Timeline Wonkiness: Please assume this takes place after the following rogue attack threads. THIS one and THIS one and finally THIS one.

“Let all cats old enough to swim in the river, gather beneath the river rock for a clan meeting.”
His expression is quietly morose, but he does not linger on thoughts of the deceased - that is for the vigils to come when Ravensong and Moonpaw have prepared bodies to lay beneath the stars in a final farewell. Instead he focuses his attention on moving forward, despite his unease, and he calls out to the young apprentice who was the first thing he wanted sorted before continuing on. This wasn't the first time a warrior had retired to the elder's den before finishing training their apprentice but it certainly was...something else.
At the very least Turtlepaw was enthusiastic about training.

“Turtlepaw, Fennelridge has retired to the elder’s den and we thank him for his service but you are in need of a new mentor now and so I will be assigning you to Snakeblink.” His eye darts to the brown tabby, a light smile on his maw - he remembers his former apprentices, lost before their time and while he didn’t expect the most skilled combatant to come from this pair he had found value in the tom otherwise that would suffice. If Turtlepaw needed more guidance for battle then they would figure that out in time. “May he pass down to you all his cunning and loyalty in the coming moons.” And preferably not his penchant for shoving paws into his mouth.

“We have a few warrior ceremonies today but first a warning…going forward no cat is to leave the camp alone and I would prefer you train your apprentices in pairs. With the rogues becoming bolder and…having already lost some of our own…I do not wish to see another incident we could avoid with greater numbers. Lichentail will be ensuring patrols are arranged so that we will not be caught off guard but any apprentices caught wandering off without a warrior - especially now - will be booted right back to the nursery.”

That should be it for his news on the rogues, there is nothing to be done but prepare and work on retaliating once they had sorted out more information but he can not stop the creeping dread rising along his back like a chill.
His eyes scan the crowd, he feels a weight in his stomach like he’d swallowed stones and he wonders who will be next. What cat will fall to those vicious rogues once more, which of his clanmates and kin would he lose now? He wants the comfort of feeling secure, more eyes on the borders and river and more cats to look towards for support as they faced these unfortunate times. His gaze lingers on ginger fur, lit ablaze by the morning light like a fire burst from a crowd of mostly dark-colored and gray pelts. Smokestar inhales slowly through his nose, what he needs is not pure force or might, he has it in spades - Iciclefang and Petalnose are especially tenacious, Lichentail as well when necessary, while Snakeblink was hardly the first cat he’d imagine when it came to such struggles he could certainly help ease the clan of their worries and perhaps what they needed more than ever was a reminder of companionship, that they did not stand alone against these brutes, that there was value in even those who were not battle hardened and worn of claw.
“...Ferngill.” He says suddenly, surprising even himself with the decision but he feels a pride in him for the young tom that was not entirely dissimilar to how he felt about Iciclefang. He viewed his former apprentice as the perfect example of a warrior, molded into that image by his own paws, and while he regarded her more highly as a result the ginger tom had not disappointed him with his efforts as of late either. A skilled swimmer, perhaps even one of their best, one of the cats who traveled to deliver them the lungwort needed to save the clans from yellowcough, willing to fight when necessary even if he did not carry the same grit as his sister. He’d known those two from the day they were born along their siblings, RiverClan’s first litter, it was always jarring to see them so grown now. The gangly little kitten Beesong had once asked ‘what’s wrong with it?’ to the dismay of his parents, “...I’ve realized in recent moons what the clan needs is not only strong and capable warriors, but those who bring a level of skill in other areas that some of us may be lacking in. Your determination, loyalty and skills in the water are unquestionable and you have proven your worth to your clan time and time again, so I ask…if you would join my council alongside the other lead warriors?”

  • January Activity Shout-outs:
    @lichentail & @Snakeblink & @Petalnose & @iciclefang & @RAVENSONG & @Moonpaw & @FERNGILL & @Mosspool & @Silverbreath & @Lilacbird & @DAWNSTORM & @PERCHBERRY & @SWIFTFIRE & @otterpaw & @bubblepaw & @Asphodelpaw & @valepaw ➶ & @claypaw & @BEEPAW & @hazecloud & @SHELLKIT

    Thanks again for another month of amazing activity! The HP team has learned from the prompt event and we’ll be encouraging replies over new threads the next time we run one to help deal with too many unreplied roleplays! Also apologies on the rogue plot being slightly delayed, we wanted to let SkyClan have their rogue plot focus before we launched into ours - prepare to see these guys a lot more in the coming weeks!

