Mar 30, 2024

Dirt lie trodden and beaten into the earth itself, like a groove into the dirt-flesh that tracked along stripes and pockmarks, though never was it actually a blemish onto Thunderclan's territory. The cats of the moor lie just beyond the worn byways, as though this were a tangible border to separate the two, drawn with the pinprick of a claw by Starclan's design. Campionsong figured that there should be some prey lurking about, though he knew the risks of traversing the area in greenleaf. He trailed along the Twoleg path, bright green eyes settling upon the course that ran astray, leading either to Fourtrees or the Twoleg Bridge. Noontide had grown heavy upon the apex of the sky, like a crown of molten light, of which such a leaden thing would have to be drawn back into the night. Needle-like whiskers twitched as he searched for a scent to tail, perhaps strewn along the waysides and curving into the forest's grand labyrinths. He made sure that he had stayed upwind of any potential prey, at least. The weather seemed less mercurial today than usual, though stormcloud greys still gnawed at the ends of azure firmament.

The shrill sound of an ungraceful beast lumbering through the woods cut through the quietude, through the crackles of twigs and violent shuffling of leaves. Panic steered quick into his heart - was it a wolf, a fox, a badger? He knew it was best not to wait for the tell-tale tipped tail or the mascara-mask. "Quick! Something's coming!" Campionsong hissed as he dove into a nearby thornbush, descent into ecliptic shadows a trained one, as the crashing wake of steps only grew in magnitude. Angular gaze then caught upon a Twoleg kit dashing along the path, giggling as it wandered along the frays and the berms, like it aimed to scare away all the prey and the predators of the forest. The silver tabby had seen many Twolegs in his time, and a keen gaze could discern that this one was not quite grown yet not quite kittish, either. It was a midway point, proportions like a newly-made apprentice's gangling limbs and gaunt face. "Great suns, it's so loud. Let's just wait until it leaves... Ugh, it's kinda ugly, too." The warrior muttered.

Softpaw couldn't say that she had particularly strong feelings about Twolegs - they were large, gruff beasts that tended to play StarClan wherever they went, as if the forest and rivers nearby all belonged to them. She knew that there was some sort of symbiosis between the Twolegs and the cats that lived in the forest, as much as the Twolegs tended to break that connection and take more and leave what wasn't needed, there was still a trail throughout the forest made for the Twolegs - StarClan wouldn't have left that be if the Twolegs were too much of a threat, surely.

All Softpaw had wanted today was a peaceful hunt, one where she and her fellows would be able to take home a proper Greenleaf meal for the queens and elders; unfortunately, that peace was shattered as a raging sound rang through her ears, and she flattened herself into a bush when Campionsong called out that there was a Twoleg kit nearby. Softpaw grit her teeth against the noise; she'd never been partial to loud noises, and this Twoleg didn't seem to know the definition of quiet.

"StarClan knows why they're so loud," she murmured, almost to herself, "or why they look the way they do."
  • !
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  • SOFTPAW apprentice of thunderclan, eight moons
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.

it is common to see her past life on this path. the nostalgic part of her enjoys patrolling near windclan’s border to catch a glimpse, greenleaf’s warm feels like a hand stroking her back. cooing voices that make her throat rumble with a deep, loving purr. it used to be so simple, so easy. the worn dirt path is her favorite place to patrol, and the spot that makes her ache the most. she’d do anything for a feeling of that love again.

leafhusk gazes over the border, windclan’s land slowly recovering from the flames. broken moors decorate the area, absolutely nothing for fox-lengths. a hearty consequence of twoleg interference, she feels bad that such land is ruined in the middle of a hot season. the undergrowth is hot on her pawpads as they wander into the thinnest part of thunderclan’s territory. oak trees open wide, their branches only giving a sliver of shade right now. she gets ready to quickly bound off to catch something in the bushes, until campionsong’s voice wails over something familiar.

quickly, she crawls into the foliage, looking around to make sure everyone followed suit. she sees that softpaw, one of the brightest cats is safe, and leafhusk settles. her eyes linger towards the twoleg kit next, a selfish wave of… peace flashes through her. it’s only for a heartbeat, unfortunately, an overthinking mind worrying about what could go wrong wins this time.

"it is kind of cute," she admits, "in an ugly baby bird kind of way."
𓍊𓋼 Twolegs have never seemed to be a huge problem, at least not to Falconheart. The large creatures move about as though they own all the land for themselves—as if it’s their territory—and that’s the part that makes him worry. He doesn’t hate them, not quite. Just like he doesn’t hate cats who associate with them, or live with them. He just… has a healthy fear of them, and avoids them when he can. So when the patrol starts veering closer and closer to the twoleg path that cuts in between ThunderClan and WindClan’s territories, he can’t help but worry for what they may find along the path. At least this one doesn’t have any monsters on it, but twolegs on their own can easily snatch a cat away. It’s probably an irrational worry, but being snatched away seems like the worst way to leave the territory—the idea of disappearing without a trace, without being able to explain where he went, terrifies him. To know that he’d never see any of his kin again, never get to explain that he hadn’t abandoned them… His thoughts spiral as he looks out across WindClan’s territory. The moorland was razed entirely, burned to ash and cinder, but this border seems to have escaped relatively unscathed by the fire. It’s probably due to the big line of dug-up dirt that lies almost parallel to the border, and the clear dip in the land that the displaced dirt must have come from.

A great crashing sound echoes across the forest’s edge, a noise shrill and unknown following after. At Campionsong’s cry, the cream tabby dives into the first bit of brush he can find—thorns catch in the fur of his face, but they don’t pierce skin, and if they did it would be the least of his worries. In the moment, all he can think of is wolves. Softpaw is so small, so fragile… she wouldn’t stand a chance. He thinks of the snapping jaws that took Duskbird’s leg, then his life. What would such a predator take from an apprentice? Bicolored eyes wide, the tabby tom hunkers down beside Leafhusk as the enemy comes into view at last.

A twoleg kit, gangled and awkward in a manner reminiscent of a newly-named apprentice, rushes down the path, squealing so loudly that Falconheart’s ears swivel backward in an attempt to shut out the noise. Both Campionsong and Softpaw comment on the strangeness of its appearance and the noise is produces—the tom nods along in agreement. But the lead warrior at his side calls it cute, and he has to disagree. It’s not cute. Sunkit and Bugkit, they’re cute. This creature is too oddly shaped, too bare of fur, to be considered cute in the cream tabby’s eyes. "No way," he breathes, tail flicking side to side. "It looks… wrong. And it’s way too loud."

  • ooc:
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    FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedkit, bugkit, sunkit, squirrelkit, sparrowpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
At Campionsong's direction, Mousenose shuffles herself into the bush alongside her patrolmates. Her nostrils flare at the strange, dusky scent of the Twoleg kit, layered with sweat and dirt and something familiarly metallic. How Sunfreckle ever lived with those things, I'll never know! "Imagine living in a den with one of them! How would you ever get a good night's rest," she whispers to Leafhusk, Falconheart, Softpaw, and Campionsong.

To the lead warrior who remarks it's kind of cute, like a baby bird, she wrinkles her snout and turns to look at the tawny she-cat. "Cute! I can't imagine what your taste in toms looks like!" She slaps a paw over her mouth to hold in a giggle.

  • ooc:
  • Mousekit . Mousepaw . Mousenose, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 20 moons old, ages realistically on the 25th.
    — mentored by Silverlightning ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored Sunshinespot
    — thunderclan warrior. sunfreckle x rabbitnose, gen 2.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh messy-furred tortoiseshell with high white and bright green eyes. demanding, exuberant, selfish, sensitive, oblivious, obnoxious.


Campionsong nodded at Softpaw's comment, casting another nettle-green glance at the whistling Twoleg kit, like a dissonant song of a tone-deaf jaybird. Pointed ears pinned back to his skull, wondering how they could even stand each others' voices. Does it think that the forest belongs to it and its kind, running around and making such a ruckus? Have they no respect for nature? Such a mindset could not be reasoned with, Campion figured, for one with a glaring opprobrium to the world around them would not remain fuller for it. Leafhusk chimed in next, claiming the kitten to be cute 'in an ugly bird sort of way,' and a laugh threatened to bubble into the drawl of potential peril. For a lead warrior, she seemed to sympathize with Twolegs a little too much, at least from what perception could glean upon this situation. Kittypets and beggars think like that. He had seen pureling hatchlings much more presentable than this gangling beast, with its footsteps pealing with little rhythm of the nature around it, as though it were thunder from the clouds above. Twolegs had wrought such destruction upon its lands, taming the maw of fire then immediately setting it upon brackens and moors, that he found it hard to even see their side of the story. If they were capable of it.

A childish giggle whirred from hushed lips at Mousenose's comment, even as Falconheart had agreed much more briefly - how could any feline find such a hairless, gaunt, large creature cute? With faces and fangs too flat, with limbs too naked and bile-colored, there was nothing to be seen there. No honor in allowing one to reign over a feline, either. "Mousenose's right, y'know. Do the cats you pursue also have that same 'ugly baby bird' quality?" The jester couldn't help himself, for in a room there always lie a fool, and sometimes role was not his to play. He would always return to the comedian's stance, soon enough. The Twoleg kit had continued on its path now, and had hardly detected the felines within the shadows, so Campionsong took the time to stretch out a quiet symphony of crackling, weary bones. The tomcat couldn't deny that he grew much older than what a youthful mind would allow him to believe, though he had many years left in him before he would have to retire to the elder's den.

