camp MARRIED TO THE MONEY - defense training

After his subordinate's misbehavior with Silversmoke, the scarred tabby had taken to keeping him indoors more often than not. He knew the black and white tom was bound to argue against it, but with all the chaos of the last few days, he wouldn't hear a word of it. The morning had begun to roll into mid-day, and every Skyclanner seemed out and about with their assignments. Better fetch him before some cat sends him off for chores. Padding over to the apprentice den, he called out into the gloom with an expectant voice. "Littlepaw! I'm in need of assistance today. Come join me in the camp clearing." Not waiting for a response, the cinnamon and white feline was off begin his initial mission. Having rested well and rehearsed some of their intended moves, Dogbite felt confident in the tasks ahead.

Strolling towards the nursery, he bent down and squeezed into the bush, popping out into the open space. Tattered ears perked as the cat he sought stood to the right of him, and in turn, they cast a soft smile of greeting. They'd reached out earlier that morning for Butterflytuft's help in keeping the youth in order, and thankfully she was willing. He'd been given the duty of defense training the prior day and knew not to dally much longer. Blazestar and Orangeblossom were relying on the healthier warriors to pick up the slack, and he would not disappoint. There was no telling if the rogues would get bolder just as they had in the past, and he'd make sure every cat was well prepared before then. They couldn't allow what transpired between the apprentices and rogues to ever occur again, so it was best to start with the more vulnerable.

Standing taller now, Dogbite nodded knowingly to the brightly colored she-cat, indicating for her to go ahead and begin gathering the little ones. "Thank you, again. Knowing someone who has more experience with kits is a major asset to today's event." The smile held strong as he cast a kind look to the moggy a sense of admiration lilting their tone. "I'm going to go ahead and get things started. See you there." Dismissing himself with a nod, the splotched feline exited through the mouth of the nursery. Hopefully, some cats would be in attendance and eager to learn. The foolhardiest of clanmates were patching up any open holes in the barrier, patrolling, sparring, and the like, so for a change, the camp was quite empty.

Clearing his throat, he called out loudly by the nursery as his good eye peered around. "Alright! I'm holding a defense session in the camp clearing today! Kits and Queens are encouraged to attend as well as Elders and Medicine Cats!" Dogbite felt odd rallying others, but knowing it was for the greater good eased the rising tension in his chest. They quicly left the holly bush and trotted into the aforementioned clearing. Deliberately steering past the fresh-kill pile and standing several lengths ahead of the warriors' den. Facing the gathering cats, he waited for them to pile in with a patient expression, tail held high, and maw lax with a neutral line running across their lips.

  • voluntary tags for @DAWNGLARE + @Fireflypaw
    apprentice tag @LITTLEPAW!
    assistance tag @butterflytuft
    this is the prompt event for driving out the rogues - no need to wait feel free to post!
  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:
*✧・゚ The clan has been struggling with attacks from rogues recently, but Sangriakit isn't scared. She walks with one of her parents and Coffeekit through the forest every time they come to SkyClan's camp, and they haven't even seen a rogue once. If it weren't for the injuries that her clanmates have sustained, along with the stories she's been told by a few of the warriors, the little torbie might not even believe the rogues were real! But everyone else sure is worried about them, and Sangriakit can sense it even when the older cats don't want to talk about it. The tension around camp is terrible, and it makes everyone act funny.

The kit is bounding around the camp, chasing after a quickly unraveling mossball, when she hears Dogbite start to gather together a bunch of cats for a defense session. Defense, like battling? The kit's eyes light up at the thought, and she swiftly forgets all about her fun mossball game, instead rushing over to stand at Dogbite's paws. She moves so quickly that she almost runs straight into the bigger cat, but she digs into the dirt and manages to come to a stop right in front of them.

