ripple colony "MEETING" ╱ STANDING ALONE


- ˏˋ〘 CRY ME A RIVER 〙ˊˎ -
Jul 8, 2023
The moons have been kind to Snapping Timber, many might say. Though the tom has been through much, he holds himself with composure intact; though his body is riddled with scars, he moves well enough. By all rights he has earned the respect that the Ripple Colony regards him with, but it is not something that the elderly tom takes lightly. He rests near the center of the place they have called home– a makeshift camp, amidst the mud of unknown territory. A younger cat brings him a fish where he rests, and Timber accepts it with a slow blink and a murmur of gratitude. They are not well. Too many of them are hungry. That they still feed the elders first has a glow of pride and shame both within the old tom's chest. First that he cannot provide, and then that they provide for him regardless. That they value his knowledge.

But he looks at the others now, their faces creased, and lifts a brow. "You seem troubled," Timber rasps to the returning group, beckoning them over with a curl of his tail. "Did something happen while you were out? None of you seem injured." Bright eyes narrow in thought as he glances between them all.

  • ooc: antlers gave me the go ahead to make this post-patrol "meeting" of sorts! for plot purposes, please tell timber what cada said!! >:)
  • snapping timber ╱╱ 116 moons ╱╱ he - him - his ╱╱ elder of the ripple colony.
    ──── a weathered ancient tom that has been part of the colony since its very founding.
    ──── sexuality unknown. has had several mates in the past, and several litters of kittens.
    ──── can be assumed to know all ripple colony members,  and aware of current events.

    Weathered by time, a once-dark pelt lightened by a dusting of grey and cut by ancient scars, his figure is hardly imposing. Perhaps once he would have been, but by now the chocolate tabby is slow to rise from his nest. Even still, verdant eyes remain bright and intelligent, without loss of focus.
  • "speech"
  • Love
Reactions: mercibun



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Splinter had been off on a solo hunt when the group had decided to go meandering. Similarly to the older tom-cat, she cannot help but notice their furrowed and trouble facial expressions as well.

Getting up onto her well-muscled legs, she teeters over rather obviously and looks at the returning group expectantly. Had they found trouble? ”If we start now- we could be ready to leave here by nightfall.” Splinter says, her fur beginning to bristle as she prepares for the worst. This would not be the first time they were forced from their staying-place.
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Mouse, at the very least, is far from troubled. She's been rather lost in thought the entire walk home, a twinkle in her round yellow eyes as she replays the group's recent encounter in her head over and over again. Cicadastar's inviting yet regal tone, the way he'd addressed her and spoken of his clanmates - his warriors. He and his awesome, noble warriors want to visit their colony! Conveniently forgetting how uninviting many of the other strangers had been, she can't wait for their arrival. There's so many questions she'd like to ask him! What is RiverClan like? Who - or what - have they sworn to defend their land from? Ah, she hopes the friendly cat that looked to be around her age is part of the patrol who drops by. One of the paws. What's being an apprentice like, she wonders? Warrior, apprentice, leader... it all sounds so fantastical.

The little molly has largely been too caught up in her own fantasies to really catch on to the rest of the patrol's atmosphere. It's somewhat intentional, albeit subconsciously; there's been so much worry tinging the air of the Ripple Colony, weighing cats down like the mud clinging to their pelts. Mouse hates it. She's sick of the insecurity she's been born into - first the flood-driven move and now the misfortune afflicting their newest home. It's much easier and more entertaining to just think about pleasant things, like fighting for the stars and being a warrior.

"RiverClan wants to visit," she vaguely declares with zeal, pushing her way to the front of the patrol and beaming up at Snapping Timber with childish naivety softening her scruffy features.
Kit lays in their makeshift camp, tabby fur bristling in overzealous excitement when the older cats return. He is not as wise as Snapping Timber and cannot sense the apprehension the patrol brings with them. He was nearing his third moon, after all, one could not expect him to do that much. Kit had not had the same experiences of trepidation and danger that the rest had. It did not scare him—he had been born constantly traveling, after all.

Immediately he bounds out from the shelter of a leafy fern and crouches. Kitten-grey eyes fixate on Mouse's smaller form among the rest of the patrol and Kit decides to make her his target. With his little body hanging close to the ground, his haunches wiggle and he is just about to pounce when—ach!

Suddenly Mouse steps forward and Kit trips over his paws, his prey now out of range. "What's a RiverClan?" He giggled loudly as he spoke out of turn.

