camp MARIMBA OF FROZEN BONES \ sun-bleaching

Left in harsh sunlight for hours, an odd-shaped rip- tiny, claw-curved, but blinding when Mallowlark at last found it again. Tracking had always been a talent... a memory for layouts and hiding-spots served him well. This one bone had been removed weeks and weeks ago, picked clean and placed somewhere bright and bleaching- and at last, it shone! True beauty of the soul that had given itself to be food... matching his pelt and fangs, he held the bone between grinning jaws, bounding back to camp.

It was as clean and white as the sun, and brandished proudly. The large warrior did not care who it was he ran into first, wide silver eyes bearing so hard into their form that it was a wonder his stare did not burn a hole through their flesh. "Look!" he exclaimed, voice brimming with delight. The only thing he'd ever managed to make look this bright was the snake-skull that still sat in the medicine den, given moons and moons ago along with an admittance of love. "Might blind you if you stare right at it," he hummed as he placed it gently upon the ground. He didn't take his own advice, though... wide eyes gazed adoringly upon his handiwork.
eggkit | 03 months | male | he/him | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #108297
Eggkit has always been a curious child, and so the call for attention is quick to draw the round-faced boy over on toddling legs still stumpy with kitten fat - grey-blue eyes blinking as he peers at the shiny white scrap. "Whats-it," he asks, unfamiliar with what its supposed to be - maybe a tooth, a claw, a strange new bug? He seeks out the knowledge with a searching look thrown the warriors way, the feeling of not-knowing quite unsettling.

don't rush something you want to last forever .
He lay, nestled beneath the nursery’s walls when he caught wind of Mallowlark’s voice, sounding far happier than it usually does whenever Yukio overheard them. His helm tilted, gathering himself onto wobbly paws to pad closer, peering down at the object of affection, tail swishing curiously.

Yukio’s attention flickered to Eggkit, offering the kit a warm smile, before moving his curious gaze to the bone Mallowlark presented with such enthusiasm. “That’s really i, interesting!” He chirped. How did he get it so white? His paw went to glide a soft pad across the bone’s surface, but pulled back at the last second, tucking his paw beneath him. “H, How did you g, get it so … bright?” Voice wobbly, unsure of the word, before straightening up to blink at the warrior, helm tilted.
thought speech
Never before had he pondered the wealth in his grip so thoroughly. Bone was everywhere— lodged within themselves and easily dismantled. They're what held trees alight above the world, and fracture is what gave some of them such wretched complexions. Marrow riffles past his tongue a number of times a day. Some brittle– some less so, and betwixt the flickering of his tongue and baked - in imperfection, perfection is rare past the fleece.

On this basis, he knew what he had was special. For the give he'd been given was perfect, hollow - eyed and made white.

Made is the emphasis, as only now does he truly realize these things were not born so perfect. This one, curved strange, the sun seems to have baked in oxymoronic love. Oh, clearly he sees the difference, when only moments before he had licked sinew clean from cartilage, and this thing glimmers like a star in comparison. He could not blame Mallowlark for his glee. Voice chirping high, Dawnglare would pivot toward him with a quickness.

And then it occurs to him— all the time his own gift had taken, and he loves it all the more for it. One of a kind, in more ways than one. He would be welathier than any soul, sultan, or otherwise. He has already stared far to long, and with a trill of a giggle, he wonders if there was already blue - goop pooling where his eyes had once been. " Oh! do you see my face, or just puddles? " he asks with a smile, tail - tip twitching in his delight. And to the little gnat that rolls forward with their hardly - words, Dawnglare looks down on their pale, pale coat. Dawnglare wonders how long the stain would last, if his eyes dripped blue blood atop him.

" Bones, " he tells him, the added word of clearly going mysteriously missing. His gaze lingers strangely, before he adds. " You have several, but they aren't as pretty as this, " he tells him with a hint of disappoint. Perhaps She intended it this way, so that no one would rip open corpses for the treasure that sat inside.

And to the foolhardy queen— Yukio, he thinks, " The sky reflects him kindly, it does, " Dawnglare says, eyes crinkling as he smiles. " A piece of you has been left to spread. Now it's touched all it could. " And Dawnglare looks at him with fondness that he precisely could.