    Huge congrats to @waluigipinball with Ferngill as RiverClan’s newest Lead Warrior! Pin has been so present and active in the discord and with Fern since RiverClan was formed and finally our boy has reached a point ICly that he can get the recognition he deserves! Super excited to see where his story goes from here!

    As a reminder I am always idly on the lookout for new leads and our requirements are simply consistent activity (our quota is 15 a month) and an active discord presence (posting outside your own channel, socializing and keeping good communication!)

    Warrior Ceremonies Next Post:
    @brookpaw - Mentor Lichentail
    @robinpaw. - Mentor Willowroot

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

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A meeting like any other- part of the routine, by now. As ever, Ferngill did not know what to expect as he answered Smokestar's call, flocking into the fray. It felt like there was an awful lump blocking his airway, like a lodged pebble- some drop of nervousness, of lingering grief for Clayfur. There'd be discussion of the rogues, he was sure of it. Happier matters first, though- Turtlepaw, reassigned to Snakeblink. Despite the sadness stinging his heart, he did his best to offer the new pair a sparkling look of encouragement. Though, it was more of a flicker-flame, because then Smokestar was back to the seriousness again.

No cat is to leave the camp alone. Well enough. Ferngill had no apprentice for himself, but he'd be perfectly happy trotting alongside his friends, always- of course- ready to bare his fangs against any rogues that might burst through the barrier, push their luck, risk the rage of a Clan wronged. Ferngill was not a force to be reckoned with alone, but at the side of those he cared about, he could strive, he was sure. Even though no one was really looking, he dipped his head in acceptance.

Warrior ceremonies, then- surely. But it was his name called out. Surprise starlit his eye, and Ferngill's mind jumped between a million conclusions. Did Smokestar forget he was not an apprentice, still? Or, did- had he done something wrong, somehow, and was about to be punished in front of everyone? Or on the contrary, had he managed something good for once, and a congratulation was coming (even though it seemed pretty unlike Smokestar to issue personal praise in a meeting...) or, was he to get an apprentice?

The ginger tom did not settle on anything before Smokestar swept in and quashed his curiosity for him. Your determination, loyalty and skills in the water are unquestionable and you have proven your worth to your clan time and time again. Ferngill's grin was sun-bright before Smokestar even finished. His smile shattered into complete shock when the leader asked his question.

Join his council? Like, as a lead warrior? Alongside Iciclefang- alongside Petalnose, Snakeblink? It didn't really sound right, to have his name among theirs- because what was he in comparison? A good swimmer, but wasn't everyone?

Foolishly, Ferngill lookd over his shoulder, as if there was someone else by the same name standing right behind him. But everyone was looking at him now, and his mouth had dried all up, and his face was pricling like sunburn, and- he was smiling. "Me, I'd be- I mean- that would be amazing!" And he was too loud and he looked too shocked, but happiness shone from him like the dawn. A thought occured to him to compose himself a little bit. Wasn't very authoritative, was it? "I'd be honoured, Smokestar." A little bit emotional- a lot overjoyed.
penned by pin
  • Love
Reactions: Mosspool
Brookpaw grooms her own fur.

There's an emptiness to the action, just as she thinks about how her mother should be here, fussing over her. She wonders if her memory even serves her well anymore - would Buckgait fuss or was the woman... stoic? Unkind? Why is memory so fallible? Why does everything in her chest hurt and the simple concept of gaining her name cause her so much distress?

Smokestar speaks but he sounds no different than the bird chatter. She simply stares, and stares, and stares - others are cheering, and in her periphery she can spy a ginger furred tom grinning. Something happened, but she cannot find it in herself to sort it out right now. The noise of nature is quickly becoming too loud but she remains still. She waits for her leader's one-eyed gaze to find her, to pull her forward and welcome her into warriorhood. It's all she has grounding her in the moment.​

frondfeather & 31 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

Paws carry frondfeather to join the others, green gaze turned dutifully upon their leader - already settling into the crowd before he can start speaking, tail wrapped neatly around her paws. It's a bit surreal, being faced with such shows of power from a single cat - but as each meeting passes, the strangeness fades into something familiar. Warnings on smokestars tongue - danger upon their borders and within their territory, do not go alone. A promotion - eyes seek out the flame hued figure in their ranks, dipping her head as he speaks, accepting the new role. He seems excited, at least.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'