She looks up at the older SkyClanner, green eyes wide with wonder. Dogbite only has one eye—did he lose it fighting a rogue? Is that where all their scars came from, too? She tucks her hindlegs beneath her body, tiny tail flicking excitedly. She wants to be able to defend herself, like the warriors defend the clan. She worries, too; what if, one day, she and Coffeekit get attacked on their way to SkyClan? What if their mom or Figfeather gets hurt? She straightens up, puffs out her white-patched chest, and exclaims, "I wanna learn to fight!" She won't get to be an apprentice for a long time, but she can definitely train like one, even if that means she's learning the same stuff that the elders are learning. She'll be the best not-apprentice ever, too!
Skyclan was becoming quite busy, everyone was doing their part to contribute towards a common goal. They were to drive out the rogues and it was both empowering to see everyone so fired up for this cause, but it was also bizarre. He had not grown up in such a community. Despite his time here, such things were still odd for him. It was not an unpleasant thing however. While he is not the ranks that Dogbite has called, he helps an elder make their way to the location where defense training would be held. Once the elder is settled, he is now free to leave. But there's so many of us here... Do you need more paws?

Due to that line of thought he remains seated. Ears flick hearing Sangriakit's request. The tom chuckles as he turns towards the kit. "You'll learn to fight eventually, but you're still too young. This is defense training Sangriakit, it's cooler than battle training," he finishes with a wink. Not sure cool is the right word for it, but anything to make the kit take this seriously. The new rule states that kits will be apprenticed at six moons, which he isn't sure how to feel about it. What the rogues did was awful, but he understood it. He was born to rogues and raised as one. He was still a kit when he was taught how to fight, heck! It was encouraged. He remembered when grown ups praised kits for hurting their friends. To injure another, to dominate was one's biggest pride. It didn't matter if it was kit, queen, or elder. Power was everything.

That is why when those three returned the way they did, he wasn't surprised. They were weak. If I was still one of them, I would be gloating. Don't get him wrong while he understands that doesn't mean he agrees with them or their ways. Personally, Beetleback wouldn't target kits. There is no honor or satisfaction in that. Pushing that aside he looks back towards Dogbite and raises a paw, "Can I help?" He and Dogbite don't have the greatest relationship. All he can remember is the tom was quite upset at him when it was revealed that he had an affair, leaving Mottledove to care for kits all alone.
While Butterflytuft had never been skilled in combat - poor Blazestar had a difficult time getting her to even move in spars - she understood the need for everyone to be able to defend themselves. It makes her nervous to see her own kits learning some of these…moves, but she agreed to help Dogbite nonetheless. She nods to him with her token gentle smile and looks to @FLUFFYKIT @weedkit and @Daisykit with round golden eyes. “Let’s follow Dogbite out into the clearing, okay? He’s got something to show us today.” She attempts to usher them out with her snout, and if she’s successful she follows with a twitch of her fluffy tail.

As soon as she’s outside, she looks around to see Sangriakit and calls to her, “Do you know where your brother is?” He should be here, too. “And where is @antkit ?” She adds on, looking around for Mottledove’s little one. It makes her nervous to not have every kit in sight, even if she can see most of them.

If Daisykit had known that being awake had meant that she was going to have to go outside the nursery today she would have tried her best to stay asleep. Maybe if she had been born in one of those different seasons she'd heard about she would have liked to be out more, but as it was it was too cold and she didn't like being able to see her breath, the fog that rolled up when she spoke blocking her vision and causing the small kitten to reel backwards and scrunch her nose up in distaste. But she'd listen to her mother - for now, if she had too much of this thing she was supposed to be watching Dogbite do she might run away back to the warmth of the nursery - and so she'd walk out into the cold, fur fluffed out and shivering to try and maintain whatever body heat her little body produced.

Looking towards Sangriakit she squinted her eyes in confusion - how could the other enjoy this so much? - and looked to Dogbite quickly before turning to Butterflytuft. "Do we have to?" She'd whine, already having enough of this gross cold, already starting to sniffle from her body trying to keep up with it, "S'cold and I don't like it." As if to emphasize her point she'd shiver once more.

  • 74552753_0pIQpDakQalkZSq.png
  • 75464780_U8u1TptlfIUl4pp.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    sister to Weedkit and Fluffykit
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Dogbite is calling kits, queens, and medicine cats to the clearing, but Fluffykit stamps her paws, a cold feeling sinking into her belly like a stone into still water. She hears her cousin yip, “I wanna learn to fight!” and she shrinks back against Butterflytuft’s flank. “U-um, Mama,” she whispers, beginning to shake—and not from the cold. “I-I… I-I don’t w-wanna f-fight no one…” Oh, it’s too much to consider! Sangriakit has her all worked up now, trembling like a leaf in a bitter wind, turning her face away and burying it into tortoiseshell fur so she does not have to look at the rest of SkyClan who huddles near.

, ”
Defense training. Irony nips at her heels; if only she'd had this a moon earlier, maybe she could have saved herself some grief (or more than that, even). The rogues were a threat to SkyClan, and Wolfpaw knew it all too well. Seeing Dogbite organize defense training for everyone was... comforting. Or at least, she thinks it should be comforting; really, it makes her pelt prickle and her heart seize. The rogues had ambushed her patrol, but did this training session mean they were planning something more? Would they storm camp, too? Would Wolfpaw have to face them again?

She doesn't think she could do it. She's not only down an eye, but she's also scared. Terrified, really, that her next meeting with rogues would not afford her the same luck she'd had in the first round (if you could call it luck to lose only an eye). She sits at the mouth of the medicine den, looking on from afar, as the kits march like ants to attend the training session, protest soft on their pink tongues. Sangriakit seems to be the only one enthusastic about participating. Wolfpaw wonders if Figfeather had told her kits about her own run-in with the rogues.

She flicks her gaze to Dogbite. He only has one eye, and though she'd known it before she notices it more now. She struggles to measure the distance between him and herself; struggles to parse how he could be such a good warrior with an impairment like her own. She can't imagine herself returning to her apprentice duties after this, though not just because of her injury, she supposes. Silent, Wolfpaw watches, wondering what would become of this training session.

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    — wolfpaw
    — she / they / he ; apprentice of skyclan
    — longhaired lilac torbie with piercing yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — avatar by tropics; signature by dreamydoggo
    — penned by meghan
" Who's calling for me? " Dawnglare steps out of his den, jaws parted in a pearly yawn before Dogbite, the one who'd summoned him. He was being encouraged to attend... something or other. An eye blinks over to the cats gathered, Beetleback, Butterflytuft, kits— something that immediately has his interest waning. Dogbite looked no less scrappy than he typically did... The kits looked how they always did: annoying. Though at the moment, Dawnglare finds them making a tad more sense than the adults present did.

I don't wanna fight, the sniveling comes. Is this what this was about? Dawnglare rubs a paw across his face. " Hmm. Me neither. " Not that he didn't know how. This was simply a waste of time, especially for— especially for someone like him.

Despite himself, Dawnglare sits anyways, if only to give Dogbite the pleasure of seeing his face. The courtesy of his attention, is what he might've said if it were true, but no... no, it wasn't, really. A bored gaze is cast round the camp, at last landing on Wolfpaw, who had come to peek from the den sometime after he'd left... There is a note of something in her eye that he cannot discern, and that perhaps he cares to just a hint too much. His gaze would settle on them with a slight tilt of his head, but then he remembers that... he shouldn't quite care. It was not his job to read minds.

Blue eyes soften from their narrowed visage, and then his attention is elsewhere, again.

  • geLHt4I.png

  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 60 moons old as of 1.1.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
Glimmerpaw joins in on the offer, intrigued how Dogbite would teach defense with only one eye as well. It’s another skill they don’t really have much experience in, and anything is better than thinking too hard about how much climbing sucks. It’s adorable seeing Butterflytuft kit’s not want to learn even though it’s not exactly fighting. Others might not think so, but that kind of softness is a good trait to have. After sighing internally at Dawnglare’s lack of care as per usual, they take small steps to get closer to Fluffykit. “Hey… you don’t have to fight if you don’t want to,” Glimmerpaw purrs. “Defense is about training yourself, so that you don’t have to fight.” It’s partially true, at least.​
Do we have to? One daughter asks.

I don’t wanna fight no one, The other mumbles, face buried in her pelt.

Butterflytuft blinks down at them with sympathy clouding her gaze. They huddle close and show absolutely no interest in participating in this activity, unlike their cousin. She hesitates, paws faltering and gaze sweeping around. It was her job to round up the kits, but what does she do when they don’t want to? She doesn’t want to force them to do anything they don’t want to do! The spineless queen watches as Glimmerpaw tries to remain optimistic and encourage Fluffykit that it’s not fighting, but her kits’ reluctance has her backing away towards the nursery already.

