MEET YOU THERE - windclan dawn patrol

Go to the ThunderClan border for this patrol her deputy had said, and who was Bluepool if not an obedient soldier? Badgermoon, however, had never specified what time she should embark on said patrol and thus, she was rousing the troops before the break of dawn. "Everybody waaaake uuup!" she had said when the small group had finally been awoken, whether they liked it or not "Get some food in your bellies and then we'll be off!" She herself had absolutely demolished a vole before once again rounding everyone up and setting off. If one did not know the silver striped warrior, one would think it was way too early for her to have so much energy, but as the cats of WindClan most undoubtedly knew by now, Bluepool woke up at this time every single day to race across the moors, wind in her fur, ground pounding beneath her feet. There was no freer feeling in the world than getting to sail across those gentle hills and plains, no obstacles in her way. Every morning she watched the sun rise and bathe those hills with their golden light, paint the sky with soft hues of pink and purple. It was no doubt her favorite time of day, the time before the whole world woke up. It always felt like a beginning.

"You sorry lot ready to get those legs hot?" She asks as they exit the camp, perhaps she could make this patrol a little fun. ThunderClan's border wasn't far after all. "Last one to the border has to uh..." she pauses for a moment trying to think of a fitting punishment "Last one there has to act like a chicken in front of thunder clan!" good thing she wasn't going to be last! "Okay GO!" She calls out and immediately is off, only slowing down to ensure her apprentice was keeping up. She didn't want any of the young ones to get left behind, of course.

When they reach the border she slows down to a trot and then a walk, yellow eyes taking inventory and making sure everyone was accounted for. It wouldn't do if she showed up and one of the apprentices were missing, especially, stars forbid, Adderpaw. Her sister would line her nest with her fur! Well. maybe they could do with losing Silverpaw... "Okay everyone, you know the drill" she says as she fans out to begin marking the border, it was no ones first day.

// She wont enforce the chicken thing! Anyone from Wind is free to do it if they want but not necessary
@Periwinklebreeze. @LEMONTONGUE @SILVERPAW @nightingalepaw @SUNSTRIDE @Adderpaw

Dawn patrol Wolfwind was fighting a battle between her two selves. A part of her demanded more sleep, more shuteye! And the other part of her figured her fellow warriors – specially the fresh ones, must be thinkin' the same thing. Someone had to be the dawn patrol guy, at the end of the day. O noble soul, she takes it upon herself, fluffing her fur against the misty morning. It was getting to the point that any chill was becoming more of a dream than any actuality. Instinct, she'll call it.

Wolfwind sighs into the open air, catching moor-scent that was stronger than the typical border left to lie there. If she's honest, she didn't know what to think of 'em. They were barely neighbors in her humble opinion, but the other clans all had quite a lot to say about 'em. She'd think a bunch of cats livin' in flower town with no trees or nothin' would be all buddy - like spending their greenleaf days sunbathing and leaf - bare days huddling like the closest of friends. Apparently, they were a lil' update. She supposed SkyClan had already taken that first trophy from them.

And weirdly enough, some of 'em looked like they were catching their breaths already. " You guys bein' worked to death, or somethin'? " Would maybe be a Sootstar - ish thing to do, if the rumors were true.


Silverpaw was NOT a morning guy. So being roused so early for a patrol was nothing short of being nightmarish for him, and it didn't help that his mentor, Runninghare, was so pushy about getting him to hurry along. The former kittypet was too tired to eat so he ended up skipping breakfast in favour of sitting motionless next to his mentor as he tried to get his mind in gear. Unfortunately it didn't do him much good as they began to set off on the patrol and he found himself just as groggy as ever. It really wasn't his day either, especially as Bluepool proposed a race to the ThunderClan border with an unfortunate fate for the loser.

His mentor ditched him in an instant and Silverpaw was left in his dust. Not wishing to be left behind he tried his best to keep up, but fate was not on his side as his forepaw caught in a rabbit hole and caused him to eat the dirt as he took an overly dramatic tumble. By the time he gathered himself up and hurried to catch up to the patrol it became painfully obvious that he was dead last. He was livid! The apprentice kept his head down as he tried to busy himself with marking the border, but his mentor was swift to remind him about the conditions that the loser had been challenged to carry out. Great!

The apprentice looked in the direction of the ThunderClanner known as Wolfwind and he drew in a deep breath to steady his sense of confidence. "BWAAAK!"

//He rolled a Nat 1, lol!
  • Haha
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Dawn patrol SUCKED but you know what? At least he got to go on them with Wolfwind!! He'll always think she's the coolest. He bounced along beside her, full of energy as usual through the wakening forest.

The cool morning mist and the dew against his paws was always pleasant, the weather was still cool at this hour and not hot and dry. His coat worked against him in new leaf. He had no idea how awful Greenleaf was going to be!

