MEMORIES OF DAYS GONE BY ♡ storm [owl tree]

"At least we've been granted a break from the heat," Palefire mused lightly as she trod along beside her clanmates. While the sun would normally be beating down on them about this time of day, black clouds filled the sky and provided much-needed relief for the little hunting patrol they had taken out; though admittedly, the darkening horizon felt like a mirror of the shadow that had been cast over her mind. A tinge of dread prickled up her spine as a rumble of thunder sounded in the distance, but it wasn't the growing storm that set her teeth on edge. Her paws slowed as the brush around them began to thin, and her cold blue gaze narrowed as the looming figure of an all-too-familiar oak tree appeared in front of them. The young warrior had not been to this terrible place since the night her fellow apprentices had been mercilessly attacked by the owl residing here, and in truth she had hoped it would be some time still before she had to venture back.

As she stepped out into the clearing surrounding the tree, visions tormented her of bloodied bodies strewn across the forest floor. The moon painted them in a ghostly silver light as she helplessly watched her elder warriors drag their injured apprentices away, the screeching of a beast piercing the otherwise still night air. Thunder crashed again, closer this time, startling her out of her memories with a jolt. Quickly blinking away the troubled images, Palefire cast a glance around at her companions, hoping that no one had noticed how badly this place was rattling her. She made a show of tasting the air, savoring the tang of the cool breeze that promised an impending shower. "We should hurry, it's going to rain soon. We don't want to be caught out here when it starts." Don't want to be stuck here with that feathered nightmare after nightfall. The lilac-pointed molly roughly shook out her fur, set her shoulders back and forced her mind to focus back on their current predicament. The clan needed food, and they didn't have much time now to find it.

  • 4psYZte.png
  • PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 16 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes. tall and slender, fast and agile.
    currently emotionally withdrawn, all opinions are strictly ic and likely spur-of-the-moment.
    single, open to relationships / / mentor to no one // formerly mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Everyone knew about the owl tree, whether it be from walking near it with hushed warnings of the dangers surrounding it while training or from the stories told to kits as they grew to keep them in line, to share the bravery of any cat that dared to fight the owl and survive. In more recent events Sproutpaw had decided that it had simply been stupidity that fueled the now-apprentices masked as bravery to go out into the territory and try to kill the owl that terrorized the ThunderClanners.

Walking alongside the patrol, Sproutpaw looked over to Palefire as she began to speak, ears pinned to his head as he realized where they were. "Do you think it hunts when it's raining?" He'd question those around him, eyes glancing up at the tree for a moment as they continued to walk, trying to see even a small glimpse of the feathers of the owl to confirm whether or not the beast was still within it's home or not.

  • -- mentor tag @BIGFANG
  • SH chocolate tabby/lilac chimera w/low white, heterochromia, folded ears
    rarely talks, listens to conversations
    9 moons old; ages the 20th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; interested in no one
    currently being mentored by Bigfang
    not easy to befriend/interact with; slow to anger, slow to calm
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat due to age
    peaceful powerplay allowed
the great owl tree looms over the land like a crown, it houses a great animal leafhusk has yet to see. thunder booms distantly, and with the dark clouds backdrop, this small hunting patrol had a cartoonish underglow about it. her pale eyes squint against the darkened sky, trying to spot any feathers and ultimately failing. they’d be safe until it drizzles, she assumes, and the walk back to camp will most likely turn into a brisk jog.

it is oddly peaceful as the brush thins out into a clearing. already she can taste prey lurking near the roots… and like palefire, she thinks upon the incident that happened moons ago. in a way, those broken apprentices felt like the beginning of thunderclan’s bad luck. leafhusk shakes her mind of the thought process quickly. she does spare at the young lilac warrior, however; noticing her obvious nerves but keeping it to herself. what’s done is done. her head turns to sproutpaw, flicking her ear at his question.

"maybe. they’re unpredictable creatures." she answers, flicking her tail dismissively. the apprentices (hopefully) knew better now, but it’s still good to keep them on their toes. "we shouldn’t waste time if we don’t want to be stuck here." with that, she turns to slip away and follow a scent trail.​

Bigfang side-eyes the owl tree. He recalls all too well the troubles they've had with the great feathered beast just a few moons prior.
The tom cat does not mind the owls residence until it begins to attack and kill his clan-mates, he hopes it's gone back to preying on rodents rather than cats.

Sproutpaw questions if it hunts while its raining, Leafhusk dismissively flicks her tail after giving an uncertain answer. "I doubt it. Nothing wants to be out getting wet." He grumbles, casting a glare to the sky. He shares his clan-mates desires not to get caught up in the oncoming rain and moves to follow Palefire. The sooner they get this patrol over with, the better.
  • » HankBigfang
    » ThunderClan Warrior
    » Former Kittypet
    » He/him
    » A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    » Excels in heavy, powerful moves.
    » Fights to protect and make opponents flee.
    » Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
The owl tree did not bring him similar displeasure as it did Palefire, or it seemed a good portion of their patrol. The apprentices - many of them now warriors - that were harmed here were not of his kin nor friendships. His longing for companionship stopped short after the lynx point he ambles slightly behind, which is just to say that for moons of his own apprenticeship, he cared not for mingling with the others in the den. When they were hurt, of course he was worried for their lives - but fear of the owl did not strike him as it did others.

Did he think himself indestructible? He doesn't know.

