private MEMORY SCREEN | thundergleam


New member
Apr 12, 2024
There was a warrior with origins that perplexed little Shroudedkit. Supposedly, she knew of ThunderClan and StarClan since before her arrival. She found Howlingstar just in time to bring her home, and ever since, she's been a beacon of guidance for ThunderClan cats. Shroudedkit can't help but wonder.. was she sent by StarClan, like himself?

Dedicated to his pursuit of knowledge for the cats that have cursed him and his siblings, he spends most of his day waiting for the return of this morning's patrol, in which Thundergleam took part. Refusing the company of others, as he usually does, but more stubbornly this time, for when Shroudedkit wants something, he will not stop until he gets it. And this time, he wants answers from the very cat who stands as a link between the dead and living, at least the way he sees it.

At least, the starry pelt of Thundergleam breaks through the entrance to camp with Shroudedkit at the ready. As the patrol pools into the clearing to deposit their catches, the kitten falls into step besides the chosen warrior, regarding her with an intensely curious gaze. He does not greet her politely or formally, and does not wait for her to even notice his presence before he begisn to speak. "So, like.. are you a StarClan cat, or just sent by StarClan?" Perhaps she could tell him why he was sent, too.. if he is truly destined for terrible things. "Do you know StarClan cats? Have you ever seen one?"
  • SHROUDEDKIT ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ 5 MOONS,, ages every 10th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | generally healthy​

  • speech is #E4D6CE


There was not a moment of respite between one step and the last- forward burst Shroudedkit, matching her footsteps with some effort. The moment Thundergleam realised that the kitten was attempting to follow her, she slowed her step to make it easier to walk in tandem. Her smile was dawn sunlight, a pale and welcoming thing... a greeting, indeed. Oh, this was what she had been missing living with Father! Being sought... knowing kittens, getting to see them grow up... having true friends, and getting to help them. It soothed her soul and cemented her beliefs more than she could have ever imagined.

Shroudedkit seemed to waltz down the same train of thought as she; each question was pondered upon individually. It was Scorchedkit last who had asked her such things, yes. Perhaps there was gossip in the nursery... how exciting!

A silverpelt swirling laugh left her. "No, no... I was just sent by StarClan." Certainly not a warrior ancestor herself! Oh, but she imagined her teachings might have been more accurate if she had indeed descended from the welkin. "I have never met one, but I have seen them. They fill my dreams like the sun's light fills the sky..." And she sighed, dream dazed.

"Over time, I have learned to read omens and signs. They have spoken to me since I was very young."

penned by pin ☾
Ah, so the rumors are true. She is not one of StarClan, but one of their many prophets. So she should know, then, his fate. She should confirm his predictions; that he would become something great, or something truly, truly terrible. "Did you know I was born when the sun turned black?" Shroudedkit comments wondrously, with an urgent hint to his voice: it is not a comment, but a question that must be answered. The knowledge that she receives word from StarClan leaves him in utter awe that his wide-eyed expression now shows.

Relentlessly, he continues his barrage of questions. "How do you know that your dreams are from StarClan? How do you read omens?" The underlying question: how could he come to know? Were his dreams of hunting a sign of his first catch to come? Were his nightmares, much like his birth as his parents say, a dark omen of peril and danger? Or were they simply just that: dreams and nightmares? To be raised on such sentiment and subsequently deny the existence of a special purpose, be that good or bad, would be devastating to Shroudedkit; he hopes that there is truth to the ethereal connection in Thundergleam and Gentlestorm both.

In his keen attention to the detail in her words, he doesn't miss that Thundergleam learned to read omens and signs. That it started when she was young, perhaps at a similar age to him. It gives Shroudedkit a brilliant idea; he could use this to discover his fate, to solidify it. And his siblings, of course. "Miss Thundergleam," he begins again with a sudden formality. In the aloof kitten, it is a form of emphasis for his pleas. "Can you teach me to read omens and signs, like you?"
  • SHROUDEDKIT ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ 5 MOONS,, ages every 10th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | generally healthy​

  • speech is #E4D6CE


Thundergleam blinked, stunned for a moment. "No, I... had forgotten." Surely that was not an omen, though? Just... one of those coincidences. Kits were born on the day of plenty of other omens... just not ones as noticeable as the night-cloaked daytime. No matter- her face stayed kind, warm. No, if these kittens were bad-luck charms, she would know for certain... StarClan would have whispered it in the dead of night, they would have seen it from eons away.

She was about to part her lips to answer Shroudedkit's question, but found for a moment she could give nothing concrete. There was nothing that certainly showed that certain things were omens... it was just a feeling, an instinct she had honed from moons of being StarClan's chosen messenger. Before she could properly give an answer, Shroudedkit came armed with a javelin- can you teach me to read omens and signs, like you?

Thundergleam felt a long twinge of pity. "Oh, how I wish I could..." The pang through her chest ebbed- how wonderful it would be if every Thunderclanner could read omens on whims, could learn and be contacted with willpower alone? Oh, there would be no need for her to be chosen, then. "But you must be chosen by StarClan. It is a feeling not easily explained... when StarClan speaks to you, you know it. And you must rely on your own instincts to interpret those very special dreams."

"For it is not every dream... and not every cat is chosen, unfortunately." Her smile was sugared, kind as she had always been, and always would be. That was how the Truth had sprawled within her- it was nature, destiny. "In time, you will know your own destiny. But I cannot teach you."
penned by pin ☾
Shroudedkit can't fathom how she could have forgotten. According to his parents, it was an omen plain as day, and it was his whole life. He scoffs, as if he had expected every cat to remember that day, and what it meant for him as his siblings specifically. "Well, my parents say it was an omen. And I'm going to figure it out." Whether or not she helps him, he thinks. Whether or not it's good or bad, he will find his and his siblings' fate and solidify it. It's what he was born for.

Of course she can't help. Shroudedkit is disappointed, but not surprised - nonetheless, it doesn't deter his determination. "I am chosen. Wouldn't you teach me if I was already chosen?" he protests, letting his false bit of politeness fall to a bitter frown. He had to be - it's why he was born on a sunless day. Perhaps he was the omen - or maybe he would simply deliver it. Whatever the case, he would not stop, even if she refused to teach him.

Shroudedkit's lost interest now, knowing she cannot give him what he wants. He slows his gait and regards her with the cold glare he'd give any other, as if he had not just excitedly demanded her attention. "Fine. I don't need your help anyway. I will be chosen," he repeats decidedly. If Shroudedkit was not chosen yet, he will be. Maybe he'd even be a better prophet than Thundergleam is now, one day. Should the star-furred warrior keep walking, the kitten would finally slow to a stop, staring at her like an uninteresting stranger, as if they had not spoken at all.
  • SHROUDEDKIT ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ 5 MOONS,, ages every 10th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | generally healthy​

  • speech is #E4D6CE