

Sedge is a lanky creature; an earth and snow colored tom outfitted with spindly legs, but of otherwise average height and weight. His short, scrubby fur is constantly buffered by the wind, fluffing out at his cheeks, ears, neck, and tail. The pattern of his pelt is random, like paint-splatters. His paws are sometimes smudged green from constant running across the moor.

He has all the characteristics of a typical WindClan cat, including a lean demeanor and a windswept look about him. He has a pair of rich amber eyes that sit owlishly in his head, above which sits a knotted scar on his left brow.

— Smells of windswept moors and early morning dew; sandy earth and heather.
— Sounds of bright, unfettered intonations; alto. Voiceclaim (Steven Yeun as Mark Grayson)

Brilliant, But LazyWhite SheepWide-Eyed Idealist

Sedgepounce has always been inherently naive. He's kindhearted at his core, for better or worse, and has approached the majority of his life with the belief that everything will always work out. This go with the flow attitude left him unprepared for significant hardship.

After suffering a betrayal at the claws of a former clanmate, Sedgepounce is prone to see the worst in those around him. He has a nagging, unconscious fear that someone's out to get him at any moment; a fear which overpowers his prior tendency toward indifference. He's painfully aware of the worse qualities of those around him, unwilling to breeze over anything in case it comes back to bite him. Trust is now a fragile thing.

In other ways, though, Sedgepounce is still friendly, bright, and warm. He likes to make jokes and tell stories. He enjoys familiar company. He's a people's person; an extrovert. A part of him craves that easy-going nature of his past, but he doesn't know how to reach it.

MUDSTONE (NPC) x YARROWFANG (NPC) | Younger sibling to Beetlenose, Hawkswoop, Stormcloud | Mentor to Bunnypaw

— Friends with Cottonsprig, Foxglare
— Enemies with Snakehiss


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  • — Sedgekit is born to Yarrowfang and Mudstone in Newleaf. Both of his parents were marsh colony cats, and loyal ones to boot. His father, Mudstone, is a typical father in as far as clan cats go (as in distant albeit supportive) so Sedge spends most of his time with Yarrowfang.

    — He has a good kithood. His elder siblings are all apprentices at this point, so he nags them for stories about training and patrols. He's unaware of any hardship that the clan goes through.

    — Throughout kithood, he shares the nursery with the likes of Snakekit, Whitekit, and in Sootstar's second litter, Cottonkit.
  • — Sedgepaw is apprenticed to Doompath, an extremely skittish and weak-willed tom. He picks up hunting and sparring like second nature, but is otherwise bored by Doompath's flippant, anxious teaching style, leading Sedgepaw to frequently disobey directions in search of entertainment.

    — Sedgepaw quickly gains a reputation of being a rule-breaker, mostly in order to slack off. He's only ever punished by other cats (such as Badgermoon) or scolded by his parents. Doompath does little in the way of discipline.

    — Due to Doompath's extreme agoraphobia and latent xenophobia, he and Sedgepaw never venture closer than a foxlength to the border, nor do they attend any gatherings together. This causes Sedgepaw to grow up extremely sheltered. He does not interact with anyone outside of WindClan. Thus, he derives his opinions on the other clans through camp-bound rumors, while also maintaining a sort of naive, rosy-tinted outlook on the world beyond the moors.

    ☆ — While out collecting moss, a fox attacks Snakepaw. Sedgepaw distracts the fox long enough for Snakepaw to escape its grasp, injuring himself in the process. A nearby patrol of warriors is able to chase the fox away, but Sedgepaw is resigned to the medicine den for a moon in order to heal, delaying his warrior ceremony.

    — During his time in the medicine den, Sedgepaw grows an appreciation for medicine and healing. He has secret hopes to be medicine cat apprentice, but is disappointed when StarClan seemingly chooses Cottonpaw for the position instead.

    ☆ — For his warrior exam, Sedgepaw is paired up with Foxpaw, leading the two to develop a close bond.

    — Badgermoon escorts Sedgepaw to the Moonstone before his warrior ceremony as Doompath is too afraid to make the trek.
  • — Sedgepaw is named Sedgepounce in his warrior ceremony for his skills in hunting.

    ☆ — When a Yellowcough plague wracks the clans, Sedgepounce is one of the cats who volunteers to retrieve its cure. Sootstar secretly allows cats she deems disposable to make the Journey.

    — After successfully retrieving lungwort, Sedgepounce returns home a week later than most other cats after volunteering to aid a group of injured (and therefore slower) journey-travelers.
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  • Sedgepounce is more likely to run than he is to fight. He will avoid a conflict if at all possible, especially when faced with a fight alone. He primarily plays the role of battlefield support, opting to aid his comrades by distracting enemies, protecting the flank, or carrying away the wounded. His priority is keeping others safe rather than striking down his enemies.

    — Sedgepounce will survey the battlefield, keeping an eye out for anyone grievously wounded. He will do his best to fight off opponents in order to get the wounded to safety.

    — As his allies attack head on, Sedgepounce will focus on rebuffing those approaching from the sides.

    Using his hind legs, Sedgepounce will leap toward an enemy and attempt to knock them off balance, quickly rolling out of the way. Similarly, when pinned, Sedge will furiously kick at his opponent's underbelly with his hind feet, not unlike a cornered rabbit.

