The early set of sunrise trickled upon the territory. Chorus of the sky creatures began to sing among the trees but the crickets had sung along. A last joint chorus before the day creatures took over; a swap in places. The moon beamed across the sky still as the sun slowly awoke. Petalnose was one of the early risers, knowing she had a full day ahead of her. Teaching surroundings, how to respect them and know them. She was sure Starlightpaw would be excited, she wasn't even sure if the newly made apprentice had gotten enough sleep if they had gotten any at all. Still, she lived by her little promise during the ceremony. The light gently touched the earth alight, morning dew seeping onto the tips of vegetation. Siren-like eyes fluttered away the heaviness of exhaustion, shaking her pelt to induce energy back into her body.

Silently she approached the apprentice den, standing outside and crouching her tall frame to find her apprentice. Her head peaked in until she spotted the familiar star-marked forehead, "Starlightpaw. Are you ready to go? You got a lot to see." A strong voice to attract attention or wake, Petalnose didn't feel like pushing into the cramped den unless the apprentice fell victim to the heavy drowsiness of sleep. There wasn't sleeping in anymore, they had responsibilities to tend to from now on. They both had a lot to learn. For the lead warrior, it was the personality and habits that this one would possess. It drove her curious, would the river king's kin grumble from the new set schedule or sprint out full of excitement? Would Starlightpaw stick by her side obediently or keep her chasing- scolding? Would she listen to her or would she be too distracted by the wonders around to listen? Did she seem to have a dislike to her mentor or an admiration? There were many questions that fluttered about her mind but she would let the day answer them, keeping note to herself to stay observant.

