MEMPHIS NIGHTS -- thunderpath


The chatter of the Gathering, continuing in their absence, fades behind the cats as they set off towards the towering peaks of Highstones. They loom in the distance, jagged teeth of darkness rising to meet the heavens above. It's a comfortable night, the sky clear and the full moon lighting their path in a manner that can only be described as auspicious, but Orangeblossom is far more concerned with the terrain change underpaw. She takes one step onto the rough, unnatural surface of the thunderpath and grimaces, hesitating.

"Didn't realise there was a thunderpath here." She meows, pitching her words loud enough for at least the other SkyClanners to hear. Currently, Orangeblossom cares little if the other Clan cats do not; but as a presiding deputy among the clowder, she at least has to watch out for her own. She looks back and forth, whiskers twitching, jaws parting to taste the air, and she recoils a touch at the reek of monster. There's a controlled measure of alarm in her voice as she continues, "Watch for monsters. Most of them have horrible glaring eyes like the greenleaf sun, but some of them try to sneak up in the darkness. If one of them hits you, you will not get back up."

Mosspaw's ear flicked as she overheard Orangeblossom. She did not need a warning to know the dangers of a thunderpath, she was not a kit. The stories she had been told by her clanmates were sharp in her memory as she stared at the strange black stones before her. It would be a lie to say that the description the Skyclanner gave did not send a shiver down her spine though. The closest she had come to a monster was the time her patrol had happened upon a dead one in the river. There had been no light in its eyes. She had no desire to know if a living one would have eyes as alike to the greenleaf sun as Orangeblossom claimed.

Though she tried to hide her, her ears folding back betrayed her fear.

She hesitated, glancing toward the Riverclan warriors among the company. It would be best for her to follow their lead, she thought. Even though she knew of them, she had never crossed a thunderpath before. She had never so much as been outside Riverclan territory.​
Long before she sees the Thunderpath, Iciclefang smells it. The fumes cling to the insides of her nose, stinging her eyes and attempting to wring tears stingily given. She frowns, and just as she’s about to ask an older warrior—Hazecloud or Lakemoon—what the awful stench is, the SkyClan deputy answers for them all. A Thunderpath, a trail for monsters. Iciclefang tenses, leveling the ginger-splashed she-cat with a stare. “How many monsters?

At fifteen moons, Iciclefang is an experienced warrior—she’s been one for nearly six months, and she had begun warrior training at the ripe age of three moons. But this is one thing she hasn’t encountered even once. She’s heard the term Thunderpath, knows ThunderClan, WindClan, and ShadowClan are bordered by one—but she has never before come face to face with one.

Mosspaw looks to her and the older RiverClan warriors, and Iciclefang’s jaw tightens. She should defer to the senior warriors here, too, as much as she’d love to take charge. “We should wait for further instruction,” she murmurs to the younger girl with narrow eyes.

As she hesitates, a slim monster, lower to the ground than she could've expected, zooms over the rough black trail. The air around her whiskers is blasted with hot, acrid air. She stiffens, her fur threatening to bristle.

  • tl;dr motorcycle no-clipped through
  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
A foul smell coming from up ahead causes her to slow her pace. One she had smelled many times before, even before her time in Thunderclan. The fur on her shoulders rises slightly, and she waves her tail as a signal to alert her clanmates that something was up ahead. She had been distant since they left earlier that night, but this was a worthy enough distraction to pull her mind away from her clanmates back home.

A thunderpath.

She hadn't crossed one since she joined had been many moons since she had to. Her pelt twitched apprehensively, but respectfully so. Like Orangeblossom had said, if a monster struck somebody, they would not be getting back up. They would have to cross...crossing with such a large group would pose some issues. She was about to open her maw, before the slim monster races past them. Her fur bristles as it stirs the air around them. The sooner they got away from this thing, the better. They were sitting prey here along the side. "Everyone stay away from the edge." It was something her clanmates were taught from a young age, but a reminder wouldn't hurt.

Green eyes look to Orangeblossom, who was within a few tail-lengths of her. If we try to cross all together, some are bound to get left behind... she thinks, but as she goes to speak, another monster roars past them.
  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 24 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​


The smell of the Thunderpath caused a twitch on the misty she-cats whiskers, her nose scrunched in distaste. The scent of burnt rubber and smokey oil was distant, a monster hadn't crossed this way recently. Perhaps earlier that day though the danger was always present. Orangeblossom's warning to her warriors caught Hazecloud's attention along with Iciclefang's pointed look toward her.