He had no real opinion of their moorland neighbors. They hadn't been mean to them any time he happened to be on a patrol here, but the other clans said only evil things about them. He stopped beside Wolfwind and looked at the other cats.

"Good morning!!" He greeted them cheerfully with a big smile.

Which turned to shock and confusion as Silverpaw squawked at them. Why did he do that. Was there a joke he was missing? He could only tilt his head and blink in the face of this strange behavior.

Should he squawk back????
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Squeak Squeak

Tired teal blue eyes drifted towards the others as her gaze landed onto the forms of the windclanners with a gentle frown on her maw at their presence. Despite everything, the young warrior had never once been to the big gatherings, having opted out to stay in camp while it was...silent. Her ears flicked a bit as she glanced over at Wolfwind and then down to the energetic Sparkpaw before the oddest of noises came from one of windclanner's apprentices and the young warrior let out a soft squeak as her eyes fixed down on the other with clear confusion in her eyes.

"I-is t-this how W-windclan...n-normally g-greets o-other...c-clans?" she asked softly with clear confusion on her face, perhaps it was too early and she just misheard definitely sounded like the apprentice had bawked at them, and she wondered if that was normal? Her eyes flashed back to the dawn patrol in confusion before looking back at the others hoping that they did not take what the she-cat had said as an insult but as a genuine curiosity...
Ospreytalon appreciated the dawn patrol. Though it was always a struggle to pull himself from his nest, his habit of rising at dawn was a tough one to break—and he'd gathered an appreciation for the calmness of the world before everyone else woke up. Cats were often too tired to make any meaningless small talk, with Osprey himself being no exception, and the forest was always light and soft in a way that only the dew-cooled mist of early morning could accomplish. It was nice.

Most of the time.

Osprey is staring straight at Silverpaw when he stumbles up to the border and...croaks? It's a horrible sound. Ospreytalon would think that he'd have choked if not for the stifled laughs that some of his clanmates are trying to smother. He continues to stare the rickety apprentice down until Mothsqueak questions him, in which case Osprey's mouth thins into a wry line. "Doesn't seem like it" he says, moving sidelong to disperse the bulk of the patrol. "Maybe this is a special occasion." It's almost a smile—and almost a joke.

WindClan, of course, is a sore spot in general clan politics. He doesn't trust them, but he doesn't particularly trust anyone, either. Sootstar in particular carries an air of unpredictability, however, and it makes him antsy. He figures that any patrol at their side is a good chance for crucial insight to what they're like, what their intentions are. So far...this crowd is fond of squawking like birds. All in all, he can't complain.
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periwinklepaw | 10 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
Periwinklepaw is more than used to his mentors strange sleeping habits by now - not that he can really judge, given his own. Its not as though he'd slept at all the night before, and thin limbs barely manage to carry his frail figure after her when she races off - tired brain simply going into auto-pilot and shadowing her. He's fairly certain he's tripped at least three times but he's not the last to arrive and that's all that matters. With hunger gnawing at his insides he gets to work, though weary blue eyes do look up when the other patrol arrives. Sparkpaw is a... perhaps not a friend but at least a familiar and friendly face, and so with a quick glance at his mentor - he feels mor paranoid than ever, but honestly his clanmates are terrifying - he gives a small nod and a flick of his tail in greeting.

Silverpaw actually does the punishment, and peri cannot help but snort - both at the embarrassing situation and the confusion on the thunderclanners faces. Truly, he feels a bit bad - silverpaw must get picked on quite a bit with his heritage, because while the other seems to have taken the challenge serious periwinklepaw is fairly certain it'd been made in jest. He does nothing to add to the situation though just watches - lips twitching as he tries to hold in his laughter and hide his smile.

Life doesn't discriminate
Rising early alongside Harrierpaw nearly every day made getting up for dawn patrol that much easier. After enjoying a light snack for the journey he accompanied Bluepool outside of camp alongside Sunstride. She offers a proposition. They race, but the loser must suffer the neverending shame of embarrassing themselves in front of thunderclan. A low scoff escapes his jaws, he would race the moors alongside the patrol but certainly would not be the last one to finish. He wouldn't be caught dead acting in such a way around an enemy clan. After digging his heels in Adderpaw thrusts himself into a full blown sprint. Wind whistles in his ears and combs through his fur while his paws pound against the ground. Eventually he slows to a stop, burning eyes turning to gaze upon a patch of shrubbery to rub against as he catches his breath. One of the thunderclanners offers a greeting that he does not return, serpentine tail lashing as he continues on his way. He's here to do a job, not socialize. Silverpaw eventually joins them and begrudgingly makes chicken sounds for all to hear. Lifting his head from the greenery Adderpaw grimaces at the mock cry.
Between the sinners and the saints
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Unlike Wolfwind, Crowflower is an early-riser. She always wakes with the dawn. Many of the forest's creatures have yet to wake by the time pale morning sunlight cuts through the last shadows of night. Even the monsters roaring down the thunderpath tend to be silent this early in the day. It's the perfect time to enjoy the melody of birdsong drifting through the canopy and watch the sunrise before setting off to complete the day's chores.

Plus, Crowflower has always enjoyed the occasional interactions between clans. Although each gathering has been increasingly wrought with tension, last moon's Gathering granted her a unique opportunity to interact with the few Windclan cats in attendance. It is no secret that she is more progressive in her opinions of cats from other clans, and there are no rules against being friendly. Though she spots neither Gravelsnap nor Snailstride, the skunk-furred molly is pleased that Sootstar has sent a rather entertaining group on the dawn patrol. Including one apprentice who makes a poor impression of a chicken.

She tries to obscure her amused expression behind a muddy white paw, but is unable to silence the delighted laughter from escaping her maw. In a show of good spirits, she squawks in response to Silverpaw before casting a mischievous glance at her own apprentices, neither of which were early-risers. "Good morning!" her voice is nearly as cheerful as Sparkpaw's, though Crowflower is more softspoken. "It's always good to see some early birds." She thinks she's rather hilarious. Cherrypaw and Duckpaw might disagree.

@Cherrypaw @D U C K
It is with a great bout of breathless laughter that Sunstride joins the remnants of their patrol at the edge of their territory. Though he was not so unlucky as to be the last, he is certainly not meant for racing the moors as some of his finer-coated companions. The density of his muscle and fur both make it an arduous task, even if it is one he is glad to complete. "You will outpace me far before you are fully grown," the lead warrior chuckles to Adderpaw. The edges of his eyes are soft with pride. "I will lend you to another for further training, when the day comes– you should not be held back by my ill-suited body." He nudges him gently, a broad muzzle to the apprentice's shoulder, and it is perhaps the most physically affectionate he had been with the young tom in such a manner. Prodding of his paws, or a brush of his tail. Closeness to this degree is not unfamiliar, yet...avoided. As if it might bring too much of his past to this present. Even still Sunstride does not regret it.

As the moment fades, he busies himself with the business end of the patrol. Like his apprentice, well-trained as he is, Sunstride does not seek out conversation. Though a chuckle bursts past his teeth at Silverpaw's terrible mimicry of a chicken, it is better not to explain.

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. thirty-eight moons old. lead warrior of windclan + former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests.  single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"

Lemontongue isn't too sure when the last time he went on a proper border patrol was. In all honesty, he's surprised to be on this one. It's an assignment of which he'd forgotten about, that is, until he was shaken out of his slumber by Bluepool's call. A dawn patrol - how lucky Lemontongue is.

As he follows behind, the cinnamon-furred tom isn't sure he's met anyone keener on mornings than the patrol leader before him. He doesn't really expect to run this early in the morning either, but Bluepool races away, and Lemontongue has no choice but to follow with the rest of the patrol. After all, he doesn't want to embarrass himself with having to make chicken noises, as she proclaims the last one to arrive must.

His lungs burn by the time he hits the border, sides heaving. He's trailed behind, a long stride faltering with the fear that he would indeed have to act like a chicken ThunderClan to see. But, with the sudden squawking of Silverpaw, he is relieved of the losing position. Lemontongue looks to the apprentice with an amused look, but soon, ThunderClan approaches, and the shrill of the apprentice's mimicry loses its charm. Embarrassing, even if its not him having to make the noises.

"Good morning," Lemontongue says back to a black and white warrior across the way, an acknowledging nod following before he gets to work. After all, the quicker they're done here, the quicker he saves himself from further embarrassment.

"What in StarClan was that?" He's watching with utter bewilderment as his own mentor squawks back. He was much too exhausted for this, and even with an early riser for a mentor, he still noticeably hasn't gotten used to getting up at the crack of dawn. Cherrypaw just groans softly at her joke, though it was in earnest amusement.

"Goodness, I thought that was a dying chicken for a second there," Cherrypaw comments with a grin as he follows his mentor's gaze over to where the WindClan patrol stood, coming to a halt after brushing his pelt up against a nearby tree to mark ThunderClan's border. It seemed as though both his and the WindClan patrol were not particularly happy about getting up so early to mark their territories, but he supposed it only made sense--there were few cats he could think of, Crowflower included, who actually enjoyed getting out of a nice, warm nest this early in the morning.

Even then... He felt at ease, even with another clan's patrol passing by squawking like chickens. The morning felt light and the birds were singing off in the distance, leaving a peaceful air to the scenery around both patrols.
He supposed though that they soon had to move on, and he continued down along the border after Wolfwind, still smiling to himself. What a good morning this certainly was.
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