit's parents came rushing out after her as well - considering her penchant for trouble. "Sparkspirit. Morningsong. It's good to see you both, and not worse for wear..." He gave the both of them a quick lookover, searching for any wounds that Sootstar and her loyalists may have left them with. Nothing, though he supposed if they were arriving later... they must have snuck out? "The barn cats have... welcomed us in, for now. At least until we get our home back." There was a new sense of certainty in his voice that had always been absent before - they were going to get their home back. Sootstar wouldn't be winning this fight.

The mention of Larkfeather from Pinkpaw did cause his ears to flick back though, an uneasy expression flashing across his face. He glanced from her back to the barn, wondering if Sparkspirit and Morningsong knew what had happened. Had they seen the horrific events that had sent Moorblossom racing along after the rest of them, or were they just as in the dark as the apprentice?
  • Love
Reactions: PINKSHINE

A commotion had Featherpaw's attention readily captured. A pair of cats, warriors who he recognised from listening to conversations, from crouching in the shadows. Sparkspirit and Morningsong. If Featherpaw hadn't known their names by some horrible disaster, Pinkpaw yelling them out would have corrected him rather easily. It was impossible to miss.

As ever, Pinkpaw was a burst of energy, star-bright even in the face of danger. Even as she stood before two warriors who looked anything but relaxed- she was all to excited to bombard them with questions. Featherpaw's face crumpled in a frown. How come she was nearby, once again, when Pinkpaw did nothing but irritate her and put herself in danger? "She won't b-buh... b-be secret for long now that you know about her," Featherpaw spat, deeply disapproving. She never knew what she was doing, and- Featherpaw could act as if he did.

Even when he really didn't, either.

Expectant yellow eyes flicked to the two warriors, awaiting their answers with quiet simmering. They were not bearing good news, surely. Featherpaw armed himself for the worst, looking at them like they had already told him the moors were lost forever.
✦ penned by pin
  • Wow
Reactions: PINKSHINE

When one conversation wrapped up another seemed to bloom tonight, like a ghost the calico seemed to drift.
The first stragglers arrival she had missed, and seemingly thankfully so- apparently the poor molly had been in hysterics from what whispers Echolight caught, one of Sootstar’s own ran from her home with eyes swelled in horror.
While paws aimlessly searched for Yewberry and Pollenfur, she catches the sight of Pinkpaw first, the kitten seemingly springing to life with achingly familiar names crying from her lips.
Sparkspirit! Morningsong!
The former warrior freezes in her tracks, singular gaze turning in the direction her kin called in.
The last time Echolight had seen those pelts they had been smaller, their heads had been held higher, and there had been a third tagging along on their heels.
The breath has been stolen from her as she watches Pinkpaw and Featherpaw approach, but Echolight forces herself to move anyways, coming up from behind the youth as though born from the snow.
"That’s alright, Featherpaw. I never intended to be." When she speaks to Pinkpaws friend, her tone is fragile.
"I…" the mother is lost for words when she turns a sky-hued gaze back to her children, stepping forward. "I never wanted our reunion to be like this, when I escaped I knew there wasn’t any welcome waiting for me, but had I known how far Sootstar had fallen I would’ve stormed into camp myself to get to you, please forgive me." Her words are earnest, and true to their core.
"…is your sister with you?"

The news of her grandsons’ arrival spreads like wildfire, and Brightshine runs like there is fire alighting her paws. Can it be? Her cheeks are still damp from the news of her sister and granddaughter’s death, the sight of the two figures doesn’t seem real to her. “Oh thank StarClan, it really is you!” She yowls, lunging for them to entrap them in her forelegs. She is crying now, for an entirely different reason. They’re alive. They’re alive!

She still has…mixed feelings, about Echolight’s effort to stay away. She wishes she would’ve returned, wishes she would have helped her keep an eye on her kits that are now grown. Wishes she would have helped carry the weight that has been weighing down Brightshine for so long…but she still smiles softly, sadly, at the reunion. Until Echolight asks the question, and Brightshine stares at her in shock. Did she not know? Did she not hear Moorblossom’s message?

“Larkfeather and Lilacstem are dead,” She whispers mournfully, ears folding back against her head. She ducks her head and attempts to move closer to her daughter - the news had broken Brightshine, and no one caught her. She will catch Echolight.