pafp master the hurricanes — dog attack


height differences, tragic backstories
Feb 19, 2023
.you save everyone ———


——— but who saves you.
———————— ————————
HE TOSSED A GLANCE TO HIS RIGHT, FINDING SOME COMFORT knowing Keane was close by, heart thudding harshly against his ribcage as the two ran. His lips curled at the spew of curses Keane emitted, surely guaranteeing him a front-row seat to hell. His nose scrunched up, swallowing down the laugh that bubbled up from within his throat, rolling azure-tinted optics instead. No doubt that’d piss off Keane even more than he already is.

His gaze flickered to stare at the two mutts chasing them, maws parted to snap at their hind legs, promising to tear them to shreds if they so much as stumbled. He grunted, teeth-gritting causing his muzzle to crinkle with the notion, surging forward, ignoring the way his body hissed in protest. Damnit. He knew he wouldn’t be able to keep up this pace, not if he didn’t want to collapse and offer himself on a damn platter. His maw parted, drawing in shaking breaths as he dodged one mutt attempting to wrap its maw around his leg, biting back a string of curses that sat heavily on his tongue. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Mason grunted, rounding the corner into an alleyway nestled between two buildings, tail flickering as he bumped into Keane, urging the larger brute to go faster despite the heavy wheezing that escaped them both. His lungs screamed for air, but he couldn’t stop. Not yet. Despite the non-existent will to live, Mason had no intentions of becoming dog food, damnit.

The raven-furred brute hissed between clenched teeth, throwing a glance over his shoulder to see whether they were close, only to curse as he stumbled over his paws. He grunted, slamming into the wall with a pained wheeze, whipping around to stare at the incoming mutts with bared canines. Fighting it is, then. He remarked sourly, willowy tail twitching in agitation. Come on, assholes. His maw parted in a sneer, azure-tinted hues darkening to swirls of midnight blue, body crackling with pent-up energy.

He was the first to lunge at one canine, rigid claws sinking into the sensitive flesh, gritting his teeth as he held on, muscles straining. He was half the size of it, Mason dully noted, optics narrowing to slits.

The male hadn’t noticed the second one until it was too late. Its teeth sank into his shoulder, tugging him away from the other with a slew of curses, teeth bared with a rumbling snarl that ripped out from deep within his chest like engines. “Fuck—” He snarled, whipping around to land a hefty scratch along the canine’s muzzle until it released him with a thump.

He groaned, rolling onto his paws in seconds, staring at the two mutts that snarled, snapping their jaws at the large brute. His muscles quivered, biting back a wince as his shoulder blossomed in agony, sanguine fluid trickling down, staining the raven-hued fur crimson. Fucking hell. His mind buzzed, blood roaring in his ears as he lept, claws latching onto anything within reach.

Mason ignored the way his shoulder burned with agony, blinking back the blurriness that swarmed around the edges. He couldn’t pass out now. He could do that some other time, but now? Fucking hell. Did he have a death wish? Mason huffed, not wanting to answer that, but knowing damn well it wasn’t a brilliant answer.

His muzzle crinkled, baring his teeth at the two mutts circling his injured frame, ignoring the way blood trickled down his shoulder to pool around his paw, dangerously close to slipping. Fuck. His midnight-hued optics flickered, hoping Keane got away, but he knew well enough the brute would come barreling back in all his explosive glory.

“Let’s see who wins.” He grins, expression morphing into a sneer. Can’t die yet. He remarked with a swish of his tail, lunging forward with the intent to claw someone’s optic out, sadly he wasn’t that lucky as the second canine snarled, snapping its jaws around his tail, sending the large brute flying backward. Well, shit.


thoughts speech
.if i can still breathe ———


——— i'm fucking fine.
———————— ————————
THE MULTI-COLORED BRUTE SNARLED, WHIPPING AROUND TO LOOK FOR HIS missing counterpart, hair rising along his spine. Fuck—His bright yellow optics narrowed in disdain, lips peeled back in a sneer. Damnit, Mason. He cursed. Heart thudding harshly against his ribcage in tandem with the quick gasps, chest heaving with the strain of running for so long. His bulky frame was not used to the long distance which put him in an even worse mood.

His nostrils flared, claws digging into the pavement to gain momentum to shoot across, barreling forward, following the path he’d just taken. If you die, I’ll fucking kill you. His jaws snapped, letting out a low guttural growl that rumbled deep within his chest.

Skidding around the corner, taking in the scene in front of him with analytical hues, narrowing with a sneer settled heavily on his darkened lips. Of course, things go to shit the second I’m not there. He wanted to grumble, but decided against it, rather barreling into the mutt that towered over Mason’s slumped frame, noting the small puddle of blood that surrounded his upper frame. That didn’t settle too well with the tortie, causing the male to frown halfway in tearing into the mutt’s side, spit flying as he scrambled for anything within his reach was a lot.

Keane grinned wickedly, feeling the adrenaline course through his veins as he wrestled with the smaller mutt, teeth finding purchase in god-awful tasting fur, nose wrinkling. Ever heard of a bath? He thought dryly.

