marching away from the stream — twoleg trash

Foxtail's olive green eyes stare onto the river before him, crouching at the bank. He watches as the current flows, and as fish swim up the current. One more fish will be good enough for today, He thinks to himself, with a flick of his tail. So far he's caught a trout and a carp— and while those are both good catches, he would feel more satisfied if he had a third fish to bring to camp. His eyes watch the river carefully, and right as he's about to snatch up a pike— something shiny catches his eyes. The pike unknowingly gets to live another day as Foxtail focuses on the strange.... fish in the water. "...I've never seen a fish this shiny before," He murmurs quietly to himself; as he watches it move along the bed of the river. It moves! I have to catch it! With a quick motion of his right paw, he swipes it out of the river; but it feels weird against his paw. It gives him absolutely no resistance, and it doesn't feel like any kind of fish to him.

His seemingly caught "prey" collides onto the ground, and Foxtail is unable to stop his fur from brisling as it loudly fumbles on the grass. He stares at the object he just pulled out of the river, eyes wide with confusion. "...That's no fish," He mumbles. It isn't flopping for air, or even trying to get back into the water. It's weird that it's shaped like a fish, how did it end up in their river? Ears flattened to his skull, Foxtail crouches low to the item, his nose twitching. You know.... the more he stares at it, the less it looks like a fish. He tilts his head as he observes it, it looks more like a..... a..... snake!

Without a moment to blink, the strange snake is smacked away by the young warrior, as he jumps into the air in alarm. He lands on the grass with bristled fur, his eyes locked on the shiny and gray snake... wondering for a moment if it's going to strike. With a chest heaving back and forth, he expects the snake to slither over and strike... but it doesn't move. It lays on the ground... almost like it isn't a living creature. "I-I... I swore that thing was a snake," He says between gasps, still feeling on edge. But then what is it then?

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    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to rai for the mini & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    17 moons


She has been finding herself at the river more often the past couple of days. Many RiverClanners may assume it is the warming of the season and bountiful prey drawing Robinheart to the babbling waters, and she is fine letting them assume as much. They do not need to know she comes to the shore to remember the night Brookstorm had met her here. The night they became mates. It comes to mind often now; the previous talk of mating stones, the expecting queens, the newness of spring… certainly all factors that would make one think of their beloved and what the future may one day hold.

Robinheart’s thoughts are interrupted by Foxtail’s murmuring followed by something shiny being swiped from the river. The tortoiseshell glances his way to offer a congratulatory word but cuts herself off with a somewhat amused expression at Foxtail’s panic as he realizes his catch is no fish… and also no snake. She can’t fault him for nearly leaping out of his pelt - she would probably do the same if she were in his position and not merely a bystander. ”Here, let me take a look,” the new warrior chimes as she rises to her paws and pads over to her clanmate, aiming to tap her tail reassuringly against his flank.

The object certainly didn’t come from the river or forest, that much Robinheart was sure of. It had an unnatural shine, most likely made brighter by the water beading on the surface still. If she had to wager a guess it was something a twoleg left behind. The shininess had a similar resemblance to parts of the collar she once wore. That was enough of a clue in her mind to make the connection. ”Not a snake, most likely it is something made by a twoleg. It’s shiny like my collar had been… or, well, parts of my collar not the whole thing. If they are the same material then I can assure you this thing won’t hurt you,” she says in a thoughtful tone, glancing bright eyes towards the tom and offering him a smile.
[ penned by kerms ]
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — It was somewhat rare to see Swiftfire out alone these days, far more likely to be padding alongside her clanmates as they went out for a hunting or border patrol of some kind. That had become her reality even more following the incidents with the rogues and all that had come from it, the chimera not wanting to risk her own life or leave another Riverclanner undefended. That same want to protect those around her still remained, but she admittedly no longer felt like she had to stick by another cat's side whenever she went out. Though even she could acknowledge that her timing wasn't the best, becoming more independent when she had only become more vulnerable on account of her kits.

Still, it wasn't exactly as if she was even pregnant enough to be showing significantly yet, meaning that she actually felt somewhat comfortable venturing out beyond the borders of camp. Albeit slowly, considering her head did still occasionally spin unpleasantly against her own will. She really couldn't wait until that particular ailment went on its way, as she didn't want to end up stumbling headfirst into the river and getting dragged along. The mental image actually made her think of Ravensong, a shiver running down Swiftfire's spine until welcome distraction came in the form of Foxtail ahead of her. She opened her muzzle to greet the younger warrior, only to end up staring as he pulled something forth from the water. Certainly not anything she had ever seen, though the way Foxtail practically launched himself into the air while batting at it did cause purring laughter to fall freely forth from her.

Thankfully Robinheart came in to soothe his woes over the strange water snake, considering Swiftfire wouldn't have been any help. She was still giggling freely as she moved forward, peering down at the foreign catch with a curious tilt of her head. "I wonder what it's for, if it's some kind of twoleg thing. They make the strangest kind of things just to keep themselves entertained. Like kits with mossballs." It only took a moment before she was stretching out her own paw, prodding lightly at the object now that Robinheart had assured them it wasn't dangerous. Though she was almost disappointed when it showed no signs of reaction. "Bit of a shame it isn't a snake, honestly. If you had caught it and it was limp like this, it would probably make a decent piece of prey." At least for the cats that were able to stomach scales that weren't those of one of the fish from the river.

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    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    40 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Seeing warriors gathered around something on the ground kicks in his immediate sense of unease, he can only imagine what horrors lay within the circle of paws awaiting judgement; his mind goes to the worst scenarios as it has often done despite how much more lax and calm things have been but by the time he gets closer and can see what is being examined his fur has already stopped bristling. Smokestar stops alongside Swiftfire, his lone orange eye narrowing into a squint as he takes in the strange coiling gray thing that was neither natural nor organic. Not food, not plants, useless. He was fine with ornaments like feathers and flowers and rocks in his camp but twoleg garbage was not welcome.
"Whatever this is we should get rid of it, but I don't want to toss it back into the river." Maybe drag it further down outside the territory to toss, they didn't need nonsense littering their waters and the river surely wasn't pleased with it either.

He turns, eyeing the split-furred molly next to him with a critical stare, "Should you be out here?" Had it been half a moon yet since she found out? He wasn't sure, but he didn't need his pregnant clanmates wandering and getting hurt; he'd dealt with enough of them being foolish back when he was deputy and now that he had more authority than before he was going to ensure it never happened again. Still, he remembers spending a while hunting before he ended up moving into the leader's den to make a proper nest to remain in longterm. As long as she wasn't at risk of stumbling and hurting herself...he could let it go this once.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.