me and the lavender moon | nest making

It's a tedious task to some but Lilybloom takes the duty of fixing and making new nests quite seriously. A comfortable nest meant a good night's rest. And a well-rested warrior was a happy warrior.

Lilybloom has always been pretty good at making nests and whilst the lack of an eye might have made her work a little bit more sloppy than usual, she was still no less talented. After touching up a few nests already, Lilybloom had taken to putting flowers into some of them, to both improve their overall appearance and give them a pleasant scent too. She was also watching a clanmate weave a nest next to her, her green eye gleaming with pride when she saw they had taken her advice and made a solid nest. "Wow, that looks great!" She commended. "You'll be better than me in no time if you keep on like that!"
( tags ) Pikesplash wouldn't say he was awful at weaving, but he was no means the best. Lilybloom had given him some pointers to make a better nest and he did take them to heart. He had to make his nest slightly bigger for the times Otterkit would sneak in and decide to sleep in his nest, and he decided to add some flowers this time. It was a bit difficult adding flowers when he first started and he nearly gave up, but he decided he was going to sit down and do this. If he was going at a turtle's pace, that was fine. He usually skipped the flowers for this reason, but he needed them to calm him down. He'd heard from others that flowers not only had a pleasant scent, but some flowers in particular soothed your soul. A nest is supposed to make you unwind, be comfortable.

The tom had his tongue peeking out, concentrated on making his nest. When Lilybloom had commented on his nest, his head sharply turned to her. He remained silent as she complimented his work and praised his efforts. H-huh? Oh this? He looks down at his now completed nest. I guess it's good? Just take the compliment. Just take it. "Hehe, I dunno. I have gotten better, but I still have a long way to go. I never knew adding flowers could be so difficult! It'll be worth it. I hope. This is my first time trying a nest with flowers so it'll be strange at first."
The lilac tabby would lean over from her own nest work to peer at her peers. "Oh so bashful." Honeystone would giggle amused at the tom's fumble to accept the compliment. "It's like the movement of waves," She'd chirp quietly as she returned her grey-blue sights back to her nest in the works. "Gentle.. Fluid.. It takes a little bit to learn its motions, but once you do-!" The warrior would move her paws in sync with her words before gleefully pulling them back as she finished. Grinning delightfully, she'd cast a gaze to Lilybloom's nest before gasping. "Lilybloom!" She'd exclaim, rising to her paw to approach the other's bedding. "Where ever did you find this flower?" A soft white paw would gesture to the one she meant in the other's nest. "It's so pretty!"— tags
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sneezefur | 29 months | demi-boy | he/him | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold #50c878
It's not as though sneezefur can add to the conversation, but he does his best, nodding along emphatically with lilybloom and honeystone trying to get his silent agreement across. His own efforts are much more lackluster - really, the thing at his paws looks more like something the river has spat onto the shore than a nest. He'd never needed one in his travels after all, and he's not like the younger cats here - had never been an apprentice, never officially been taught to do such crafts. A frown tugs at his scarred muzzle as he sighs heavily, seafoam gaze fluttering closed for a moment when he grows frustrated at the lack of change in his own work. Oh well - it is what it is. He looks down at his work listlessly - perhaps lilybloom could salvage it with some of her flowers - though really, he's not certain he'd want to lay on this one either.