Luckily Hazecloud had past experience with the Thunderpath, though it was plenty of moons before Iciclefang had been born. When she still lived within the marshes under Briar. "It's not quite the number of them that matters, it only ever takes one." She nodded her head as she instructs Mosspaw to wait, looking to one of the other Clan's leads for their next reactions. It never occurred to her she would have cats that had never known to safely cross such a path before. The dangers of the river must be the closest comparison.

One had begun to pass, and Hazecloud cringed her neck away at the hot gust it blew into their faces. She stuck her tongue out in distaste before voicing her suggestion.

"Perhaps each Clan should take turns going one at a time? We'll be sitting eggs if we all move at once."
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Thunderpaths. He knew they were around, knew vaguely what they were- but RiverClan was so isolated from Twoleg bustle that it was never something they had to think about. Already he was beginning to understand why every Clan needed to be on this mission- or, at least RiverClan and SkyClan. The pine-forest deputy spoke aloud what it was, and realisation settled into Fernpaw's gaze. He winced at the stench of it, looking at it with ill-hidden disgust wrinkling his nose. He glanced instinctively to the other Riverclanners, Hazecloud the oldest of them- and she at least seemed to know a little.

It only takes one, she said. Were monsters really that powerful?

He heeded a ginger Thunderclanner's advice, despite sore remaining feelings regarding Sunningrocks- he had to let that go for now, take a step back from the edge like she'd said. A meadow-green gaze flickered to Iciclefang for a moment, and then Hazecloud. It was just instinctual to gravitate to those familiar to him. "SkyClan probably has a lot of practice," he murmured, attention swivelling then to the group headed by Orangeblossom. "Maybe at least one of them should go first..."
penned by pin
The Thunderpath.

Hailstorm can't help but inwardly grimace at the sight of it and his snout creases when a thinner monster rushes by leaving an awful stench in its wake as well as the noise briefly startling him, he takes a step back and takes in a deep breath before relaxing his muscles that laid beneath his plush coat. His eyes turning to Flamewhisker, Nightbird, and the rest of the Thunderclanners before he glances briefly in the direction of the Riverclanners wondering if they had ever seen a monster. Probably not since it only seemed to border Skyclan, Shadowclan, and Thunderclan but he doesn't dare utter a word knowing that everyone must be feeling tense in some way. Something could go horribly wrong if they're not careful and mindful of where they step or if they all go when the time wasn't right. He would wait for Nightbird and Flamewhisker's word before even thinking about stepping a paw onto the rough surface of the Thunderpath.

His ears flicks upon Flamewhisker's instruction to stay away from the edge and his ears lay flat against his skull as another moves passes by, he can't help but cringe at the scent it leaves behind and he begins to ponder if there's possibly a way to go around and avoid the danger these metal beasts provided. His eyes wander to the sides and he finds that there isn't a way around, at least, not from where they are if only someone could see from atop a tree perhaps but when the Riverclan cats begin to speak but he can't quite pick up what they say as he chooses to stick close to his group, a soft breath leaving him. The leading cats would need to make a decision soon, his snout wrinkles with disgust as another monster roars past the group of travelling cats once more. It seemed rather busy on the Thunderpath today.

  • 5_by_caviesh_dg4bkw8.png
    ✦ 47 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic; single
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength and his burly build
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Lightstrike had seen monsters in his lifetime, but never before had he ever needed to set paw on a thunderpath. The first obstacle of perhaps many stretched from horizon to horizon, and cats of all Clans hovered uncertainly at the edge.

Darkness pressed in on all sides, but the light of the full moon illuminated the path ahead. He wouldn't be crossing blind. StarClan was watching over them. They had to be.

The piercing roar of a monster assaulted his ears, and Lightstrike flinched when the blinding streak of light rushed past, leaving hot, rank air blowing grit into his eyes in its wake. He squinted, blinked, shook himself. His heart was racing. Flamewhisker warned them to keep away from the edge; raised voices from other Clans suggested the same.

In the silence, the warrior stared into the distance with narrowed eyes. One way, then the other. Emitting light that bright, surely a monster couldn't sneak up on them? They almost never strayed from their dark thunderpath. Maybe he just... wouldn't hesitate. They were wasting time. He glanced at Nightbird, at Flamewhisker.