𓃦𓃥 ﹏ few words pool from her mouth as she follows alongside the others. why any prey would linger around the twolegpath made little sense to her. the potential of stomping feet and screaming twolegs was a constant disturbance. if she were a mouse, she’d steer clear away from this place. it felt too wrong. too exposed, defenseless with the constant worry of whether or not she’d have to see cover…. though if she were a cat, she’d do the same thing and steer far, far away from the trail. that was, if she’d much choice in the matter. and so her tail flicks with boredom and disdain as they trod alongside the worn path, ear listening and eye scanning for prey. the sooner they all make their catches, the sooner they could get out of this place. she almost thinks that she sees something in the overgrowth down yonder, but it spooks at the sudden cry from campionsong. and if he hadn’t scared it off, the pounding underfoot and gleeful yowls piercing her ears from the twoleg kit had.

blackbird slips underneath into cover, keeping herself tucked away until it passes. ”at least a baby bird turns into something beautiful,” she says with a dry tongue. blackbird briefly wonders if it seems rather full of herself saying such a comment… not that it matters. after a moment of pause, she adds on: ”-and helpful. that… thing, must have scared all the prey to highstones with how loud it is. it’s not starclan’s miracle they don’t all starve to death.” a joyful thought it was to imagine them wasting away during leafbare, but for such beasts who couldn’t hunt to save their lives, she could only wonder how they stayed so fat in the cold moons. all the whole providing prey for their monsters and slop for their kittypets.

  • BLACKBIRD mtf, she/they, warrior of thunderclan, 16 moons old
    tall she-cat with dark brown fur. she has lighter brown on her belly and as a mask on her face. she has thin and wispy fur, one missing ear, and one torn ear.
    ⭃ a rough spoken and independent she-cat with a strong distaste for outsiders. she’s proud, confident, and oftentimes arrogant. nonetheless, she's a hardworking member of thunderclan and aims to help serve her clan... even if she goes about this differently than others.
    open to minor and minor nonviolent powerplay / / underline and tag when attacking ⇌ see her bio here
    penned by @DOFFERZ!doffloppa on discord, feel free to dm for plots. template credit to vayle.


Nervousness settles like a pit in Lovelight's stomach as she sees the twoleg kit running on the path. She keeps herself quiet, not making a peep despite the conversation ongoing between her clanmates, making fun of the look of the thing and each other's comments. Her eyes follow it, alert as it runs by, loud as can be. "Quiet down a bit," she murmurs, voice remaining quiet herself. "What if it hears us and tries to grab us?" Even if twolegs don't understand what the cats are saying, they can still hear them, and she doesn't want to risk the possibility of anything happening to any of her peers. She'd rather they all stay silent until it passes, just to be safe, but perhaps she's a bit overcautious. Doesn't matter. Whether it's overzealous to hush her fellow warriors or not, she doesn't care, so long as it means none of them gets grabbed by the thing.​
His eyes are narrowed as he looks at the twoleg kit running up and down the path, annoyance clear in his expression. His neck fur bristled at how loud the young thing was. Not even newborn kittens cried like that! Flicking his ears at his patrolmates' teasing Leafhusk about calling the twoleg kit cute, and he scoffs. Rowanthorn wouldn't go as far as to call it cute.... but rather strange. They were so... furless. Limbs too long, almost freaky.

"They're being far too loud to notice us." He reassures lovelight, although there is a tinge of worry on the back of his mind: where there were twoleg kits, there were adults. Where were its parents? "I'll claw it if it tries to grab you, or anyone else here."

  • // #FF7661
  • A muscular and chubby scarred chocolate tabby tom with striking copper eyes.
  • ROWANTHORN — 35 moons, warrior of ThunderClan. Ages every 31st.
she didn't expect anyone to understand… the warrior's biggest weakness is her soft mind towards the odd-limbed creatures. it slips out every once in awhile, leafhusk's voice always hesitantly unsure, aware that her clanmates judge her for such things. there isn't anything blasphemous about it, so why should it matter? the still recent promotion hangs around her, still, giving her clanmates more room and opportunity to judge.

leafhusk's head whips to mousenose and campionsong, eyebrows narrowing in disappointment. they're both going to remember this day when she finally finds a nice tom to court, aren't they? great. she misses the twoleg kit finally bounding off, and she swears she can hear his body jingle from the stretch he takes. the molly pulls herself back up, shaking her fur free of any loose twigs and leaves from crouching down.

unfortunately, blackbird had a point, there wasn't any prey lingering around. the twoleg kit, and possibly more, had scared them all away. her maw parts, only picking up the stale remains of twolegs and monsters, then promptly closes to wordlessly prove the dark warrior's point. a defensive feeling stirs in her, frowning more deeply, mentally chiding herself for saying anything.

"you won't be clawing at it." she says, her voice suddenly clipped. quickly, she adds on, "it'll make more noise and attract it's parents. we should hunt somewhere else." her throat clears awkwardly, sniffing the air to find another route.​
  • Haha
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