  • Sedgepounce is a skilled hunter who works best in an open, field-like environment. He excels at chasing after quick prey like hares and birds, leaping at them before they can burrow underground or fly into the air.

    — Sedgepounce is used to thick undergrowth, whether that be tall grass or brambles, and knows how to use these parts of the environment to his advantage. He does not know how to climb and would struggle with getting prey from a tree.

    — Uncomfortable with the close quarters of underground and unused to the constant dark, Sedge would find it difficult to find prey in the tunnels. He would probably try to corner something, or chase it aboveground.

    — Sedge has never fished, and doesn't have applicable skills that would help him if he tried.

  • HUNTING + 5
    OFFENSE - 2
    DEFENSE + 3
    SWIMMING - 3
    CLIMBING + - 0
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[justify][FONT=georgia][SIZE=7][COLOR=#516C60][outline=rgb(37, 43, 33)][B][I]I WISH YOU BLUEBIRDS IN THE SPRING[/I][/B][/outline][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

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  • "Foxglare?" Sedgepounce echoes. A look of contemplation crosses his face before he grins crookedly. "You're just asking me because he's so cool and mysterious, huh?" Foxglare is cool and mysterious, but he's truthfully one of Sedge's closest friends. They've been thick as thieves since they had their apprentice exams together—Foxglare, stoic and aloof, seems endlessly tolerant of Sedge's wild dreams and dumb ideas. His memories of the two of them together are mostly rosy-tinted.

    "He', my best friend, I guess," Sedgepounce settles, once again contemplative. It's difficult to pinpoint what exactly their relationship is. Foxglare is...the cat most loyal to him, and vice versa. For all the paranoia and anxiety he's wrestled with ever since his plunge in the river, Foxglare is the only one he can feel truly at ease around. Foxglare, he's sure, would never hurt him.

    Foxglare is the antithesis to Sedgepounce's innate pacifist. He's stark and broody, but also incredibly caring in a way that Sedgepounce truly appreciates. Thus, the juxtaposition between them has never really come up. They are best friends, but also maybe more. Unfortunately, Sedgepounce has trouble discerning his own feelings half the time, let alone the feelings of someone so stoic.

  • "Why do you ask?" His words come out in a rush. There's a tenseness in his posture that wasn't there before, and a frown pressed squarely to his mouth. He considers not answering for a moment. The words are difficult to find.

    "Cot friend." They grew up together. They have stupid inside jokes and countless old stories and even more memories. He's been with her all through apprenticeship. First moor runner, then tunneler—but medicine cat drove a wedge between them that, at times, feels like a cavern. Perhaps it's impossible to cover. "...She's my friend."

    Cottonsprig is Sedgepounce's oldest friends, but maybe that's not always a good thing. The history between them is vast, their relationship battered after a lifetime spent under Sootstar's cruel regime. Sedgepounce has never really been empathetic enough toward Cottonsprig. He sympathizes with her struggles, her insecurities, yet envies her for her privilege and position in life. There's always that little voice in the back of his head saying: "If I were her, I would be happy."

  • Sedgepounce looks up, tilting his head. "Uh...Celandinepaw seems nice," he answers. Bright, naive, enthusiastic. He was her, once upon a time. "She's got a tough job ahead of her. But, I dunno, she'll do fine." As long as she puts her head down and studies, he's sure she'll do well as a medicine cat apprentice. She's certainly friendly enough for the job. Besides, no apprentice on earth starts out knowing all they need to. She has plenty of time to figure everything out.

    Miraculously, Celandinepaw is spared most of the negative emotions Sedgepounce associates with med-cat apprentices. He's older, now, and resigned to the fact that his life didn't go the way he envisioned. The lingering sentiment he struggles with toward Cottonsprig is therefore absent when it comes to the innocent third party of Celandinepaw. Instead, Sedgepounce hopes that she can prove herself a worthwhile apprentice.

  • "Scorch junior?" Sedgepounce jibes, grinning. "She's pretty intense. Gets that from her mom, I guess." She's always been like that, from what he can tell. Even when she was a kitten chasing butterflies from the nursery, Scorchstorm always had this piercing, harsh look in her eye. "She's cool. But she could also stand to chill sometimes, too."

    Sedgepounce still thinks of Scorchstorm as a child. It's probably because most of his interactions with her occurred during her apprenticeship. She's a grizzled warrior now, but he can't help but to remember her as a spiky-furred kid.

  • "Sunstar's a good leader," he answers automatically. Sedgepounce can't shake the feeling like this is some sort of test. His fur prickles under the scrutiny. "He's kind, and empathetic...He, uh, makes good decisions, I think. I mean..." A sad look crosses Sedge's face. "He's sacrificed a lot. I'm...I'm really sorry about Bearflight."

    Sedgepounce appreciates Sunstar's leading style. He's firm and thoughtful, but not cruel. Sedgepounce can follow him in confidence. Still, a past under Sootstar's reign is hard to shake. If Sunstar were to start to turn toward the worst, well...he'd be sad, but perhaps not surprised.

  • "Why would you ask me that?" Sedgepounce spits. "Just—ugh. Leave me alone!"

    He hates Snakehiss. He was an awful kit turned awful adult turned delusional zealot. He hates him.

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