Before he knew it, the ThunderClanner was streaking across the warm stone surface, wide eyes fixed upon the grass beyond even as he heard the rumble in the air and felt it in his paws. His head snapped to the side and, while distant, the glowing eyes of the monster near blinded him, fear spiking his heart.

Lightstrike nearly flung himself the rest of the way and into the grass, and while the distance between him and the monster had been great, it felt as though it were only mere seconds before it roared past and snarled into the distance. He nearly choked on his breath, and his tail may have been bushed to twice its size, but he was alive, and he was the first one across. ThunderClan is brave. ThunderClan will pave the way to victory.

"Just... just be quick!" he managed once he'd found his voice. Nightbird was going to kill him for that.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
  • Wow
Reactions: mercibun

✿—— thunderpaths—she has seen them, even crossed them, before, but she does not like them. the gritty feeling beneath her pawpads, the unnatural heat of their cracked earth, the acrid scent of them; all of it does little to soothe her jangled nerves. briefly she remembers a pale shape bloodied at the side of one, but she pushes it away, trying to remember anything useful from the last time she'd crossed a thunderpath. then she'd been heavy with kits out in the loner lands, a guiding shape at her side—now she is flanked by many as she lingers close to the other skyclanners, pale green gaze sweeping over the dark ground before them. she knows enough about them, about the way one must squeeze into the gaps between the monsters' passings, but she is disquited by the sour stench in the air and the artificial surface underpaw.

"she's right - don't touch it unless you're ready to cross. the edges are dangerous." bobbie nods, slightly sheepish, towards a red-furred stranger who smells of the forest. the ginger thunderclanner and a couple of riverclanners are already clustered at the forefront, near where she and the other skyclanners flank orangeblossom. two monsters roar by, making the tabby stiffen and her thick mane of fur ruffle, both from their gusting fumes and anxiety. she has relative faith in her ability to cross solo, but with a group of cats this big all trying to move at once? it feels like a death sentence.

more cats are beginning to draw close, jostling the crowd—a grey-furred riverclanner, a small ginger tabby, a pale mound of fur—all suggesting that the clans take turns crossing. one ear flicks, unsure - how much experience do each of the clans have? she knows many of her fellow skyclanners likely do, and some of their journeymates obviously have encountered thunderpaths before, but just as many seem completely unfamiliar. bobbie's reluctant to speak up when so many cats of authority are clustered around, but before she can say a word, a golden thunderclanner streaks across the surface and instructs them to 'be quick'.

bobbie's tempted to cross on her own, but she glances around, "i - i can help guide anyone who needs it, i've crossed these before."


  • ooc: tl;dr she can help anyone across if they need it, please @ if interacting
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

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nightbird was no stranger to the thunderpath, it's wretched scent and air of death were hard to forget. as a loner she had crossed them before, usually easier said than done. wait until it's clear and quiet, and then book it.

she remained near flamewhisker, turning an ear towards the conversation and planning being done amongst cats of other clans. monsters rush past while they discuss, flooding great gusts of wind as they did. flamewhisker noted to stay back from the edge, her paws shuffled back almost instinctually. waiting for the path to be clear she caught a quick glance from the corner of her eye, right after a streak of pale fur darted across.

wide eyed with angled ears, she watched in angry silence as lightstrike made his way across. rumbling was growing louder, the moonlight shining from the eyes of the approaching monster illuminating his fluffed form more with each second. luckily, the beast had a great distance to cross if it wanted to reach her former apprentice. he made it to the other side, moments later her fur was blown once again to signal it's passing.

lightstrike had made it, and he was safe, but still she felt her anger growing. blind to any other discussion about the cross, her feathered tail lashed as her paws were placed on the edge. pointed ears were angled to hear any approaching monsters, eyes glancing back and fourth. one stormed past, faster than she had ever seen before, but then it was clear. nightbird made her break across, dark paws pummeling the asphalt to propel her forward.

once she was standing on grass again, she made quick work of closing the distance to lightstrike, reaching out a paw attempting to land a not so friendly cuff to one of his ears. "pull something like that again and i will send you home, i don't care how far into those damn mountains we are." her eyes narrowed into silver slits. how could she keep her promise to have everyone return alive when none other than her own former apprentice was trying to go straight to starclan at the first danger they encountered? "you're not an apprentice anymore, stop acting like one."

nightbird stalked a few lengths away to sit, awaiting anyone else who would cross and trying not to think about how lightstrike may very well be the death of her on this journey.

