
Do you need a specific role to be played for a character's plot, development, or otherwise, but can't find the right person to fufill this role? Look no further than marq and floppa's npc services! a place where you can request the perfect character to be created and played perfectly to your needs!
how will we do it? upon request, one of us will contact the requester regarding details about the npc not already provided, such as name, appearance, and further personality tidbits. A subaccount for the NPC needed will then be made and attached to this account. These accounts will be minutely set up with posting templates and very basic aesthetics, however, if a particular npc receives a lot of use over time, we may add more to the account for the sake of it (art, siggy, etc.) You, the requester, may then point us in the direction of any thread you need to be made or replied to, and how you would like it to play out.
— If not already provided, we may pry for further character motivations and beliefs. while these are npcs, we would like to avoid any flat, unrealistic villain characters with little to no nuance.
— Whoever is playing the character at the time will be completely up to which of us can / wants to at the moment, but we will be sure that the both of us have an understanding of who they are and what the goal is.​

Additionally, we may already have an npc used prior that could fit the exact same role you're looking for! for example: lets say you need a thunderclan apprentice for a one-off bullying thread, but someone has requested a similar character to be made before you. In that case, we will likely use the same character! please let us know if the character needed is too personal to yours to warrant reusing for other people! check out our list of npcs here!

If this a plot that could affect the clan's status quo you will need to consult the leader first.

* You want this character to be actively played within the clan; we have our own characters to attend to! Please adopt out the slot instead if that is what you're looking for
* There are already active players elsewhere who could easily fulfill this role. Involving other players in your plot makes for much more fun!


Discord: Where we'll do our chatting about the role!
Would Any of Our Pre-Existing NPCs Work for This Role?: If the role you need isn't super specific, see if one of our already-made NPCs could fufill it for you!
Character Needed: BE SPECIFIC! Are they a plot character with relations, or a general archetype needed for a plot device? Do they already have a set name and appearence? Or does it not matter as long as they have certain traits? Please detail these questions and more!
Urgency: (Do you need this character in use immediately or can we take our time with them?)
Long-term or Short-term role: Do you need this character for a one-off thread? Or to semi-regularly interact with your character?

[b]Would Any of Our Pre-Existing NPCs Work for This Role?:[/b]
[b]Character Needed:[/b]
[b]Long-term or Short-term role:[/b]
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GRIPS YOU! SHAKES YOU! dm me for more information :D

Discord: revelations#8754
Would Any of Our Pre-Existing NPCs Work for This Role?: Seeing as there are none! .... no
Character Needed: A WindClan tunneler to tell a spooky story!
Urgency: NO rush at all.
Long-term or Short-term role: Short-term, like literally just one thread.
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Reactions: Floppie
Discord: euphoria !#9105
Would Any of Our Pre-Existing NPCs Work for This Role?: nope <3
Character Needed: Greyhawk - Whitekit's biological mother and Windclan Moor Runner. A Longhaired blue spotted tabby with yellow eyes. She is a former marsh colony cat and is the paternal aunt to Snakepaw, her personality is mostly undecided aside from the fact she has no fondness for kits, didn't want any of her own, and only agreed to it when Alderpath convinced her as he wanted a family with her. However, Alderpath died in a Border Skirmish around a month into Greyhawk's pregnancy, leaving Greyhawk a single mother. Greyhawk had a litter of 5 kits, including Whitekit, all of which passed as stillborn or died within short hours after their birth, with Whitekit being the surviving kit. She practically neglected Whitekit, which the child was named by others instead and the rest of her passed her children weren't blessed with names either. She nursed Whitekit until she was fully weaned and then left the nursery, practically avoiding association with her kit when she could, though she won't hesitate to show her bitterness and lashing out at Whitekit
- there is also noted avoidance via Snakepaw and his father due to Alderpath's heritage as a loner joining windclan
Urgency: Take as long as you need! There is a thread here that you're totally free to toss her in but aren't required to!
Long-term or Short-term role: Long term preferred please! Semi-regular but I'll leave it up to ya'll how frequently you wanna toss her into Whitekit related threads
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Reactions: Marquette
Discord: Ava.#8300
Would Any of Our Pre-Existing NPCs Work for This Role?: No </3
Character Needed: Wet-nurse for WeaselxSoot’s recent litter :D And would remain the wet-nurse for any future ones. I literally will only need this character for this litter for the next 10 days, any other interactions would be at the requests of kittens rpers to catch up with the she-cat who nursed and babysat them! This character doesn’t need to be around much at all, thus why i think NPC status would work wonderful. Any background quirks honestly can’t be up to you but basically; very traditional, loyal to Sootstar, gruff, no nonsense but def still very maternal and loving of kits
Urgency: Decently urgent FOR THE TIME BEING, i want the kits to have an open with her before the meeting (any time from now until the 22nd). After they are apprentices the urgency goes down significantly and as stated prior character will be only needed on occasional request from kits rpers
Long-term or Short-term role: Very long-term, likely until Soot’s reign is over or it’s officially decided she’ll not have future kits.
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Reactions: Floppie
Discord: JaytheBae
Would Any of Our Pre-Existing NPCs Work for This Role?: no ):
Character Needed: a thunder clanner to say something mean to Little Wolfs kits that she overhears. Can be another kit, apprentice, or warrior I have no preference
Urgency: needed before the end of March preferably
Long-term or Short-term role: short-term needed for only one thread
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Reactions: Floppie
Discord: Icey !
Would Any of Our Pre-Existing NPCs Work for This Role?: possibly the same one who made a rude comment to one of little's kits, but I would prefer a warrior since flame wouldn't go off on a kit/apprentice
Character Needed: A Thunderclanner that would smart off to Flamewhisker, and say something about her being 'stuck' in the nursery, or how she will loose her skills because she was in the camp for so long, ext.
Urgency: before the end of march
Long-term or Short-term role: short-term, only one thread!
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Reactions: FARQ
Would Any of Our Pre-Existing NPCs Work for This Role?: Yes, I believe Stormfoot would probably suit this well.
Character Needed: A ThunderClanner to make a comment on Flycatcher acting more like he would belong in SkyClan due to his climbing skills and kittypet kin. Can be played as a scathing remark or not, either way Flycatcher might snap back.
Urgency: By the end of March at least.
Long-term or Short-term role: Short-term, only one thread !
  • Love
Reactions: Marquette
Discord: Blitz Krieg #9831
Would Any of Our Pre-Existing NPCs Work for This Role?: No as these are related to my character!
Character Needed: Forestshade’s parents! Sweet (longhaired flame point she-cat) and Fang (shorthaired blue tabby tom). I can give more details over dm but essentially they are loners who raised Forest to be super sheltered, believing her blindness made her weak. They loved her and still do, but suffocated her which led to her running away when she was 6 moons. Many loners in the area didn’t even realize they had a second daughter because they hid her so well!
Urgency: somewhat urgent, I’d like the thread sometime soon before she goes to the nursery!
Long-term or Short-term role: short-term, one thread :) who knows maybe down the road I’ll want another interaction but right now I don’t see that in the future!
Discord: Blitz Krieg #9831
Would Any of Our Pre-Existing NPCs Work for This Role?: No as these are related to my character!
Character Needed: Forestshade’s parents! Sweet (longhaired flame point she-cat) and Fang (shorthaired blue tabby tom). I can give more details over dm but essentially they are loners who raised Forest to be super sheltered, believing her blindness made her weak. They loved her and still do, but suffocated her which led to her running away when she was 6 moons. Many loners in the area didn’t even realize they had a second daughter because they hid her so well!
Urgency: somewhat urgent, I’d like the thread sometime soon before she goes to the nursery!
Long-term or Short-term role: short-term, one thread :) who knows maybe down the road I’ll want another interaction but right now I don’t see that in the future!

