maybe I could find someone [ SNEEZEFUR ] who could hear the only words that I'd known


drinking lemonade and playing with my hair
Jun 7, 2022

sneezefur | formerly known as shiver
named 'sneeze' for how sickly a creature he looks to be; 'fur' for his pale pelt

32 months | ages realtime on the 10th

demi-boy [amab] | he/they

single | panromantic | asexual | monogamous
crushing on: n/a
in a relationship with: n/a

riverclan | warrior (non-drypaw)
mentored by: n/a
mentoring: darterpaw

very skinny, very sickly, heavily scarred mostly white tom with seafoam green eyes and scattered blue tabby patches | ref.
scars & injuries: a slit across his neck, an 'x' upon his hind leg, a long three clawed scratch upon his front shoulder, a sharp cut from his eyebrow down to his jawline, and a crooked scar upon his muzzle; his left ear was clipped during TNR (neutered)
accessories: n/a

awkward | anxious | well mannered | touch starved | self-depreciating
suffering from selective mutism ever since kithood, sneezefur struggles to socialize with his clanmates due to his inability to speak to those not related to him or who he is very close to. quiet, withdrawn, uncertain - he never really knows how to leave his comfort zone, never knows where to start when it comes to interacting with others. instead he seems content to remain on the sidelines, a curious bystander, an idle observer. he desperately craves attention and affection, but when faced with it does not handle it well, often freezing up or panicking. it takes a lot to get past his walls, but the few who can manage to do so bear witness to a very kind and compassionate feline who would gladly put the needs of others above his own and would do anything for those he cares about.

npc x npc | gen 01
sibling to: hailfrost
children: pinkkit, dragonflykit, bitepaw

physically medium | mentally medium
strengths: climbing, running, stealth, swimming
weaknesses: social skills, sense of smell is impaired, physically weak
will: n/a
wont: start fights, attack kits, maim, kill
might: end fights, run, attack elders

attack in bold #50c878

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sneezefur & 32 moons & demi-boy & he/they & riverclan warrior

Text goes here and then "Speech," here, and don't forget to emphasize a few words like this.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a stick figure feline, all sharp lines and awkward angles, sneezefur's body bears the story of a harsh life on the twolegplace streets. his mostly white pelt is littered in scars, leaving him looking rather unpleasant to most. the one exception is shockingly bright seafoam gaze, long-lashed and angular, shining like gemstones upon his face. he's never once said a word to his clanmates, his vocabulary seemingly limited to quiet hums and grunts, but some swear they've heard him talking when alone.

    physically medium && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#50c878]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

[box=60%; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; color: white; font-size: 12px;][center][size=16px] [color=#addfad][sup]𖤓[/sup]⚘[/color] [glow=#50c878][color=#aaf0d1][b] KISS IT ALL BETTER I'M NOT READY TO GO [/b][/color][/glow] [color=#addfad]⚘[sup]𖤓[/sup][/color] [/size]
[hr][/hr][size=14px]sneezefur [color=#50c878]&[/color] 32 moons [color=#50c878]&[/color] demi-boy [color=#50c878]&[/color] he/they [color=#50c878]&[/color] riverclan warrior [/size][/center][hr][/hr] 
Text goes here and then [b][color=#aaf0d1]"Speech,"[/color][/b] here, and don't forget to [i]emphasize[/i] a few words like [i]this[/i].  

[slide=—][size=12px] Actions && [b][color=#aaf0d1]"Speech,"[/color][/b] && [i][b]' Thoughts/Quotes '[/b][/i]

[b]ooc[/b]: —
[b]tw/cw[/b]: —
[slide=stay with me until i fall asleep, stay with me 𖤓][fleft][bimg][/bimg][/fleft][size=12px]   [color=#50c878]—[/color]   [i] a stick figure feline, all sharp lines and awkward angles, sneezefur's body bears the story of a harsh life on the twolegplace streets. his mostly white pelt is littered in scars, leaving him looking rather unpleasant to most. the one exception is shockingly bright seafoam gaze, long-lashed and angular, shining like gemstones upon his face. he's never once said a word to his clanmates, his vocabulary seemingly limited to quiet hums and grunts, but some swear they've heard him talking when alone. [/i]

   [color=#50c878]—[/color]   physically [b]medium[/b] [color=#addfad]&&[/color] mentally [b]medium[/b] 
   [color=#50c878]—[/color]   non-violent powerplay allowed [color=#addfad]&&[/color] healing powerplay allowed [color=#addfad]&&[/color] minor injury powerplay allowed
   [color=#50c878]—[/color]   please [b][color=#50c878]attack[/color][/b] using [plain][b][color=#50c878]action here[/color][/b][/plain] and tag account[/size][/slide]
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