"Then welcome to the team, Ferngill."
Ferngill accepts in his usual humble manner, his words spoken with sincerity yet it was obvious he was not prepared to be called out so suddenly before the entire clan. At the very least it was a reward and not a punishment, he could handle a little embarrassment and his clanmates seemed pleased thus far with the choice so he felt more lighter about the impromptu decision. Normally he would have taken the time to discuss it with Lichentail, but he finds his deputy nearby and feels as if she too approves without it having needed to be debated. Softhearts he often looked down on, but perhaps some degree of gentle nature on his council alongside Snakeblink's less battle inclined stature would be welcome. A balance, equilibrium. No, he didn't regret this decision.

"Brookpaw, Robinpaw, please step forward." The first's name weights heavy on his tongue, he doesn't linger on the feeling and continues undaunted as the two young molly approach the rock beneath him and he scans them each in turn with a calm stare. "I, Smokestar of RiverClan, call upon our warrior ancestors to look upon these young apprentices. They have both learned well from their mentors and trained hard to reach this point. Do the two of you swear to remain loyal and dutiful to your clan and to follow our warrior code?"

He waits quietly, lets them each speak up their declarations of assurance, determination, and then he continues onward. "Then by StarClan's grace I grant you both your warrior names. Brookpaw, you will be known as Brookstorm for your powerful ambition, your devotion to your clan and in honor of both of your parents - stalwart foundations of our clans humble beginnings and a legacy you will proudly carry forward." Storm for Lightningstone more literally, storm for Buckgait and her tidal wave of a strong personality. Storm for the force behind her that he is sure will protect her and unleash upon their enemies. Lichentail had trained this one well, unburdened from her duties as a mentor he was already mulling over another young cat to put under her wing.

Speaking of wings... there was one more cat to be named, "Robinpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Robinheart. Your loyalty has been proven time and again to belong to RiverClan, your perseverance passed down to you by your mentor will treat you kindly as you join the ranks of a warrior and it is my hope that naming you a reminder of your heart will let you continue to carry the lesson that forgiveness comes to those who seek it out as you have."
The wayward apprentice who once attempted to join SkyClan out of shame for her own failings finally rising up under Willowroot's gentle guidance. It was a warming thing to see and he was pleased with both of their new warriors.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

  • Crying
Reactions: tieirlys

though not quite old enough to swim ( or, rather, not yet able to — the ice made it impossible for her ), shellkit liked to attend smokestar’s meetings. that was her uncle, after all, and he had serious things to say. the lilac girl liked to pretend she understood them all ; puffed her chest and squared her shoulder, broad not unlike his, in a fluff - lined mimicry and pictured herself atop that stone. saying all that important stuff, casting her voice for all to hear. lichentail did it too, sometimes. she wanted to be like them. she ached and yearned for it, the feeling of pride and recognition. to be spoken about in the way the white - speckled tom does now, spinning words of praise and promise into the crowd.

it was ferngill. ferngill, who was always so nice to her and her siblings. who watched the babies and looked at her stones she’d collected before lining the horizon for safety. her face lights, amber eyes flitting wildly to find him in the sea of faces and long warrior legs, ” FERNGILL! feeerngill! she hollers, hard enough her voice rasps with it, little chest too fragile still to cast such a voice into the icy air. still she leans back onto her haunches, attempting little hops to be seen over the bustle of accumulating riverclanners from her spot beside the nursery. she’d heard tales of him, tales from hazecloud of mountains and ice that always leave her a little glassy - eyed ; ferngill deserves this, earns her respect all over again though she’d already given it so willingly. he was a lead warrior now, and while the responsibilities of such a role were mostly lost on her, shellkit couldn’t be happier for him.

then, warriors. the first she knows well — so well, in fact, her tail shoots up at the name alone. brookpaw. stoic and level headed, lichentail’s apprentice, ” brookstorm! “ she caws, most forming around her mouth because it’s about time. the next.. robinpaw, the soft - spoken, kind apprentice to willowroot. shellkit feels safe with her, so she must be warrior material. smokestar says so, and she gulps in a hard, sudden breath. her chest hurt a little, but it was alright — this was a time or celebration, for recognition, and shellkit was a part of it, even if she didn’t necessarily need to be, ” robinheart! brookstorm, robinheart! “

  • i.

