pafp mary did you know (menace located in nursery)


sinking, swimming, dying, diving.
Oct 12, 2022
It’s hard to wrap her head around the fact that there will be babies here shortly in the clan. Shes so used to being the youngest one (and not that she considered Bristle a kit, no, that child HAD to be an adult in a kids body) especially round’ the barn she had come from. She scrunches up her nose in realization. Huh… Maybe thats why her siblings didn’t like her. Always being babied by her mother. Or… Targeted was more of a correct term.

Oh, but back to the baby deal, Spirit finds herself SUPER DUPER excited because wow! New playmates! Oh but shes Spirit the mighty she doesn’t have time to play with children (theres a voice in her head that screams shes one too). She finds herself padding to the nursery anyways with wide eyes and a large smile. She pushes in, finds her victim and is immediately set on being bothersome today.

"Hey Echolight!" she waves with her tail, coming to sit by her. Aw, shit! She forgot to bring gifts! Inwardly she makes a mental note to find some pretty leaves or something next time she visits. "How are the babies? Do you have any names picked out for them yet?" theres a devious grin that spreads across her face and shes not sure if its from the sudden eureka moment she had or just excitement. "Can I be the first to play with them?"

// @Echolight .
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Lately, Echolight had been finding herself inside her head most of time. It was as if a fog had been cast over her mind, pulling her inward over the most random things.
In all truth, that had been what she was in the middle of when Spiritpaw came in, mid-nest weaving, but staring emptily at the left of the entrance.
Hey Echolight!
The chipper greeting pulls her out from her day dreaming, and the queen blinks herself back to reality quickly.
"Hi, Spiritpaw, how are you?" The calico chimed back, tilting her head as the apprentice comes to sit beside her and pushing her half-made nest to the side for the moment.
An amused smile presents itself in a subtle quirk of her maw as the spew of questions is thrown towards her, reaching out Echolight lightly rested a scarred forepaw on top of Spiritpaws, a nonverbal “slow down there.”
"They’re doing great- I would think, Dandelionwish hasn’t had anything negative to say " she replies, a thoughtful look crossing her expression as she moves on to the next question, "I have a few in mind, but I’ll have to wait for them to get here to know for sure."
To be frank, the long list of names she had was almost intimidating, and she hoped that the motherly instinct would kick in when she saw them out in the world, that she would simply just know, just as her own mother did with her and Mallowlark.
"Once they’re big enough, of course you can play with them!" She hummed with a small nod- though, the idea of a bigger apprentice roughhousing with her small children made her wary, she found the silver lining in the fact that there was a chance they would inherit her premature growth-spurt.
"How’s your training going on, hun? Is it everything you’ve hoped?" Echolight prompts now.

He was on a mission- food for his sister, fetched! Really it was hardly his job to fetch her meals, but who could he trust other than himself to do it properly? Ink-dipped paws carried the large tom over, dipping his head as he entered the nursery- though he was not expecting her to have company! And not even that of a kitten but an apprentice, eager to do some babysitting once they arrived. Funny thing- what was there to enjoy about playing with someone else's kittens? He hardly betted that would come up with any original games. With family it was different, there was some built-in love there. But Echolight and Spiritpaw were- as far as he knew- not related. A laugh fled from him at the thought of that impossibility.

"What would you do with them?" he asked as he wordlessly dropped Echolight's meal at her paws, moon-wide eyes of slate staring at the very depths of Spiritpaw's soul- unintentionally, of course. Eye-contact was friendly, after all! Within his voice thrummed the light of genuine curiosity; they couldn't be much fun, barely-born kittens...