ALERTING U THAT THIS IS NOTED!! This has been hell month so we likely can't get to this till early may, but will be in contact with u soon >:)​
Discord: euphoria !#9105
Would Any of Our Pre-Existing NPCs Work for This Role?: nope <3
Character Needed: Seven (however likely has a daylight or warrior name); A young tom who joined Skyclan some moons ago. He would be about 12-13 moons now. He's a lilac smoke tom, tall and kind of bulky build. Has an old scar across his nose and nicks over his face, as well as a tattered ear. Also probably has a limp from some kind of injury that would've had him in the med den for a while. His history is that he had younger siblings not related by blood, and was pushing himself in training to save a stranger he often referred to as "Little Nine" (though he probably didn't bring it often as he just seemed determined to prove himself.} Also thinking he didn't have a great mentor (though this could be implied by you). But at one point after the prementioned injury, he left just when he was cleared to leave and was gone for a couple of days, returned, and was notably in a depressed and despondent state and hardly explained why.
Personality-wise, he's a very kind-hearted soul and easily comes off as a big brother type to most he interacts with. He's responsible and very patient, yet holds deep remorse and guilt in regards to Angelina believing he failed to rescue her (and had passed) before she arrived with the rescue patrol. Due to his own guilt and shame, for a good period of time, it is extremely unlikely he'll ever explain his failure, instead supplementing it with weak apologies and being very indulgent towards Angel's less-than-reasonable behavior towards him. It's more than likely any time the two speak, it'll end negatively due to the massive misunderstanding between them. (for Angel believes he abandoned and chose to forget her)
Seven also has a similar relation to Soma (played by Dizzy), who was called Eight at the time. The two had a falling out during the time Nine/Angel went missing when she was younger.
Urgency: Take as long as you need! Preferably by the time the shelter rescue returns <3
Long-term or Short-term role: Long-term preferred, please! Semi-regular but I'll leave it up to ya'll how frequently you wanna toss him into Angelina-related threads
EXTREMELY short-lived, we know we know. This concept had been talked about between us for longer than you'd think, but in practice, we had severely overestimated our motivation for this project and time for it in between life and our own characters (which frankly, we both have too many of) What we had thought would be a fun character - prompt sort of project has turned into a lot of worrying regarding the intentions of the requester and that between limited time for posting we have has lead this to be more difficult than anticipated 😭. We may revisit this when both of us have more free time! But it'd be awhile into the future. Those of you who are here thank u for trying out our silly little project <33