  • shol.png

    delicate lilac - striped molly with sugarplum eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of shell - touched cream, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore. feather breath and elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined warm, sugared amber ---------- ° ❀ ⋆
    currently exhibiting symptoms of whitecough. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.

It is a day Robinpaw had thought would never come; a day of celebration and rising up in the RiverClan ranks. The tortoiseshell molly once feared she would never earn her name given her mistake many moons ago. She envisioned a life spent in apprenticehood dutifully plucking ticks off the elders and changing out moss for the kits and queens. Perhaps that may have happened had she not shown such perseverance in proving herself. Perhaps things would have been different had she not pushed herself and allowed Willowroot to shape her into the cat she was today.

There is gratitude shining in eyes of gold as Robinpaw sits among the RiverClanners. She listens carefully to Smokestar as he speaks of the rogue ambushes and countermeasures to avoid more loss (it is frightfully concerning how little peace her clan has known these past moons). Robinpaw looks to Brookpaw during this and notices how the other stares distantly. Carefully does the mottled female shift closer to the stone-hued molly and offers silent support to her fellow apprentice.

Not so silent support is shown to Ferngill as he is selected to join Smokestar’s council. A lead warrior! The ginger tom was more than deserving of such a title and Robinpaw is more than happy to join in with the chanting of his name. Ferngill would do well in his new role and provide a gentler perspective to any issue that may be discussed among the council.

With the announcements and promotion spoken into existence it is now time for Brookpaw and Robinpaw to be named. Her heart hammers in her scarlet chest as the leader calls her forward. Robinpaw casts one more glance to those gathered, attempting to meet the gaze of Apricotflower and Willowroot to offer a silent thanks for all they’ve done for her, then makes her approach to the rock. ‘Do the two of you swear to remain loyal and dutiful to your clan and to follow our warrior code?’ Smokestar asks and Robinpaw nods confidently (a rare sight of confidence from the tortie). “I do,” she verbalizes before quieting so that Brookpaw could speak as well.

And then it is given. Her name. Robinheart. Pride swells in her chest as the others chant her name. It sounds so soft paired with the strong name of her companion - Brookstorm. But that was their dynamic, wasn’t it? The soft one and the strong one. Robinheart whispers her congratulations to Brookstorm before looking to Smokestar once more with reverent gratitude.

Robinheart. The wayward apprentice turned loyal RiverClan warrior. Oh how proud she was of all she has accomplished and all she will accomplish.
Iciclefang’s jaw is tight, grief still bubbling hot in her belly. She sits below the River Rock, below her leader, with a storm sweltering inside of her. Why does she feel like her Clan is being hunted like prey in their own territory? Indignation swarms her vision like insects drawn to light—she hardly acknowledges Turtlepaw’s reassignment to Snakeblink. Smokestar’s warning only serves to make her grit her teeth. She’d not be allowed her nightly forays to Sunningrocks, it seemed… she’d have to be more careful, it seemed. She has to fight the urge to meet her brother’s gaze as this is announced.

As if he could read her thoughts, her littermate’s name is spoken. Iciclefang’s frost-blue gaze flicks, finding her brother’s flame-colored pelt in the crowd of cats. Smokestar says that in recent moons, he’s realized his council needs more than just strong and capable warriors. Her ear twitches—that explains why Snakeblink is there, she supposes. The tortoiseshell shifts her paws, surprise rounding her eyes as Ferngill is named to Smokestar’s council.

Her brother shares her rank, now, for the first time since they were both apprentices. She gives him a small smile, dipping her head. “Congratulations, Ferngill.” Does she have her reservations about his appointment? Maybe… but her brother had shown courage on the journey, and he’d been just as much of an asset as Hazecloud, Mosspool, or any of the rest of them.

Her attention drifts back to their leader. Brookpaw, stoic and silent, is named Brookstorm. Robinpaw, for her perseverance, is named Robinheart. She lifts her voice to join little Shellkit’s: “Brookstorm! Robinheart!

