
Generally, Twilightpaw doesn't find himself bored all that often. The last few moons have been a bit of a haze, wandering about aimlessly with no real goal, and before then he had the rest of his family to keep him company, but as he's slowly become more involved lately it's been getting harder to keep his attention fixed and his mind from wandering. Training good, and hunting hasn't been faring much better; venturing out alone to think leaves him too cold to stay out for as long as he'd like. Even watching his clanmates interact and go about their own daily lives hasn't been the same, leaving him feeling strangely dissatisfied and restless. It's almost frustrating, the lack of anything appealing, but Twilightpaw isn't quite ready to give up and take on extra chores to fill his time. Of the interactions he's had with his clanmates recently, only a handful have actually stood out to him, and one in particular remains at the forefront of his mind. Seemingly uncharacteristically for the season, a lizard had gone unchallenged in camp until Tornadokit had spotted it, giving chase and providing an entertaining sight for him as she had crashed right into somebody else. While amusing, there was something else about the brief interaction that fought for his attention - something about the way she had seemed so honed in on the lizard, so determined to catch it that she had shut out her surroundings almost entirely.

It bothers him on some strange level, and so with nothing else to do besides trudge through the snow and likely fail to find anything at all, let alone catch it, Twilightpaw seeks out his ill-acquainted clanmate. Perhaps it was the fervor she had shown, something he so wholly lacked, or maybe the narrow-minded attention that he never tried to muster on his own hunts, but something about Tornadokit made the apprentice want to see her succeed, even if she wasn't quite ready to take on the world yet. He could offer a few tips, maybe; nothing outlandish, just a start to what her mentor would hopefully cultivate in her in the future. Luckily for him, it isn't too hard to spot her, having already spent some time simply observing camp earlier, and once she doesn't look too invested in some other task he makes his approach, slowly ambling her way. "Hey - you busy right now?" the apprentice drawls, offering Tornadokit a lopsided grin. Twilightpaw takes a moment, briefly considering whether or not this was even a good idea in the first place, but eventually his own curiosity wins out. "Thought you might wanna learn some hunting forms." It's a simple offer, nothing beyond even his limited skillset, but it still feels strange, the idea of offering to teach someone else. Of being the one to reach out first. The feeling is strange, rusty even, but he's pretty sure it's at least better than his earlier boredom.

// @Tornadokit
If you don't like me, that's your problem
Growing claws scrape against frozen stone as she clambers up a rather large stack of rocks, dispelling a fluffy pile of snow once she makes it to the top. A low huff falls from her maw in the form of silvery brume, steadying her breath before preparing to come back down. These little exercises prepared by Brawlinglion were among just a few to help build muscle and skill. It worked wonders as a form of supplemental training, but sometimes she wished there was more to do. She noticed quite some time ago how her regimen now longer offered that familiar burn of a days hard work. Each movement became easier to execute and as thoughtless as breathing almost. Eventually, the girl hears a voice drifting her way and citrine eyes are quick to locate the tom below. "No, I'm not. Why?" It was rare for an apprentices to come seek her out for anything and thus he held her full attention.

He presents her with a secondary question, one that causes her brows to lift marginally. He wanted to teach her some of his techniques? She leans forward, ebony paws gripping the edge of her perch as she gazes upon him with a grin of her own. "You must be a mind reader because you're right. I'm always ready to learn something new." She calls down, anticipation glittering within lemon tinted eyes. Carefully she poises herself, allowing gravity to pull her midway before leaping to land somewhat near the apprentice. Tornado shakes momentarily to rid herself of any snow clinging to her curly fur. "What's the first thing?" The brutish femme asks with a wave of her tail.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem