MEET ME INSIDE // sootstar


dripping fangs
Nov 23, 2022
// this is sooo retro but I really wanted to rp out the interaction :3 @SOOTSTAR

"That damned medicine cat!" The patrol leader snaps as she shoves through the gorse tunnel into camp, blood seeping from the scratches that now frame her cheek. There is a slight limp to her gait, small enough for it to be obvious that it is nothing major, but she still winces in a bit of pain. Her patrol-mates scatter, probably to find some herbs to put on their fresh scratches, but Nightmareface stands still for a moment, licking at a small wound on her paw before the fur along her neck lifts. It's as if an impending storm has set her on edge, but when she looks up all she finds is her leader.

"Sootstar," She starts, clambering to her paws. Her heart pounds with nervousness and instinctively her head dips, ears flat. "ThunderClanners, they were trying to get to the Moonstone. Their medicine cat and some warriors. through." Shame washes over her and she ducks her skull further, grating voice even scratchier. She knows her leader wanted all trespassers dead; she and her patrol had failed to kill a single one of them, and had been run off instead. She is a failure.

Cursing and irritated growls sound as a patrol pushes their way through the gorse tunnel. At their head, Nightmareface leads with a gait. Fresh wounds plaster her body and blood streaks white fur, Sootstar’s eyes flash in panic. Nightmareface had been assigned to lead her patrol to the outskirts of Highstones, to defend WindClan’s newly named territory with all her might. What had happened?

Sootstar approaches as the patrol lead greets her, her ears flattening against her head. She reports ThunderClanner’s had made an attempt to breach through and into mothermouth, she holds her breath for confirmation that Nightmareface had succeeded, but she gives her leader no relief. Green eyes are set ablaze with fury, she wants little more than to slice thorn-sharp claws against the drooling she-cat’s ears.

”They- they- oh- you rabbit-brain! Sootstar insults with a spat, her feathery tail lashing side-to-side in hostility. ”You’ve shamed your clan! Your leader! Your failure paints us as fools!” Howlingstar likely grins now, ThunderClan cackling that WindClan’s proclaimed strong defense on Highstones had not been so difficult to break through after all. ”How is it that they’ve broken through and you stand here- that you’ve returned to me? You should’ve bled yourself dry before any cat made it to the Moonstone!” Sootstar rears her head back, beneath her fury grows a vague look of disappointment. She had not expected this from Nightmareface, shame has been brought to the moor clan.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Nightmareface winces as the venomous words split through the air. Her head is lowered to her paws, eyes squeezing shut as if she expects a swat right over the head. Her body flattens, and she has half a mind to roll over before the moorland queen like a whimpering mutt. “They outnumbered us,” She tries to explain - a lie. “You shoulda seen the warriors they had with them - beasts of cats! We - ah - we would’ve been killed ourselves! Forgive me,” She pleads and begs, mismatched eyes shooting back up towards her leader, round and wide. “I’ll- I’ll get them next time! They won’t see me coming, I’ll slit the throats of every last trespasser. I will!” Slobber drips from grinning fangs as she offers her promise, tail quivering in terror.
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Her tail raises stiff into the air, Nightmareface’s pleads falling on deaf ears. ”If the choice is you die or ThunderClan crosses our borders, you DIE! Sootstar hisses, venom dripping from her fangs as she lets loose her fury. ”You vowed to protect your clan at the cost of your life. Next time you will see to keep that promise or a ThunderClan cat won’t be the one to have your hide, I will!” WindClan has no room for cowards, if Nightmareface runs when the heat gets too much for her she brings Sootstar little use.

The drooling warrior promises next time they won’t see her coming, that she’ll slit the throats of any cat who dared cross into their border. Sootstar huffs, ”See to it that you do. I won’t be so quick to forget your failures twice. Get out of my sight.” With that, a heavy dismissive motion with her paw.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing