private marie, hold on tight | edenberry

It's past moonhigh when she finally finds their garden. Cherryblossom lands noiselessly on the foreign side of the fence, amidst a spray of floral color washed out by the moonlight and the odd, manicured turf. She isn't even sure if they'll be out so late. Their waking hours are in the name, the "daylight" of "daylight warrior," and as such it's not like she's owed their attention right now.

But there is attention owed. She can feel it building in her chest, a pad of wet moss begging to be wrung out. "Eeeedennnn..." she warbles to the dark, watery walls of their den. Insects sing just beyond the fenceline. Distantly, she can hear the grumble and ache of the gnarled SkyClan pines beyond the pretty tree-things of the Twolegplace. "@edenberry ?! ! Come out; it's me." For all her enthusiasm, she says it quietly.

When their black crown peers over the windowsill—she knew they'd show up, they always do—she smiles at them. It's a half-thought-out, fleeting thing that flits off her face as quickly as it comes. "I've got news." Only earlier that day, she'd sat down with Owlheart and the ghosts of her kits-to-be. "I told Lu already, but I couldn't find you until—well, anyway, Owlheart's expecting kits. More like Oddgleam is expecting kits, but... still." She stares at the smaller feline, expectantly awaiting the shock to bloom in emerald eyes. "Like... like that's crazy. We've only been warriors for, like, a season." It doesn't strike her the same sentiment could be applied to her rise to (and fall from) deputy.