He picks up his pace, flicking his tail to Palefire's side as a silent sign. I'm here, he doesn't say, instead pitching the conversation another throwaway, useless line. "Aside from RiverClanners, of course." He doesn't speak with too much distaste, not this time. He cannot imagine enjoying becoming slick with any form of water, much less the river, but he figures it's much of the same for rain. Again, his tail flicks, this time aimlessly. "Maybe we should dig up some worms for the kits to play with," he suggests, tapping a paw to the ground as if to summon a swarm of them.​
𓇢𓇢 The owl tree looms high above, and for a moment the chocolate tabby imagines that the terrible crashing of thunder comes from the tree itself. It is a shadow, a blight upon this land, and Laughblossom must fight to keep the smile cemented on his face as memories rush back to him quickly—too quickly, too harshly, too clearly. Joypaw’s face, bloodied in blooms of crimson. Lovepaw, screaming as he’d been pulled from the reach of danger. Both his littermates had suffered great injury in their foolish effort, and try as he might the tom can find no way to simply brush it all off in an attempt to remain positive. There is nothing remotely good to be found in nearly losing both his littermates in one go—Laughblossom’s face twists to an anxious frown even now.

He is a warrior, and should be long past these issues. Mindless bravery has its talons sunk deeply into him, and yet he can do nothing for a moment except stare up into the tree’s branches. As he peers up to the first limb he sees where a cat may perch, the tabby-striped tom merely listens to his patrolmates’ chatter. The incoming rain is noted by Palefire, ever observant and bright as a sunrise. Not that one needs to be intelligent to understand that the distant cracking of thunder and the roiling darkness of clouds above is a sight that foretells rain. Sproutpaw asks whether the owl hunts in rain, and although he can’t imagine it would be pleasant, Laughblossom nods quickly. Of course the owl would hunt under the rain—Bigfang voices his hesitation, and Leafhusk seems to have little to offer by way of an answer. Unpredictable creatures, owls are. Certainly, when next the feathered beast spots him, it will understand the predictability of claws sinking right into its flat face.

Thankfully, Skyclaw speaks, offering up the idea of searching for worms. "An amazing plan, Skyclaw! Let us set off at once," he replies quickly, paws already moving. Worms, worms, worms… much better a task than going any nearer to that wretched tree. Brown paws, already matching with the earth beneath, drag cautiously along the dirt. Perhaps a gentle touch will coax more worms to the surface.

  • ooc:
  • 48119206_GNnfgzwRa1HHppG.png
    LAUGHBLOSSOM ❯❯ he/him, warrior of thunderclan
    𓇢 silky-furred chocolate tabby with white spotting and hazel eyes. joyous and loud, but deeply protective of his clan.
    𓇢 brother to lovelight, joywing, wrathpaw
    𓇢 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓇢 penned by foxlore
❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

Lightflower hummed a small sound of agreement for Palefire's comment on the heat. She relished the cool rain. The looming oak held a particularly grim energy. She, like the others, shuddered on the memory of the owl. Any moment and the peaceful patrol could be attacked. The image of Lovelight - Lovepaw at the time - laying helpless while she tried to protect him flashed in her mind. An ear flick, remembering the thin slice the owl had given her. Not quite enough to scar. But enough to scare, there was no doubt.

Skyclaw's mention of worms brought her back to earth. "I'm sure they'll get a kick out of them," she mewed lightly.

ˏˋ*⁀➷  Fallowpaw hates the owl tree. It hates owls, more broadly, for reasons obvious to any who know her. It had been bold in its youth, with dreams of chasing it away, keeping everyone safe. Perhaps the stars decided kindness in keeping her out of the other apprentices' plot to do just that. Bravepaw can bear his own scars for his stupidity. She knows better now than to face a force of nature.

She wouldn't be caught dead hunting alongside it, either. She steers clear of the owl tree whenever she can, but it seems Palefire has other ideas.

The discussion of its hunting habits has her claws scraping across the ground in agitation. They're wasting time. They need to leave before they get stuck here. The only one with a half-decent contribution is Skyclaw. Searching for worms sounds much better - as long as it leads them away from here. "Fine by me," she grumbles, "So long as we can get away from that thing." Her head jerks in the direction of the owl tree. She breathes in, out. She keeps herself from glancing at the sky. "Gives me the creeps. Feel like it's watchin' me or somethin'." Is it the same owl which stole her away in kithood? The same on which left its mark forever upon the back? Fallowpaw doesn't know, and she doesn't want to stick around and find out.

  • 81827753_leXAOq98Ir3HT2X.png
  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, eleven moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw & doepaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
The owl tree. If the situation came again, Lovelight would do things the same way, even with it ending as it did. Though he was injured, with a permanent change to his pace as a result, he's sure that if he hadn't been there that day when the too young apprentices had gone after the owl, things would have been worse. Someone might have died. Still, passing by the tree brings back memories of that day, of yelps of pain and blood spatters, permanent wounds that still mar the bodies of those that had been present. As the others talk to one another, not quite mentioning it but instead talking about the owl in general, Lovelight falls back slightly, just a bit. Just enough to put himself between Laughblossom and Lightflower, pressing gently against his brother and his friend's sides, a slight comfort to himself as they pass by the tree. There's no sign of the owl, but he still finds himself a bit anxious, regardless of the logical part of his mind telling him that there's nothing to worry about with so many fully-trained warriors around.​
  • Love
Reactions: Lightflower
The owl tree was a curious landmark. Rowanthorn had only seen its residents in action a few times, during the darkest of nights. They were rather odd creatures, especially with being able to move their necks around like.... that. The incoming storm is taken as a sign from StarClan that they shouldn't dwell around the premises much longer and hurry back to camp. Thunder roars in the distance.

"Have fun digging for worms." He speaks sternly, not wanting to get his fur dirty with dust and soil. "I'll keep watch for any owl sightings." At least then he wouldn't be sitting around doing nothing while his clanmates worked on finding worms.

  • // #FF7661
  • A muscular and chubby scarred chocolate tabby tom with striking copper eyes.
  • ROWANTHORN — 35 moons, warrior of ThunderClan. Ages every 31st.