  • ooc:
  • image0.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 20 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Stormywing.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

  • Love
Reactions: waluigipinball
duckpaw is in attendance at the meeting. she is sitting to the right, a smattering of black, white and silver that blended in well with the mass of writhing bodies as they settled in to hear the monthly announcements. she was usually well groomed under the dutiful, and sometimes cloying watch of fallowfeather, who would admonish her for getting so much as a speck of dirt on her paws. but today, duckpaw thought, fallowfeather had really lost the plot. duckpaw's long glossy fur that would usually flow around her, free, much like a river, was pressed to her skin, slick with spit. duckpaw's small figure, entirely indiscernable when her fur was free flowing, could now be observed by on-lookers. she ducked her head, making herself even smaller in embarassment when she heard a few apprentices giggle quietly among themselves. she had tried to protest the very throrough grooming she had recieved, but as always, fallowfeather got her way in the end. when her mother had dissappeared from sight, duckpaw shook out her fur, trying to undo her mothers work. she would probably get told off later, but the meeting served to give her a moments peace. fallowfeather cared enough about public perception to not chew her out in front of an audience. unruly child.. duckpaw could almost hear it now, a chiding that wouldn't be avoided, only forestalled.

duckpaw settled down as smokestar's voice lifted above the lazy chatter, bringing all conversation to a halt with a peircing yowl. duckpaw fixed dull green eyes on her leader, a small smile on her face. despite her appearance, she did take a bit of pride in knowing this was her first meeting that could truely answer his call. old enough to swim...that's me now duckpaw would think, suddenly feeling the weight of responsibility. she was no longer participating in her clan from the sidelines, she was truely in the thick of it and there was no turning back.

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i'm in the in between, honey

She was gonna miss Fennelridge. They had this really fun game where she would run as fast as she could ahead of him, climb a tree, and surprise him by landing on top of the old tom. Fennelridge would pin her down and they would spar a bit. He loved that game. Maybe she would surprise him with a round once he got settled into the elders' den.

Bounding forward, paws thudding on the ground, Turtlepaw crashed head first into Snakeblink. She remembered touching noses with Fennelridge when she was apprenticed, and the same thing happened. She ran excitedly into him, and couldn't slow herself down in time. Her nose had hurt for a couple of days. Turtlepaw would not be surprised if the same thing happened after today. "You want to go hunting?" she blurted after Smokestar had wrapped up the meeting, stubby tail twitching in excitement.
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

Damn it.... damn it, and it is sung in a furious tune in her head every moment she has to stare at Brookpaw and acknowledge just how many times she's been failed. She stares at her apprentice with a frown etched into her face like it is stone, ignoring that this was meant to be a day of celebration. What was the point... when grassy-hilled eyes stared into a space between here and there as if no one was home?

Ferngill's name is mentioned, hummed in praise and lauded as someone of strengths that aren't combat. Great... just what they needed right now. A softer part of her says she's being malicious, to steal this joy from him when it isn't Ferngill's fault they are suffering. What could any of them had done? I should've been there... I should've ripped Deacon's throat out, I should've... The cacophony of cheers summons her attention again, glancing towards the dandelion tom with a small bow of her head. Right... he deserved the recognition.

He deserved something good from all of this.

Her spine stiffens at the mention of a steel-faced girl and the feather-soft soul of her den-mate. They're to be warriors, she knows that much... She could still feel sturdy paws at her shoulders, pushing and shoving in great effort to knock her off her feet. Lichentail didn't need to go soft on that girl.... she'd been trained well in the same way Dipperfrost had.

If not for the grief that hung heavily over all of them, she might've laughed at the name- Brookstorm... how fitting for such a spitfire soul. For someone whose temper whirls in silent dark clouds until broken into thunderous roar. It's perfect... Smokestar has outdone himself again. For both young warriors here today.

"Brookstorm! Robinheart," she cries into the chorus. Please.. please allow them some peace for this new chapter. It is wishful thinking... like asking the stars:

Do not move.


( ) it's supposed to be a joyous day, but she finds herself drowning in thought. you failed, her mind tells her, you failed, her ever breaking heart reminds her. you failed buckgait again.

the smoke feline sits just behind brookpaw and robinpaw, glimmering gaze fixed on the two mollies, awaiting their names. robinpaw looks elated, and there is a flash of pride at the sight of the young dappled girl, so deserving of this next chapter. beside her, brookpaw looks shellshocked and numb. in the movement of the molly's head as she grooms, in the one tuft of fur that never seems to lay flat, willowroot sees the warrior-to-be's mother. she sees the feathery tail, always tapping in amused annoyance, sees the bright eyes, the contrarian expression, and for a moment, almost feels the brush of dark fur against her own, her best friend come from the grave to see her last living kit graduate.

are you up there with them, bucky? willowroot questions, thinking of meadowheart, of oxbowpaw, of fawn, babies torn from their dwindling family, even if moons seperated. she thinks of lightningstone, reunited with his lost children at last. she'd never really learned if buck believed in starclan, just as she'd never witnessed the lifeless body of her pseudo-sister. it's just that imagining buckgait caged and tormented by twolegs, imagining the woman not staring at the stars and praying on them nightly, hurt more than imagining the earthen woman safe and surrounded by family, ghost though she may be.

as smokestar makes his announcements, sage hued eyes flicker from the two apprentices for a brief moment, startled by the realization that the clan has begun cheering. she thinks back on her leader's words, realizes ferngill has finally achieved the rank he so deserves, and so she lifts her voice to mingle with riverclan, crowing the tomcat's name as satisfactory pride pools in her chest for the ginger tabby. this momentary glee for the newly appointed lead fades as quick as it has come, although she feels immense guilt at the fleeting nature of the emotion. her mind is stuck on the tragic nature of the upcoming ceremony, on the fact that buck will never see this moment.

lightningstone will never see it either, and for some reason, that almost hurts more. smokestar calls the young cats to him, and willowroot offers a smile to robinpaw, a soft flick of her tail along brookpaw's flank. i'm not them, but i'm here. i always will be.

brookpaw is dubbed brookstorm, in honor of her parents. willowroot recalls lighningstone's tenacity, perfectly rivaled by buckgait's. robinpaw becomes robinheart, in honor of her spirit, the bravery and wisdom it took to go from kidnapped apprentice to noble warrior. the names are perfect, and willowroot stands this time as she raises her voice, putting her grief aside for this moment. "robinheart! brookstorm!" she yowls, and knows that somewhere, despite it all, buckgait is doing the same.

  • // " speak "

  • 70579232_8S53CwfR3WpaY1R.png

    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smokey long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, with friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape. her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.

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Turtlepaw's had been the oddest of the reassignments with Fennelridge actually retiring from sheer exhaustion of dealing with the energetic apprentice, but there were a few more that had simply been waiting for a mentor and being trained under various warriors for the time being and now he could give the apprenticeship they deserved.
"Minkpaw, Duckpaw and Wavepaw...we've finally warriors capable of taking you each under their wings so your training can now begin properly."
Wavepaw he decided could use a gentle approach given the Ripple Colony's recent struggles to adjust to the clan once more due to Deacon and Sasha's treachery, "Wavepaw, you will be apprenticed to Lilacbird...your battle training will come from me, but she will teach you her skills in hunting and tracking and offer you whatever guidance you need."
The unfortunate reality was that not a lot of his clan was prepared for the rogues in a way he was comfortable with, he would need to see about getting clan training sessions for battle arranged - something he might put upon Iciclefang soon perhaps.
"Minkpaw, you will be apprenticed to Willowroot. With Robinheart joining the ranks of our warriors I can promise you that you'll find no better teacher."
His long time friend was truly the one he looked to for an apprentice requiring more delicate paws than his own, their patience was next to none. "Duckpaw, your mentor will be Mosspool. Mosspool, this is your first apprentice but I have confidence that you will manage her training well in the same manner Aspenhaze handled yours."
The young daughter of Willowroot, one of their journey cats and a trusted warrior - he saw great things from her, but perhaps she was too disciplined; a hilarious thought coming from him. Duckpaw was in for a rough apprenticeship but he hoped it would benefit them both.
"...this meeting is dismissed."

I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — There was an undeniable heaviness on the air as Swiftfire approached, Smokestar's voice drawing her in even through the heaviness that weighed her body down. It was hard not to be plagued by the deaths that they had suffered as of late, not to mention the shadowy opposition seemingly lingering right outside their borders. An opposition that seemingly included cats that she knew. Cats she had once considered to be her friends, a fact that seemed totally unbelievable now. Had the Ripple Colony failed Deacon, or was there always a dark heart lingering beneath his pelt? The latter certainly seemed to be the case, considering how many former colonists still pledged themselves to Riverclan - herself included. But that was still so difficult to accept. Difficult to truly understand.