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-five moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Iciclefang was the first to meet her questioning gaze, telling her to wait for instruction. A slim monster zoomed past right after the warrior said it, and Mosspaw flinched. Her head turned toward the direction it had gone. That one had looked nothing like the corpse she had seen. It took her a moment to remember to shakily nod her assent to what Iciclefang had said.

Finally Hazecloud suggested each clan cross together, and Mosspaw felt relief. Finally, a plan.

Her fur stood on end as a Thunderclanner darted onto the thunderpath. As he did, she caught wind of the stink of monster growing stronger, and her head turned to see the beast racing toward him. Her heart skipped a beat. Sounds and smells overwhelmed her senses. The monster whipped past her face, sending her ears flat back against her head in fear of it. Only when she saw the golden furred cat safe on the other side did she find the will to breathe again. There was little kindness in her heart for Thunderclan, but that did not mean she wanted to see a cat torn apart right in front of her. Other Thunderclanners followed him, and from afar she saw one of them cuff him across the ears and felt quietly vindicated.

"Idiot." She muttered to herself, trying to soothe her ruffled fur with a few licks. If his antics were anything to go by, she had little faith in the wisdom of her company.

From amidst the Skyclan cats, a mollie with a bright red collar that caught her eye claimed she could assist anyone who needed it. She decided to ignore the offer, despite her desire to take it. Hazecloud had said they would cross as a clan and Mosspaw was not about to contradict her. Besides, it would not be wise to follow the lead of a kittypet.

Still, she couldn't help how her gaze lingered on the Skyclanner for a few moments.​
"UGH!" Unlike the others present, who seemed to be quashing their fear or quietly expressing it, Cherrypaw's fear manifested in exclamations and a strange focus on another, non-lethal aspect of the Thunderpath. "This stinks," she growls, flattening her ears and wrinkling her nose. The girl stands in the midst of the SkyClanners, one snowy paw raised as though afraid of contaminating it with the tarry lane of "dirt" stretching before the group. "Do we have to walk across it?" Headlight-yellow eyes study the area with a mixture of disdain and fear, hoping one would prevail against the other long enough for her to make a decision.

A golden shape rockets across the Thunderpath, and the crowd holds its breath. The ThunderClanner—she couldn't smell him from here, but she vaguely knows from encountering him earlier—makes it across safely, but only after another heart-stopping second. The monster bores down and past them, as though it'd never noticed the tom or his witnesses at all. Every passing monster spikes her fur into bristles and pins her ears against her head; at this rate, it wouldn't matter if her paws were dirty because she'd have to clean all the bristle-induced tangles from her pelt anyway. Another ThunderClanner joins him soon enough. She cuffs him over the ears, which makes Cherrypaw quietly giggle despite the gravity of their situation.

Bobbie offers to lead cats across the Thunderpath, were they not as bold as that ThunderClan cat had been. Cherrypaw would only shrug if she looked at her. She'd be fine, of course. It couldn't be that hard to run a tree-length, could it? The monsters were apparently too stupid to hide their glowing eyes, or maybe they just couldn't smother their own light like fireflies could. Anyway, all they'd have to do was watch out for the light, and they'd all be safe. Cherrypaw turns her gaze back towards the Thunderpath, eyes narrowing against the stench. Kind of reminds her of Falconpaw, now that she considers it.​

Orangeblossom's words bring with them a small clamour, nervous murmurs among the other journeygoers rising to meet her musings complete with wide eyes that dart back and forth. It only takes one, agrees a RiverClan molly who Orangeblossom has only seen in passing, and she makes a noise of assent; bracing herself on cue as a one-eyed monster streaks past and ruffles their pelts. She keeps her composure but still her eyes widen, stinging from the fumes of it, and as she's coughing a little from the smoke a young ThunderClanner takes off away from the group.

"Oh shit." She breathes, watching him streak across the thunderpath, taking an involuntary step forward as another monster barrels past. Miraculously, he emerges unscathed, and Orangeblossom breathes a sigh of relief this time as he turns and encourages them to be quick! Were the situation less dire, she'd have snapped a retort, but as it is Orangeblossom attempts to exchange a despairing look with Flamewhisker. Were all ThunderClanners like this or was it just the one?