  • Love

————————She/her | 34 moons | Ripple Colony————————
Today sure had been full of twists and turns, hadn't it? They had been out looking for answers, sure, but Rye hadn't expected any answers, much less running into another group of cats. The trek back is spent mulling over Cicadastar's words, silent unless otherwise prodded by any of the others, though she's sure everybody's been given more than enough to think about. Altogether, she's...not completely certain how to feel about his offer just yet; it seemed almost too good to be true, the potential promise of aid in searching out the cause of the river drying up. Some of them had seemed hostile, and yet no claws were raised after Cicadastar had called off his - warriors, was it? That was promising, though she didn't want to get her hopes up just yet. See what the elders say first before jumping all over herself to reach some sort of definitive conclusion. And, speaking of elders, the sight of Snapping Timber among the other colony members is a reassuring sight; following the rest of the patrol, she lumbers closer, eager to hear what the elder's opinion on the matter is.

Mouse pipes up first, simply stating that RiverClan wanted to come visit them, and amusing as the incredibly short summary is, Rye steps forward to provide a little bit more elaboration. "We ran into another group - RiverClan, they call themselves, like Mouse said," she starts, sending a glance Kit's way - surely he's not the only one wondering about the strange word. "They weren't particularly friendly at first, but there wasn't any scrappin' - their leader, calls himself Cicadastar, made sure of it. Told us that we're trespassin', said it was their land we had walked onto - doesn't seem like they're travelin' like we are. Told him we were out lookin' for the missin' water 'n he claimed they wanna work with us to figure out where it's gone, for both our sakes I assume - said he wanted to bring around more of his cats around sun-high tomorrow to meet with the rest of us, 'n I guess decide how to proceed from there." It's a lot at once, she's sure - it had felt like a lot even as the conversation had taken place, so Rye pauses, allowing the words to sink in. "Their leader promised he wouldn't send any of his cats after us, though I can't say his word means all that much, havin' just met him 'n all. Didn't seem all too keen on a fight today, but there weren't that many of 'em today - six or so, some of 'em youngins'," she adds, relaying the sentiment Cicadastar had tried to convey. "What do you make of all this, Snapping Timber?" She addresss the elder directly, seeing as he was the first one to speak up, though she sends a glance towards Splinter as well. Best to be on guard no matter what's decided here, she figures - maybe this RiverClan would hold tight to their promises, maybe they wouldn't. She doesn't step back, though she does fall quiet, waiting for either someone to speak up with more information or for the inevitable discussion of what to do that's sure to start brewing.
[penned by hijinks].
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Splinter is prepared to leave– could any blame her for this? He flicks his tail against the younger molly, a subtle gesture of comfort though his eyes do not leave the cats that had returned to them. The thought of leaving wearies him. They have been through much; though this was not a beautiful and perfect place, it is the first he has felt at home in some time. As their colony learns to fish, bellies would slowly fill again. In these shallow waters, they could have made something good. Yet it does not surprise him that they would be expected to leave. Already he thinks to the work it might take. How many weary paws would break along the journey? How many kits would spend too long held within another's jaws?

But what he hears from them first is not declaration of injury or violence– RiverClan wants to visit. Shortly and raggedly, Timber laughs. Mostly because his instinctual reaction is nearly precisely what Kit's is. Age changes little, in the end. Before he can find more impressive words and ask the same from their older members, Rye begins to tell their tale. A furrow grows between the elder's eyes, thought drawing his brow down, down, down, but never to violence. Instead, it is something of alarmed curiosity. Even if Cicadastar had pulled them from the brink of violence, could they truly risk this? He looks to the rest of his colony. They are not glorious warriors as RiverClan is made of. They are not led the way that Cicadastar seems to lead. There are those with knowledge, and those who must survive until they are old enough to obtain their own. Kit and Mouse would be protected as best any here were able, until they too could stand as the oldest in the colony, with many moons' tales to tell.

The idea of losing that frightens him; he is not above admitting that much. Yet are they not doomed to lose it regardless? These moons are difficult, and it will not stop until they have found a home. If they are not to live on these exact lands, could they not live nearby? If they found where the water had gone...

His brow still furrowed in thought, Snapping Timber hums a low noise. "They seek our assistance as much as we need theirs," he speaks slowly. Green eyes turn to Splinter; she is not among the elders, but with enough age and experience that he trusts her judgement. As another who had not seen this RiverClan in full, her thoughts mattered as much as his own. "I believe we should prepare to leave– but not before we've heard what he has to tell. We are in no shape to trust blindly, but if he speaks true we may put this trek behind us after so many nights. He may speak to us elders if he seeks our help. Do you agree?" Between Splinter and Rye, and the rest of those among the patrol, his serious gaze flitters carefully.

