Spars and Silversmoke went together like bees and honey, so often did the spotted tom find his home wrestling and clawing that it was a miracle he had not moved his nest to the outskirts of the territory. His intentions at the training place were as predictable as ever, his opponent, on the other hand, was a mystery. Despite being in the clan since her birth, the Lead Warrior couldn't recall time he'd ever seen the sister of his ex-apprentice fight, except for with a sharp tongue. He'd learned not to underestimate the quiet ones after the force of which Eggshellbloom had attacked him in his assessment, but, a part of the tabby still felt unease at going against an unknown, potentially weaker variable. Her blood did not seem to burn at the idea of protecting her home as his own did and, with Dandelionwish's death still thickening the air with grief, he wondered how that would play into the happenstance battle the pair found themselves in. It couldn't be an excuse, in the face of bloodshed, duty to one's clan did not stop. His eyes briefly met Lupinesong's across the sandy ravine, the tepid start of a fire within them.

'You're undoubtedly Crowsight's sister.' The long black fur, the height, the build, truly, their main difference shone in personality. Crowsight would've been eager to fight, but as Silversmoke averted his eyes to just above the other's ears, the lingering thought that Lupinesong lacked enthusiasm settled like a mosquito. Claws unsheathed as he began to pace in a semi-circle in front of the other cat, his tail lashing behind him. "We'll keep to usual spar rules." There was little point in changing a tried and true system, especially when the other already seemed tense. He tilted his head, keeping the other in line with his green eye to the best of his abilities. "Make the first move, Lupinesong," he half-suggested, half-ordered. SkyClan's shield rarely struck first, but it wasn't something he could blame on honour, rather, he saw the advantages of watching an opponent before committing to an attack of his own. Afterwards, he would know how much to exert himself, and what he had to do to make the other do the same.