  • OOC:
  • 66822083_8akGM16AUReCLf3.png
  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 54 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Currently in an era of questioning; upset and uncomfortable by things he should not be.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
"That makes no sense." Zappaw huffs at the medicine cat - all this talk of skies and faces and puddles, Zappaw was having NONE OF IT! SkyClanners were stupid, their dumb faces made her want to SCREAM and she HATED .... oh what was that shiny thing?

What Mallowlark held between his teeth was the best distraction a cat could offer to young cat - a bright shiny, morbid enough to be a little risque but mundane enough to be allowed near the prying little claws of an apprentice fresh from the nursery. Zappaw sat back on her haunches, Dawnglare quite forgotten in the wake of this potential toy, her front paws stretched out in a "gimme gimme" pose. "Bones." She echoed, a little softer than her normal whine. "Can I have bones?"
Pearlkit thinks Mallowlark is cool, but he's... weird. Pearlkit observes from the sidelines through squinted eyes, ears pinned back as she watches him brandish a... white thing to Eggkit, and then Yukio asks somethin. How do you get it so bright? Pshh... Pearlkit thinks its a mega super duper STUPID question. By MAKING it bright of course! All you had to do was sprinkle some stardust and uh, also harness the power of the sun. Yes, she thinks, she is an EXPERT!

The medicine cat approaches, Pearl's smug smile drops. He speaks in riddles and uh, immediately she agrees with Zappaw. His words make no sense! But the weird doctor man speaks so strangely and has this weird, weird glint in his eyes and it SCARES Pearlkit half to death, something akin to dread settling in the pits of her stomach. But unfortunately, Zappaw wants the bone that she also wants! Pearlkit makes a strangled noise. "Me- Me too! B-uh-nes. Bones." she prances over finally to join them, peering at the thing that Mallowlark holds. Well, she supposes it was a little shiny... Perhaps she would be a little mortified if she knew where they came from but for now she looks up in awe.

Though most would bring themselves down to a certain level to speak to kittens, Mallowlark had never done such a thing, and was not about to start. He spoke to kittens as if they were any other Clanmate, no more or less intelligent, and loomed above them just as he would any conversation-partner. Fangs first bore down upon Eggkit, but the ominous air of his expression did not seep into the ever-present sing-song cheeriness of his tone, pitching and gladdened. Silver eyes flickered to a gathering crowd- ah, this was much better reception than he got on the moors! Yukio, too... an interest shown.

Dawnglare, light seeping toward him, met him with a question- "You're not melting, thankfully," he giggled, briefly meeting their muzzles in a fond greeting. His mate answered Eggkit's question simply- bones, and Mallowlark enthusiastically nodded his head. "If you leave them in the sun for a while, they glow, practically," he explained, giddy, pupils flickering between the gathered. Laughter, an uncontrollable reflection, began to pepper through his tone.

Two more, then- Zap-paw, Pearlkit, young and curious still. Owlish eyes stared unblinkingly upon the former as she claimed, adamant and certain, that Dawnglare made no sense. A tiny flint-strike of irritation, well-hidden, sharpened Mallowlark's grin for a moment. "It makes perfect sense," he corrected, elaborating no further.

"If you look," he chimed cheerfully, moving on swiftly. Bones were not hidden things, not concealed... if they knew to look, where to look... "In prey... if you eat all your food, you'll see 'em in there!" Sweetened tone, prideful, educational. They couldn't want without earning it, could they?
In prey? Zappaw doesn't even wait for Pearlkit to register the goldmine of information that Mallowlark has given them. She turns tail and takes off, throwing her little body towards the fresh-kill pile. If she eats it all then she can have ALL the bones. All of the shinies will be hers and just hers. She picks up a mouse by the tail, inspecting its fuzzy body as if she could see through the fur and fat to the shinies on the inside.

A doubtful look is cast back towards the white-and-coal warrior. "These bones aren't going to be as that bone. These bones are gonna be tiny. I want a big bone!" The mouse is thrown down as quickly as it is picked up, discarded for its implied uselessness. Zappaw isn't having ANY of these stupid adult-person shenanigans. "How do you get HUGE bones?"