“Okay, go back inside, it’s okay,” She trolls gently to them, folding immediately. “If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. Why don’t you go play or take a nap instead?” Whatever they want to do, they can do it. With her ears flat, she gestures back to the nursery with her nose, fluffy tail sweeping the ground anxiously.
Sitting comfortably in the clearing the scarred warrior notes the turn out to be exceptional. Nervous meows and uneasy eyes fall across him in swaths but Dog ite holds steady. Peering over he takes into account the older cats within the crowd and just as he starts to think of pairings Beetleback approaches. It wasn't hidden knowledge that Dogbite held little interest or regard for the flakey tom but if he was willing to be of use then he'd utilize that factor. Nodding he turned and addresses the multitudes of faces. "Let's get started on some ground rules. No claws and no hurting one another. This is purely to educate on methods of defense and evasion when being attacked. It will be very different from a regular sparring match or a play fight, so pay attention." His voice comes in a neutral fashion with a touch of sternness.

Dogbite wasn't always seen as a stony individual but if it meant ensuring less tragedy he could play it well enough. Too many cats had already been injured in recent skirmishes and he would not tolerate breaking any up in today's event. While his clanmates settled in the warrior turned direction to his volunteer. "With that being said I needed someone to play the attacker. Beetleback has offered to help. I know this might seem like a game of tag but do your best to take it seriously." His one eye glances to the blue tabby with an affirmative glint before carrying on with instructions.

Tone shifting to something less stern and more flowing. "We'll split up into duos and each pair will work to evade him. In times of crisis you may find yourself alone but for training purposes we'll keep it to two. Utilizing your wits and strengths comes in handy. Trying to remain calm under pressure is even more detrimental to survival." He pauses as the commotion surrounding Fluffykit incites a momentary stirr. Tuning in, his maw creases with dismay as the queen urges the child to go on. It wasn't his place to question a mother but her intentions felt misplaced to the scarred tabby. Letting it go he drawls on with the plan. "The first step is to find a means of escaping and getting help. Calling out, climbing, or hiding are some options. Do not engage unless there is no other choice." This time there is a notable firmness to the tabbies voice.

An emphasis on escaping, but he held no doubt many of these cats present could hold their own. Yet, what was a kit to a warrior if not an easy target. Thoughts of the apprentices laid out in the Medicine Den cause his stomach to flip with recollection. "When I give the word to go you will only have a few moments to think. Our safe spots will be the nursery and the warriors den. You must tag a part of it to be considered safe." He gestures with a feathery tail as a silent demonstration of the signal. "I will play observer and intervene if he manages to catch up. From there I will show defense moves you can utilize in tough up-close situations." He hoped adding a bit of a means to the incentive would encourage the kits to engage more. Teaching the importance of keeping yourself and others safe as priority would be the goal.

Giving Beetleback one last look he gestures for the other tom to step ahead of him. "I ask that the attacker plays their role as realistically as possible. Like in a real scenario he will stand in the way of any escape routes. Be fast, sneaky, and scary. All you have to do is touch them and that counts as capture." His long-winded explanation slowed to a finite meow. "Please, find yourselves a partner and if you're unable to find one you will pair up with me. Also- if any one has questions, speak them now." Their scraggly face tilts and he keeps an open expression. Awaiting any quizzical meows that may come his way.

  • //mobile post please forgive any errors as it will be adjusted
    TL;DR: We're pairing up our OCS to play an intense game of tag and dodge. Your OC must make it to one of the safe bases (nursery or warriors den) and touch it before the attacker (Beetleback) manages to tag them. If they get tagged by the attacker then Dogbite will step in to demonstrate some defensive moves they can use in the future. Feel free to play this scenerio anyway you want - just utilize your ooc notes! The game will start with Dogbite's next post once characters begin to pair up icly.
  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
The scarred apprentice, albeit rumbled in appearance and looking dead on his paws stood diligently near his mentor, mangled ears twitching with shallow puffs. His gaze slithered to Beetleback, offering his help. “Pair?” He muttered, glancing at his mentor, brows creasing in question. Or would he be paired with another?

A small thing, Littlepaw was, most wouldn’t really consider him reliable with physical strength and admittedly, they were right. He wasn’t all that cut out for sharing blows, but the black-and-white apprentice would be sure to change that as he grew older.

Maybe he’d even hit a growth spurt. Doubtful. His pessimistic mind supplied. …Not helpful. He huffed. Stupid. He thought grumpily, tail twitching.
thought speech