meadowlarks | nettlepaw


it's time to acknowledge me.
Jan 3, 2023
TAGS — Nettlepaw had seemed to want to take him up on his hunting offer. Smokepaw's glad for it- he thinks that the tom could use some normalcy. He'd needed the normalcy too, after recovering from his own injuries all those moons ago now, but he fears that Nettlepaw might need it even more than he had then. All he can hope for now that they're heading out is that the monocular vision won't be too frustrating. For either of them. Ravencry had raised him to have little tolerance for any kind of subpar performance, and he's afraid of how he might act should the instinct come braying like a dog at the base of his skull.

"Do you want to try the tunnels? Sootstar and I found a new warren the other day, and I don't think anyone's been back for it," he suggests to the tom at his side. It'd probably be easier to hunt underground, what with all of this snow, but he's not sure how much Nettlepaw has been in the tunnels since his injury. Part of him thinks it shouldn't be that different. Nettlepaw isn't blind, after all, and it's not like depth perception was really all that important underground anyway. Not when they could hardly see to begin with. But he's still cautious, not wanting to be the cat to push Nettlepaw past some limit that could cause the both of them to suffer more than he already is. Silently, he waits for an answer, ear swiveling towards his friend to show his attentiveness as he keeps his gaze straight ahead.

Initially, he almost rejected Smokepaw's offer, wanting nothing more than to retreat back to the isolated corners of camp and hide all over again. But what would his parents say? Nettlepaw tried to envision them in his mind's eye, scolding him for his detachment from his clan. He needed to stop feeling so sorry for himself, that's what they'd say... probably. The scarred apprentice forced a grateful smile, though it was gone in a flash, and accepted.

On the brighter side, beyond camp, there were less obstacles to bump into ― Nettlepaw kept Smokepaw on his left as they trudged through the snow, not wanting to constantly check if he was stepping on paws or anything else if he was on the right. Admittedly, it felt nice to be in the open again, to be doing something as helpful as hunting. He wasn't fragile... or at least, he thought so. His unfolded ear perked at Smokepaw's words; his head tilted just enough to fully capture the other apprentice in his vision. "Okay," was all he said at first, after a thoughtful look. It'd be better than freezing looking for prey that wasn't there. As dense and concealing as his fur tried to be, even his flanks started to narrow and thin during the worst of leaf-bare. Nettlepaw glanced away from Smokepaw, dragging his gaze across the white-coated landscape for any nearby tunnel entrance.