The yellow-eyed male grunted, skidding across the rough pavement with a sneer, the hair along his spine rising without thought, appearing bigger than he was (Keane took pride in his large frame, so screw everyone), but even then, Keane knew when even size wouldn’t change the tides, especially two mutts who tasted blood. He cursed, gritting his teeth while tossing a glance at Mason who remained slumped, the only signs he was alive were the rise and fall of his sides. At least the asshole isn’t dead. He managed to get the raven up, leaning heavily against him, teeth latching onto his scruff to tug the brute while the mutts were distracted. He grinned at the sight, bright yellow optics flashing in pride. Serves you right.

It didn’t take long for them to gain distance, until he heard the bone-chilling barks that made the tortie tug faster, muscles tensing from the strain of dragging a half-dead brute and the pace that was borderline running. Damnit. He hoped they’d put some distance, but it seems luck wasn’t on their side. Not that it ever was.

Keane tucked themselves into a corner, close to a dumpster that reeked of rotting food causing his stomach to gurgle. He grunted, standing protectively over Mason’s crumbled for, glancing down at his bloodied shoulder with a worried rumble. It wasn’t bleeding too much, not that concerning, but the tortie hated not being able to do anything as he stared at the two towering mutts with a snarl rippling out from the depths of his throat, teeth bared in a warning.

He’d be damned if he didn’t go down fighting. Sure as hell wouldn’t let them anywhere near Mason, especially when the dumbass was close to passing out if it wasn’t for the flashes of annoyed grunts and mumbled curses.

thoughts speech
"Talk about a shit situation."
The voice came from above, and sure enough a black tom with bared teeth loomed there on his perch of the roof edge. Dogs were a bloody great pain to all, especially towards that of street cats. He didn't like 'em and he'd rather avoid getting tangled up in such messes, but for whatever reason he felt like he needed to help the pair of unfortunate toms trapped below.

"Keep tucked away you two. Gonna be droppin' things on your mongrel friends there." He warned as he dipped back out of sight onto the main section of the roof. Though a short time later slates began to drop from above, shattering when they hit the ground. It was loud and messy, just the right sort of thing to hopefully scare away the dogs. Heck, maybe he'd even get lucky and strike one of the mutts. That would certainly settle the matter once and for all.
.if i can still breathe ———


——— i'm fucking fine.
———————— ————————
HE GLANCED UP WITH A SNEER, YELLOW OPTICS NARROWING AT THE stranger, but otherwise kept his jaw clamped shut, wincing at the harshness of it, leaving his jaw sore. Fucking damnit. He sure as hell didn’t want help, but knowing damn well he wouldn’t be able to fend off two mangy mutts with Mason half-conscious. Damnit, Mason. He shot a glance at the raven-furred brute who lay, staring at the other with half-lidded hues. Fuckin’ course you got your ass kicked.

He hmphed turning to tuck Mason further back against the wall, watching in satisfaction as slates dropped from above. His ears flattened at the noise, but otherwise remained still, grinning manically as the dogs yipped, scattering. His stomach pooled in sick satisfaction as one canine stumbled, getting hit over the head as it fled. His tail twitched in amusement. “Fuckers better run.” He muttered, tossing his gaze to his fallen partner, lips peeled back into a concerned sneer despite the twinge of pain that flared.

Yellow optics flickered upward to the black-furred tom, narrowing in thought. He sure as hell couldn’t place why the other helped. Besides. Keane would have figured out something, albeit he doubted there would be a few more wounds adoring his multi-hued fur. He was thankful, but it wasn’t like the brute would admit that out loud. Fuck no.

He belatedly heard Mason utter his thanks to the mystery tom before letting his eyelids flutter shut, sparking panic within the depths of his angry yellow optics. Shit. He sure as hell knew passing out wasn’t a good sign, but it wasn’t like he could do much with the limited knowledge he had in taking care of wounds. Damnit. The one thing he needed was the very thing he lacked knowledge of. Kavan was sure as hell better than I ever could be. The multi-hued tom thought darkly, tail swishing in anger.

With a huff, he glanced at the tom above them. Why the hell did the asshole help us? He wanted to ask but wasn’t sure he was patient enough to stay around. With a grumble, teeth-gritting, “Thanks … for the help.” He got out, chest-puffing with the strain. “You want somethin’ or what?” He quipped, stalking closer to his fallen partner, nose burrowing into Mason’s raven-haired locks, sighing in relief at the rise and fall of his chest, not as strong as he’d like, but it wasn’t bad.

thoughts speech
Oh, the song of clattering and smashing, such a delight to the black tom's ears. He could never resist the melody of chaos, and what made it sweeter was that note of misery when the blasted curs yelped and yipped. It really wasn't that long before they turned tail and ran, so Talon ceased his actions of dislodging slate tiles. No doubt the twoleg inhabitants would be pissed once they found out, though he intended to be long gone before the blame could fall upon his slender shoulders. It would be yet another black mark against the local crows.

Deeming it safe enough to descend from the rooftop he gradually made his way down bit by bit until he landed on light paws upon the top of the dumpster. Naturally he was queried upon his actions, something he might have done too if the roles were reversed. "You're welcome. And as to what I want? Mainly for the local mongrels not to get a taste for cat blood for one thing, and secondly to query you both about something. A missing cat from the group of felines living in the forest near twolegplace. It seems to be a youngster, and as tough as clan cats might be they don't really stand a chance here on the streets." The spidery tom explained as he sat himself back on his haunches.

"They said that she has mottled brown fur, goes by the name of Howlpaw. Seen anyone matching that lately?" It was a stretch but he knew that he had to try. Sometimes strays like him carried with them information that one might not expect.