She doubted anyone was thrilled with the idea of being trapped in camp unless they had a companion, but that was at least something that Swiftfire could easily understand. They were all in danger at the moment, and none of them wanted to lose more familiar faces. Not like they had lost Clayfur. The molly honestly wasn't sure she could take much more of that, no matter how strong she was trying to be for her clanmates gathered all around her. She hardly seemed like the only one on the edge of collapsing, considering the blank look that Brookpaw was leveling in Smokestar's direction. Swiftfire had no idea of the extensive history that was plaguing the newly-made warrior's mind, but even without that context it stung to see a cat so young struggling to truly celebrate such a massive occasion.

At least she could contribute somehow in this case, raising her muzzle to the air even as her heart ached for the cats around her - and the cats far from her as well, even if they didn't deserve her sympathy. "Robinheart! Brookstorm!" She nodded towards each of the new warriors in turn, even if how much her respect would mean to them was questionable. Her eyes then sought out Ferngill's bright form among the rest. "And congratulations, Ferngill!" Hopefully he wouldn't feel too intimidated by the position, considering what a massive step up she was sure it felt like. Dreams of ever being a lead warrior seemed extremely far from her now, but they were also exciting and harrowing in equal measure.

The last three announcements weren't quite as lifechanging as the rest, considering all three of the trio had all been apprentices, but it was a relief to see them with proper mentors anyways. Swiftfire's voice lowered a little as she purred towards each of them, her head dipping along with her words. "And congratulations to you three, too." Hopefully their mentors would match them well, considering how strong-willed it seemed new apprentices could be. Not that she had a full idea of that just yet, no apprentices having been taken under her wing just yet. Maybe someday, during a meeting less tinged with death and sorrow at the edges.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    39 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Hearing Smokestar voice cunning and loyalty as his foremost traits has Snakeblink preening in unexpected pleasure, and he inclines his head to the leader in silent acknowledgement. It puts him at the right level to bear the brunt of Turtlepaw’s enthusiastic greeting, and he can almost feel his whiskers wrinkle as he winces. She will not be the only one whose nose smarts for a few days after this. Still he can’t help but quirk up a smile at her eagerness; it lightens the air after loss had rendered it heavy as a stone.

”Allow me to congratulate our new warriors and lead warrior first,” he tells the young molly, ”And then yes, we will go hunting. I am curious to see what your previous mentor has taught you.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 49 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


There is a heaviness that looms within the air, settling over the gathered crowd as many reminisce over the most recent deaths the clan has experienced. While it is sure to remain a tainted memory sitting at the forefront of everyone's minds, there is a brief break in the melancholy atmosphere. Blue eyes blink with curiosity as Smokestar called Ferngill's name. Her gaze trails to the ginger tabby, a gentle smile lifting the corners of her lips as their leader appoints him a lead warrior. Pride blossoms within her chest for his sake, for it was an honor he certainly deserved given his recent achievements. "Congratulations Ferngill!" The molly trilled, gifting the flaming tom a soft bunt of her head to his shoulder. He would make a wonderful lead. As the news continues it directs her attention back to the newly named apprentices and warriors, cheering alongside the crowd.
≖≖ riverclan warrior / sixteen moons old / she/her ≖≖

( ) in her celebratory grief, the smoke feline is not expecting to be addressed directly. they've just finished training robinp- robinheart, an enjoyable experience but an exhausting one. yes, they have noticed the apprentices' den overflowing a bit (truthfully, it's partly their fault), but as smokestar addresses three mentorless apprentices and then calls their name, they blink in surprise. they're not against this though- they enjoy training young ones. minkpaw isn't a cat they've had much time with, but the feline still stands with a smile.

slender paws carry them forward to touch their nose to the young cat's own. "i'm excited to teach you," they tell her, offering a grin. "we'll be the best pair out of all of them."

  • // " speak "

  • 70579232_8S53CwfR3WpaY1R.png

    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smokey long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, with friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape. her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.