  • ooc:
  • snapping timber ╱╱ 116 moons ╱╱ he - him - his ╱╱ elder of the ripple colony.
    ──── a weathered ancient tom that has been part of the colony since its very founding.
    ──── sexuality unknown. has had several mates in the past, and several litters of kittens.
    ──── can be assumed to know all ripple colony members,  and aware of current events.

    Weathered by time, a once-dark pelt lightened by a dusting of grey and cut by ancient scars, his figure is hardly imposing. Perhaps once he would have been, but by now the chocolate tabby is slow to rise from his nest. Even still, verdant eyes remain bright and intelligent, without loss of focus.
  • "speech"
TAGS — Tempest stands over Kit, placing dark paws on either site of the little tabby in big, exaggerated steps, and twitches her whiskers at him playfully when he eventually looks up at her. He's almost big enough to start hunting now, a fact that makes her incredibly excited for him and curious to see where his skills will lie, but she's hopeful that the river will ... uh ... un-dry itself up before they get to that stage. But, before that, Snapping Timber holds court; as one of their elders, and one of the smartest and most knowledgeable cats in the Colony, of course they'd seek his advice on their weird encounter with RiverClan.

"Do we have to show them our camp? I don't like them knowing where to find us." Tempest's ears drop back, a small frown settling on her youthful features. She glances between Rye and Splinter and Snapping Timber, quietly expectant; while the two she-cats were of the motherly generation, he would always have most of the answers. He always has, after all, ever since she'd come to the Colony way back in the mountains where it was freezing cold ... "What do you think they want from us, anyhow?"

TAGS — There is a predatory slope to his posture as Hemlock stalks back with the rest of the colony. For the journey home (home, is that what he is calling it now?) his mind has been abuzz with recollection and rumination. There is a certain amount of smoky frustration in each exhale, though the bone-cold tom manages to mask it well enough. He is even-keeled and methodical; he steps carefully; he says the right things at the right times; he is a good, reliable cat. This all must be true, or else he doubts that he would be in the good graces of Snapping Timber or the other elders of the colony as he is now-- but his skepticism of Cicadastar's offer runs deep. Perhaps he is less suspicious of the tom himself than he is of the warriors (whatever the title meant) he seemed to command; at once snapping and snarling, at next heeled, loyal hounds they were. He is tired of his home being shifted as river tides; he is fearful, maybe, that Cicadastar's words would ring hollow soon, that assimilation if not violence would befall them all. He is not meant for that, he thinks. He is hardly meant for this.

But he supposes that is what other minds are for, though he seldom trusts them more than his own. Snapping Timber is wise enough, though, to meet his satisfaction; he turns towards the elder as Rye and Splinter do, largely ignoring the quips of the kittens at his back. He watches the other's attention shift to Splinter, and he finds himself wishing it would fall upon him, too, for his own knowledge and guidance, though he says nothing of the desire. Instead he listens first, considering the future that Snapping Timber paints-- and his grim outlook seems to be shared with Tempest. He doesn't like the idea of those RiverClan cats (and what an odd name for a colony, he thinks!) knowing exactly where he sleeps; even if they could close their jaws and sheathe their claws, even if the offer of help is sincere, there is a certain amount of caution that must be taken, isn't there? Leading those cats right to their camp-- what would the colony do if the other river-dwellers chose to come back once their help was no longer useful?

Hemlock's pale gaze flicks to the young molly, his own ears twitching with thinly-veiled discomfort. "I agree with Tempest," the tom rumbles, obsidian. He fixes his attention back on the elder, pale brows furrowing over eye-and-socket. He wants to obey the elder's wisdom, but at the back of his mind, a different instinct claws; do the smart thing, Hemlock. Those cats want to rid themselves of threats. Maybe Snapping Timber is finally going senile. But what is the smart thing, anyway? To abandon this river? To move himself again? He is already protecting himself against that fate, staying with the Colony-- maybe he ought to hear out the RiverClanners after all? Hemlock takes a pensive breath; he holds it in his lungs until they burn. Finally, he sighs, "I hesitate to take those dogs at their word." Ice clings to each pointed syllable, a glacial distrust that must run deeper than this single interaction; perhaps this berg has been embedded in him for a long time, now. "But if we must hear them out, then so be it. I'll help prepare for... evacuation." He picks the word carefully, as one picks the bones out of flesh; flicks his gaze to Mouse. He dreads her disappointment; for he assumes there will be no pact with these Clanners, whatever they were, but perhaps even he can be surprised. He lingers only to hear any reply from Snapping Timber, then with a flick of his tail is off to help gather whatever they may need for a coming journey.​
die with memories , not dreams .
Kaede had not been present, although he wish he did as dual-toned ears swerved, listening intently. He couldn’t help the prickle of unease that seeped deep into his bones at the thought of strangers coming so close to camp. It left an awful taste in his mouth, weighing heavily until he swallowed, his mouth no less dry than it was before.

Whoever they were, or rather, whoever RiverClan was, Kaede didn’t like it. Not one bit. His claws sunk deep within the earth, helm lowered to peer at the ground, face ever so blank as he mulled it over. “And what if they attack us?” He leveled his helm to stare at the others. “Did they not say we were in their territory? Surely they want to drive us out.” Or kill us. A thought he left unsaid. Why else would they seek to bring these … warriors into their camp? The dual-toned male shuffled, sinking further into his calloused paw pads.

Of course, he was just one feline, watching the others with calculative hues when in some form, agreed. Kaede trusted them with his life. All of them. But to give these strangers a straightforward way into their camp? He couldn’t help the uneasiness prickling along scarred, supple flesh, dual-toned fur ruffling. He didn’t like the risk, but if it led to answers, then he’ll have to suck it up and hold his helm up high like his father always tore into him since he was a kit. “But if it leads to answers, then I suppose we have no other choice, but to see why they’ve come.” He sighed, shaking his helm. If push came to shove, Kaede would become a shield for his colony to use in their escape. After all, wasn’t that the entire reason his father kept him alive?
thought speech

————————She/her | 34 moons | Ripple Colony————————
Above all else, Rye trusts Snapping Timber's and the other elders' judgement - after all, they've weathered many more moons than any of the rest of them, possessing more experience than most other cats. As such, she takes his assessment of the situation in stride, sharing in his caution, though as he briefly looks to her and others begin to chime in as well, she decides to add her opinion to the mix. "I can't say I trust 'em, either, obviously, but do we think they'll even be able to help in the first place? After all, they're just cats like we are - is more paws really the solution to findin' out what's happened to the river?" They've already done everything they can to search out the missing waters - what, then, is this RiverClan going to bring to the table besides extra paws, she wonders? Maybe with a greater party they could search out further, but she's still not optimistic that there's going to be much of anything to be found up there in the first place.

Then again, it feels as though the options left to them have become fairly limited at this point, with the river continuing to dry; it's not as if they can just stay here forever, and chasing the dying waters on their own has started to feel like a fool's errand, with no signs of anything useful at all. "I'm not particularly excited at the idea of 'em comin' to us 'n our own, but it's about time we thought about leavin' soon otherwise, right? Haven't found any answers on our own yet, 'n the wanin' river won't hold us over forever. If you really think it's wise, Snapping Timber, then I won't argue otherwise, though I'd definitely agree with bein' cautious 'n bein' ready to head out quickly if we need to," Rye adds, glancing at the others who have voiced similar sentiments, though her gaze finally moves to rest back on the elder himself. They'd all need to be on guard, but if he really thinks this meeting will have some sort of use for them, then all she can do is make sure to keep a closer eye on Mouse and Kit and the others in case a fight really does break out.
[penned by hijinks].
Sasha was one of the colony members that had been present when they met Riverclan. On their trek back she couldn't help but check if the Riverclanner sent someone to tail them. Thankfully no one followed, but nevertheless it was still unnerving to be told that hey we're gonna come visit the colony. They had outnumbered them, the colony could have easily taken them down. However, had they killed the Riverclanners... Might've gone to battle with the whole clan. And we ain't doing too hot. Many of us are hungry and thirsty. We can fight, but those cats looked a lil' more plump. As everyone continues to voices their opinion she is pleased that most are in agreement that Riverclan can't be trusted. After all, what they offered was not much. Sure, they said no attacking the colony but only because they had trespassed and this was what being kind was. Riverclan may have seemed like they were offering even ground to the colony, but the reality is that they held all the cards.

"I don't trust that lot, but we need food and water. Solving this problem is all fine and dandy, but Cicadastar and the Riverclan cats made it clear we're on their turf. He said he will come, but if he wants our help then I want somethin' else. I want food. Water. Looking at him and those cats, they're not struggling. At the very least if he's coming to our home with some cats of his, then how come we can't see his? Sounds mighty unfair," she mews as she takes a step forward. There is no denying that they will have visitors. Whether or not they like it, Riverclan will come. However, she won't sit down without some fight. They were not going to be pushed around any further.

She turns to face Rye, "If anything we'll use this to come up with some agreement not to be attacked while we move somewhere else. That's the worst case though." Maybe they think she's being stupid to ask such things from Riverclan. Maybe Timber would lecture her later about this, she isn't sure. What she is certain is that she will do anything to protect those in the colony. That was what she promised after all. For that reason she turns attention to Timber and flicks her tail. "I won't make a fuss Timber, but if those Riverclan cats lay a claw on one of our own... You already know that I'll make them regret it. I hope you're fine with that. Other than that, I'll be following your and the other elder's wisdom through this mess."
They have been through too much. It is evident in the rising, tangled voices. He listens to each of them with slow and patient silence, blinking along with each point to show his understanding. They are wary; they have every right to be. "Perhaps we may choose to allow only Cicadastar into the heart of our home," he suggests slowly, nodding to Tempest. "He wonders about the stae of us; he should see the truth of it. If he is going to ask us for something, it is only fair he knows the extent of who we are." And if they are to help, so too should they know him. From what brief words Rye has shared with him, he can think only of a kind heart beneath this warrior's facade. He hopes desperately that he is right.

"You say that they are not struggling– if we are to solve this problem ourselves, we will need their strength. And we are not simply a bunch of paws that they may use." He smiles, and reaches out with one ragged paw to tap @MOUSE on the forehead. "We are as much our knowledge as anything else." The attempt at levity isn't quite enough. He knows that it won't soothe their worries. So many of them are prepared to use their claws, and pledge to make good on it. For a moment, Timber can only be sad that this is where their lives have led them. He looks at the fish that still lingers between his paws, that they have caught and provided for him for the trust they put in his knowledge. To the Ripple Colony, he knows so much. But his knowledge never seems enough.

Slowly, softly, the brown tom sighs. "All we may demand of them at first is peace, Sasha. If that fails, I know you will protect us as you all have, always." He looks seriously between the adults. The calm wisdom of his words has faded to strict gravity. "I will discuss with the other elders. For now, prepare for evacuation, and ensure our bellies are full before tomorrow should we be required to leave. With wisdom, we will make it through this."

  • ooc:
  • snapping timber ╱╱ 116 moons ╱╱ he - him - his ╱╱ elder of the ripple colony.
    ──── a weathered ancient tom that has been part of the colony since its very founding.
    ──── sexuality unknown. has had several mates in the past, and several litters of kittens.
    ──── can be assumed to know all ripple colony members,  and aware of current events.

    Weathered by time, a once-dark pelt lightened by a dusting of grey and cut by ancient scars, his figure is hardly imposing. Perhaps once he would have been, but by now the chocolate tabby is slow to rise from his nest. Even still, verdant eyes remain bright and intelligent, without loss of focus.
  • "speech"
"Make 'em regret how? Odds are in RiverClan's favor, and I trust your luck about as much as I trust a fish to walk." Leaf snorts, chewing off old-shed from his claws and spitting the fragments out, only briefly glancing at Sasha. There is such a thing as being too caught up in what could happen. It's inviting the mistress of fortune to do her worst. "If they start a fight it's 'cause they think they can win. So let's think about why they haven't."

Quite a few of the colonists are afraid. He ain't casting any stones over it— fear's what drives everything. They hunt 'cause they're afraid to starve; they drink 'cause they're afraid of thirst; they make babies 'cause they're afraid of dying alone (probably; not too sure about that one yet). Leaf hasn't gotten this far dancing on light feet around taking a risk, so when Snapping Timber starts to guide the ruckus toward something actionable, he's thankful for it. If they have to leave, they leave— they'll find someplace else, maybe someplace where the water isn't booking it. "Sure thing, velhinho. Wisdom. Try not to take it all with you— you elders keel over and we won't have any left."
Hovering at the edge of the gathered cats, the brute stands with narrowed eyes. The shapes of others, familiar colors, family, hover around their form, but the matter at hand is not a light one. Discussion fills the air, of Cicadastar, of RiverClan. There is an entire clan of cats living upon the territory that they have found for themselves. Conversation flutters past her ears without recognition, mind spinning circles in an attempt to keep up. It is failing.

"Wisdom," they echo the dusty brown elder, voice low. Wisdom will not help them in the face of cats who want to drive them away. Wisdom will not keep them safe. They respect the colony elders, but they respect them well enough to know when they are playing with fire. And these so-called RiverClan cats? They are a blaze. A wildfire. Dangerous, unknown. But the low waters must be bad for these cats, as well. Perhaps their leader will cooperate, in some way.
frond | 24 months | female | she/her| physically hard | mentally medium | attack in bold #674099
Frond has little to say, content to sit on the sidelines as words are tossed back and forth from her elders and her colonymates. She has always preferred a peaceful resolution where possible - fighting her battle wish words, not claws. But something about the so called riverclan had certainly seemed off - so quick to anger, so suddenly hostile. Certainly they had only refrained from picking a fight because they'd been outnumbered? What if they brought even more un-friendly faces upon their return? it doesn't sit right with the molly, no not at all, and she worries her cheek anxiously. "They certainly seemed.... hostile," she says quietly, more to herself than the others - even the littlest one had been all raised hackles and bottlebrush tail. "Alright - we will prepare," she says finally, giving a nod as the elders seem to make a decision. Prepare to fight, prepare to flee - but give the riverclanners a chance to uphold their words.

જ➶ So it has come to this. A call for the preparation for potential evacuation. She doesn't like it. It shows on her face but what can she do? It is smarter to mve away from danger instead of barreling headlong into it. No matter how much she wants to. This Riverclan is a threat and an unknown one. These cats are her family and have been since she was a wee thing. Barely able to keep up her own head due to exhaustion and blood loss. Taking in a slow breath the large golem moves, careful and steady but sure. "Sure." Her voice is a low rumble as she looks over to Leaf. There is truth in that. If they do keel over they take everything with them and so they have to protect their Elders to the bitter end. Wisdom is their greatest asset but they have little of it when it comes to these strange cats. She thinks of Goldfish and burning surge of protectiveness hits her chest.

Do anything to make sure no one is hurt and she turns away to think more. Maybe to go and keep a look out. Afterall who knows if those strangers will come again. Or what they will do.

She was not out with this patrol, taking the time to visit their elders instead and set about assisting in any grooming she could get away with that did not draw the ire of a swung paw or nip of teeth. Posey's eyes narrowed to the cautious approach until the kit bounced forward with her odd little declaration of words and her efforts to keep the old tom's fur smoothed down by his ear ended in an alarmed stare.
RiverClan? She story came tumbling from Rye's maw and she whisked a tail to warn Kit from asking further questions while the other spoke. Once the story settled she found herself immediately concerned. An odd group, claimed they lived here first; where were they then? Was this some means to bully them? What kind of name was RiverClan either? Did they think putting the word river in their name gave them claim to it?

And there was Sasha, once again deciding to scream about killing and fighting someone cause she didn't get her way, always with the violence with that cat. It was exactly why Posey considered her so abyssmally inadequate. They could ask nothing of this clan of several cats who were all well fed and perfectly capable of driving them out, making bossy demands like a suckling kit got you nowhere. Timber spoke an earnest truth and the rest of the colony agreed, she could find herself nodding in affirmation that their only safe choice was to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. The plan to evacuate was being murmured through the crowd and the point she-cat rose to stand in preparation to offer her help to any cat who needed it, azure gaze flitting from the elder to Hemlock and then casually drifting across the other cats present. Mouse's enthusiasm at the possible visit had her worrying over whether they ought to have the kits and younger cats hidden during the clans arrival in the small chance it went poorly for them.


The grey tom lingers but doesn't say a word as his patrol mates speak to the elders, as discussion arises.

The idea of this... this RiverClan, their strange appearance alongside the river and their agitated adamancy that this was their home, and not the Ripple Colony's - Dew finds himself just as wary as the rest of his colony at the idea of their presence, even if his mind has been wandering, wondering about the strange group since their departure from the river's edge.

Could they even trust them? The RiverClanners, their leader who claims to want to work with them - how could they possibly trust them? Who's to say they aren't the ones that made the river sink in the first place?

Evacuation, his group-mates begin to speak of, Prepare for evacuation.

And though Dew would much rather be back at their old home, the young tom was starting to get used to this place. A settling that'd come far too late it seems - one broken so soon by the possibility of having to pick his life up and move it elsewhere once again. "But--" he begins to protest, before shutting his maw. Everyone seems to be accepting their fate already, and Dew knows he won't be able to change much. He is still too young, and the elders must decide what to do.

But, why should it be them to move, and not RiverClan?

A small sigh escapes a cloud-covered mouth, and he nods too, silently beginning to prepare for whatever comes next.