pafp melt the fire, burn the ice [shadow]

Being back in ThunderClan’s camp is a comfort, but Falconpaw cannot bear the reminder of his own cowardice. He hadn’t defended his clan; he had simply hidden away and waited for the rogues to overtake his clan’s camp. He’d stood by and he’d let his clan down. If his father knew, if his mentor is disappointed in him. He floats through camp like a ghost, the weight of his own failure heavy upon his shoulders—and he’s sure that everyone else knows. It feels as though there’s something… watching him. A prickle of eyes settled upon his back, prying and uncomfortable. He can’t escape it.

Falconpaw is halfway to the fresh-kill pile, in search of something decent to eat, when he first begins to hear the padding of pawsteps behind him. He tenses, ears tracking the noise, before he turns around. Why would anyone choose to follow him around? But when he turns at last, he spots the clanmate who has been shadowing him—it’s Fallow, the kit who had been unfortunate enough to find her way into ThunderClan by way of a bird. The claw marks still slash across her back, and Falconpaw has to hold back a wince at the sight. At least the kit hadn’t died, he thinks.

But why is it following him? Does it want something? "Uh, hi…" he murmurs to the kit, head tilting curiously to one side. "Are you lost?" Perhaps it’s gotten turned around in their camp, after being in ShadowClan’s territory for so long. The cream-striped tom is happy to help the child, but he can’t help but wonder whether she needs anything from him. Maybe she’s hungry?

[ find me way out there ]
( ⁀➷ )  Falconpaw, is the name of the sunpelted cat who spoke kindly to her on the day the owl attacked. She remembers him more clearly than she does most of it, though still through a layer of haze as the memory slips further away. A bright face, an awkwardly gentle voice. You're safe, he'd told it.

He's safe, it's decided. While the other cats fought with their teeth and claws, tore feathers and blood from the flesh of the own (noble in its own way yes, but stomach-churning nonetheless), he'd come to her. She didn't see him, as she fled the rogues; she cannot picture him with another cat's blood upon his maw. Safe. Nowhere near as intimidating as anyone else in this camp, with their sharp serpent-teeth, insisting it can trust them but doing little to show it.

So Fallow hovers, as it does with all it favors. Trails him to the freshkill pile, mindlessly. It's caught before long, and it stills as his gaze settles upon it. Caught, but... She's not doing anything wrong, right? "Are you lost?" he asks in his quiet voice, and Fallow swallows thickly. "Um. No," is all she says, still and staring as though daring him to tell her to leave.

  • //


His attention had been heavily divided during the entire ordeal around when Fallowkit joined the clan. A combination of sickness, the rogues arriving and his subsquent injury had meant he never really got to great the ruddy little brown scrap of fur properly outside in passing. He's just come back to camp to witness the awkward situation, wide kitten eyes boring holes into Falconpaw from a slight distance, feigning disinterest despite it being so evident on it's face that they were enamored with the older apprentice. For what reason Sunfreckle didn't know, but it was charming to see even if it seemed that Flamewhisker's son was more than a bit uncomfortable with it. He laughed to himself, padding over and pausing to sit across the two in silence for a second before a paw tugged a small vole towards himself.
"Falconpaw, are you not out with Burnstorm right now or did he finally give you a break?" Burnstorm was a young upstart, it was welcoming to see and he was a good fit for Howlingstar's council with his leveheaded nature - quite the opposite to his sister who despite her cold name was beginning to be a bit of a spitfire. He wonders how Falconpaw feels about his sister being made a warrior already, he knew he'd failed his assessment but did not know the details of it so he chose to not make any commentary; kid probably felt bad enough.
"Are you excited to get your own mentor soon too, Fallowkit?"
Maybe it would him! He still didn't have an apprentice, not since Shallowpaw went missing and the memory of his former student still leaves an ache in his chest.

  • 57579394_y5Qft2znjLniwSo.png
    —⊰⋅ Lead Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Large red tabby tom w/green eyes and no left foreleg.

The kit denies that it’s lost, and Falconpaw’s head tilts quizzically. Why is she following him, if she isn’t lost? Does she want something from him? He doesn’t mind the kit’s presence, but he is slightly unsettled by Fallow’s silence. She’s friendly enough despite her quiet nature, and he finds himself relaxing after a moment. His muzzle lifts in a gentle smile, glancing between Fallow and the freshkill pile. Is it hungry, maybe? Or is it just following him in the hope that he will provide entertainment, just as he had to others when he was a kit? "Oh, okay then. Do you…" he trails off as Sunfreckle approaches, a familiar face.

The older tom grabs for a vole and Falconpaw follows suit, pulling a mouse from the prey pile. A pale paw carefully moves it closer to Fallow, attempting to offer the prey in case the kit wants it after all. "No, Burnstorm’s—I don’t know where he is. I’m just… uh, I’m relaxing?" He shrugs. Hopefully his mentor won’t mind that Falconpaw hasn’t scoured the forest in search of him. The thought of Fallow’s impending apprenticeship perks the cream tabby up, though—he flicks his white-fluffed tail at the kit, grinning. "Oh yeah, are you excited? You’ll definitely get a cool mentor. Maybe… maybe Sunfreckle will be your mentor." They would be a good pair, he thinks. Fallow seems quiet, from what Falconpaw has seen, and maybe being paired with a kind tom like Sunfreckle would do them good.
[ find me way out there ]