The cacophony of ceremonies and promotions goes on fairly unacknowledged by Minkpaw. She cheers as each name is announced, or at the very least moves her lips. She is much more drawn in by Smokestar's brief acknowledgement of the rogues. She huffs as he declares that no one should leave camp on their own, but the bit about training apprentices in pairs doesn't sound so bad. She hated one on one sparring. Her ears of course prick forward as her own name is called, and she holds her head high as she is reassigned to Willowroot. Minkpaw swivels her head, finding the warrior in the crowd. She touches their nose with hers and meets their grin, pale ice-eyes flashing.
"I can't wait to learn from you," she meows. "Of course we will be, I'm the best apprentice out of the three. I'll prove it to you, I promise!"​

Lilacbird found herself towards the edge of the group of cats gathered, fretting what news the night will bring. What happened this time- who has grown to fast before her eyes, who would be being apprenticed, made warriors and what names would they be given?

It always seemed a lot to remember, but she knew every leader that took their place upon the stone seemed to know what they were doing as if it came easy to them. She could never imagine the eyes on her- no she knew she would never want to lead the clan behind her pawsteps. She would never want to be responsible for a whole Clans safety. it took strength. courage.

the first point he spoke of was a mentor reassignment for turtlepaw. the warrior had resigned to the elders den, and now she would be in snakeblinks paws. she only worried for her time to do that, never having been a mentor, she would pity the poor soul that would have to be taught by her. she was glad thus far that would not be a problem- she was sure smokestar would not see her fit anyways.

the next topic was the rogues, and a frown plastered her face. she thought again of Sasha and deacon, who tore into their leader mercilessly. and yet again, she thought of how she wasn't sure if she could find herself to kill them. she was hopeful she would not come across any rogues as she had done thus far. she never has had blood on her paws, and the image alone was enough to make her ears fold back and her head duck down. she'd have to remind herself to bring others with her if she wanted to take a walk...

or avoid it for the time being.

ferngill would be announced as a new lead, and it was a well needed distraction. she knew the warrior very little, yet a grin still spread across her cream and lilac face as she joined in the chorus in a quiet stutter.

and as for the warriors, she was proud of them. yes, very proud. they finally earned their names, and she was sure they would make good warriors. her voice followed the cheers again, even if they were low and quiet. she spoke with her heart, with care. she did not need to be loud.

finally, three apprentices would be named- and immediately, her heart sunk.

"Wavepaw, you will be apprenticed to Lilacbird...your battle training will come from me, but she will teach you her skills in hunting and tracking and offer you whatever guidance you need."


This, she must have misheard. Her? Capable of teaching- that, this must be a joke. But he moved on and spoke with no hesitance. He was giving her an apprentice. Sure, he would take on the fighting aspect- but hunting, tracking- how was this a good idea? He was going crazy! He-

She couldn't bare the anxiety of speaking against him, or approaching him to ask if he's certain this was a good idea. What if she failed wavepaw? what if... a hard swallow escaped her and she could only give a small nod. Wavepaw was a sweet girl. She would.. do her best and offer the guidance she could.

As smokestar dismissed the meeting, she found herself on shaky paws, moving foreward to her new apprentice- it sounded awful on her tongue. Her- a mentor, someone who could only fish and swim. How was she supposed to do anything valuable?

"Wavepaw..." She started, the words barely escaping through her mouth, quiet in the cold air. "M-maybe, would you like t-to begin- if not its okay, I uh... t-tell me what you've learned, I'll d-do my best for you." Anxious rambles, and she couldn't help but swallow again and duck her head.



I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — When her father calls for a meeting once more, Beepaw finds herself a comfortable spot in the crowd with oriental ears pricked forward to listen closely and her eyes brighten up at the news of Ferngill joining Smokestar's council. It was the biggest honor a leader could bestow onto any warrior, she wonders if that will be her one day being asked to join her father's team of lead warriors and the thought itself is enough to make her heart flutter. She knows that she would need to become a warrior first before recieving such a promotion yet she's silently hopeful and the bicolored molly can imagine herself in such a position especially since Iciclefang had been taught by Smokestar himself. Perhaps one day it'll be her.

She focuses on her two denmates being called forth by the leader and it isn't long until they are given their warrior names after vowing with the traditional "I do", Brookstorm and Robinheart. The pair of mollies would be moving out of the apprentice den and into the warriors den tonight, her feathery tail drapes over her snow capped paws only to chant along with the rest of her clanmates "Ferngill! Brookstorm! Robinheart! Small excited thoughts littered in Beepaw's mind as she tries to keep a calm stance and demeanor. One day, it'll be her.


  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    8 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed