memory reboot — shadowed presence [ intro ]


i'll survive, i always do
Jan 14, 2024
false hopes are more dangerous than fears .
Silent paws, heartbeat steady, breath calm, his presence remained unnoticed against the thick of gloom, barely noticeable with vibrant green-blue hues against the mesh of smokey fur marred with old injuries that had long healed, nothing more than puckered flesh, pinkish and shredded.

An unwelcoming appearance, battle-hardened, but charmingly handsome with little effort. His tail rustled, barely skimming the ground, flickering idly in mild amusement, wondering if he should have made himself known, but it wasn’t his fault that the other hadn’t detected his presence, keen eyesight zeroing on a peculiar sight of his clanmate.

He had gone out on a solo hunt, as he usually did in the mornings, training with unwavering determination, sharpening skills, and aiding his clan with freshly caught prey brought a swell of possessiveness. Providing for others was something he was undoubtfully pleased with ( if he hadn’t been claimed by a morning patrol, then his routine training would wait until later in the day ).

A lonely existence, but one Thistlesight found peace in, solitude was always something familiar, dancing around clanmates, and replying with confident bluntness before he was whisked away into the shadows, settling into his duties as an older warrior. He found solitude in his thoughts, emptied and pooling something pliable, welcoming with sharp senses, well-rounded, but proud in his keen eyesight and sharp hearing.

And now here he stood, brow rising, pulling at puckered flesh, catching his clanmate doing something … embarrassing brought a strange sense of awkwardness over the aloof tom, green-blue hues narrowing. Instead of announcing himself, Thistlesight let out a loud, awkward cough, revealing himself to the other, and padding forward until he was easily visible. “Wrong time?” He rumbled, finding it difficult to mask the shred of amusement within green-blue hues, nearly overshadowing his embarrassment.
thought speech

they rise with the sun, as does many animals within the marshes. there aren't a lot of them our, coldness having swept them to tuck beneath leave covered homes, or for many of the feathered ones to fly towards the warmth. of the two options, huddling away with bellies filled with food, to sleep for the dark days and long cold nights seemed like the better option than to just be. but cats didn't hibernate, and this specific cat had a clan to run. cats to look after and to protect. to lead in the right direction... whatever direction that was. they don't know.

right now, though, they were simply looking for a new rock for their collection. they had found this one that seemed alright but they didn't know if they'd really deem it worthy. they picked up the rock in their mouth again, humming with a flick of their ear. it's alright, i suppose. not something i'd carry everywhere. it's got the smallest–

the sound of a cough makes them yelp, and drop the rock, spinning around with a look of surprise before they growled and rolled their eyes.

"shit! you really should announce yourself!"
"You should be pleased, Chilledstar. It's a good sign to remain undetected as a Shadowclanner." There was a light, teasing edge to his voice that was hard to detect but cats more familiar with his mannerisms would hear it clearly. The black and white apprentice hobbled forward, bumping into the leader with his head as he came to a stop and flashed them an apologetic smile; better to walk into a soft cat than stumble and smash his delicate nose into the ground again. He'd had one too many falls this moon already but that was more about his stress levels than his disability at this point. With his mentor resting and recovering he felt a little spread thin sometimes.
He glances to Thistlesight and then to the rocks beneath dark paws and he squints his blue-violet gaze in thought, he'd never much cared for collecting them like some of his clanmates did, his preference for trinkets was more obscure and drifted into being a touch morbid. A bird skull was tucked in his nest, several feathers he'd gathered and a few gifts from Garlicpaw such as an empy snail shell and a jet-black raven plume also added to his collection. He'd had some shimmering papers in his nest at one point, gathered from carrionplace but Starlingheart had explained a worry of keeping things from that hovel in their den spreading sickness and he'd gotten rid of them quickly.
"Do you like to collect things too, Thistlesight?" He asked suddenly, prompted by the smooth stones by Chilledstar's paws.

  • OOC can go here.

  • dgjzb1y-75361c4e-601a-4b3f-a424-fe26a15fe6df.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)


He practically charges through the undergrowth after a swath of dark fur- the tremoring tom was surprisingly fast when he wanted to be and Pipit had grown more exasperated by the intentional attempt to leave him in the dust. "Hey slow down- where are you even going this early," he complains, trailing after his aunt's apprentice like he were a hungry tick in need of something to eat at. But he is already speaking in kind tones (or at least, kinder than ones offered to Pipit) about how stealth was treasured here.. and Chilledstar, though surprised, should be glad.

He offers a small glance towards the sooty leader, a quiet reverence lingering in that silence before he scrunches up his face at the idea of collecting random things. He'd kinda gone hunting for random garbage like that with Mottlefox... it'd been fun but this wasn't that giant trash pile of cool stuff... it was just rocks.

"What's the difference between a cool rock and a .... not... cool rock?" Since there were a bunch of 'stone experts' here.. might as well ask.​

I don't mind if the world spins faster

Ahh it would seem a small group of cats were forming, Chilledstar seemed to have been hunting for things that were not...prey but rocks, and Thistlesight had managed to scare them while Magpiepaw was doing some light hearted teasing while also asking the older warrior if he collected things.

Pipit was asking the true questions here which amused the warrior as she came to halt before the group with a soft hum. "Perhaps the color of the rock determines if its cool..." they suggested calmly to the other, her tail flicked in greetings to the other. She suppose hunting could wait until later, some idle chit chat could do them all some good.
false hopes are more dangerous than fears .
He coughed awkwardly, placing his paw down with a single raise of his brow, maw parting in a silent crook of his lips, barely noticeable from where he stood. “Of course.” He started with a flick of his tail, helm tilting a fraction in curiosity, straightening at Magpiepaw’s voice, humming softly in agreement.

Rarely did he use his voice, low in timbre, but finding there to be no use, not unless he wanted to be heard, confident, but wispy sounding like fog. It's an odd mixture to have. Unlike his late husband, having long parted from this world, the torbie had been the only expectation, humming softly or responding in a low whisper. It seemed Duskpool wasn’t excluded from that either.

His ear flickered, helm shifting in thought. “No.” He responded, wooly tail flickering in response. “Merely observed.” His late husband had been a collector, finding objects that shimmered and glowed when held up to the light. It made him giddy, gushing at the miscellaneous objects that their makeshift nest had been filled with them. Thistlesight never had the heart to tell him to stop or get rid of them, simply sighing in muddled laughter, shaking his helm with adoration. A love-stick fool, but he had been happy.

At Pipit and Nightwhisper’s appearance, Thistlesight’s brows creased, swallowing back a snort. “Opinions, merely. The color doesn’t define what’s interesting, only that it’s interesting to the one collecting them.” He glanced at Chilledstar through his peripheral, emerald hues returning to rest on the rock.
thought speech