Another ThunderClanner breaks the line of bristling Clanners, this time black-furred and lithe. She follows her cream-pelted Clanmate, mercifully waiting until the thunderpath is clear, though any sweetness to the way she joins him at his side is immediately quashed by the warrior going for a firm smack over the ears of her Clanmate. Had he not nearly met his end within the Clan territories, it would be funny. Cherrypaw certainly seems to think so, a thin giggle chipping away at the tension laid over them all like fog.

"Alright!" Orangeblossom gets the attention of the cats clustered around her, drawing herself up to her full height. She's already dreading how sore her leg will be after this, but she's pretty sure she'll be able to make it across safely before it gives out from underneath her. "Any cats who want to cross now, come with me or another warrior! Be decisive, run for your lives, and look back and forth a few times before you cross over. Monsters can come from either direction. Wait ..."

She looks to the right, watching with less fright this time as another one-eyed monster careens past at a slower speed. It's still ridiculously fast. She looks to her left, one paw on the unnatural rock of the thunderpath. No rumble.

"NOW!" Orangeblossom doesn't hesitate past her yowl, launching herself onto the thunderpath, white paws thudding against the ground to propel her forward. She doesn't keep an eye on the other cats crossing with her, too focused on getting to the other side safely. Her bad leg hits the ground slightly too hard about two thirds of the way across and she stumbles, a hiss of pain forced into the air, but Orangeblossom forces herself to finish the sprint despite the fire in her hindleg and the way pelts overtake her. Her paws touch grass and she slows to a halt.

Sides heaving, she looks back at the stragglers on the Clans' side as another monster passes in a blur of light and shadow. Careful, ears pinned with pain, she stretches her bad leg. Nothing worse than overexertion, she thinks, but the sooner they made enough progress to make camp, the better. To herself she murmurs, "They're never this noisy in the Twolegplace, why's it so loud tonight of all nights?"

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Duskpool was one of the few to arrive later, watching a cream-pelt fling themselves across the thunderpath, drawing a snort from the male, shaking his helm. “Idiot.” He hissed, molten gaze narrowing. “Damn fool waitin’ to get himself killed.” He muttered, wooly tail flickering, willing the fur along his spine to flatten, watching as another streak — black, this time — fling themselves across the dark asphalt, drawing to a halt beside the other.

He hefted a sigh, letting a molten gaze linger on the shrouded road, expression indifferent. It’d been a while since he felt the familiar rough terrain against his calloused paw pads, havin’ traveled across them since he was a young adult, maybe younger. Duskpool couldn’t be damned to remember. He lingered behind the ground, ignoring the rancid smell of burnt rubber burning his nostrils, hot air sinking further into his skin as monsters flew past.

Pivoting his helm to watch Orangeblossom fling herself across its deadly path, taking others with her. “I’ll stay until everyone crosses.” He rumbled, tearing his gaze away from charcoal to stare at the remaining cats, tone deadpan. He didn’t mind crossin’ alone, not when he’d done just that all those moons ago, although the smell sure wasn’t a welcoming memory. “Remember what Orangeblossom said.” He settled a heavy gaze back on the thunderpath, watching as another monster flew by, ignoring the way his skin prickled with unease. “If you're scared, then don't let it rule over ya—” He paused, molten copper narrowing. “We gotta get across one way or another. Either get it over with now, or let it fester” He finished.

“If any of ya wanna stick with me, I’ll take the last group across the thunderpath.” He concluded, staring across to those who made it, drawing a relieved sigh from the male. Damnit. He was gonna get grey fur if this was what they had to deal with for the rest of the journey.
thought speech
The thunderpath was not something that WindClanners crossed often, the only reason of them ever needing to would be to go to the Highstones or to the ShadowClan camp - one of which Mouseflight had never done, the other of which he'd not been in a long time. Large ears pinned to the top of his head as the male watched the first few cats to cross, one older than him but acting like a kit and the other crossing quickly to scold him. Though he knew that death by a monster could be painful and was a horrible way to die, the new warrior of WindClan couldn't help but hope that in the end some of the cats crossing today wouldn't actually make it across - save WindClan of course. Though he thought this, he simply watched and didn't let his disappointment show as each cat made it unscathed.

Crouching down to the ground, Mouseflight's ears swiveled as he listened to the distant rumbling of a monster coming their way and eyes closed as it rushed past, kicking up pebbles and dirt in it's wake. Once eyes opened once more he looked both ways before taking in a breath and quickly darting across. Pretend the cats on the other side are rabbits. He picked up speed and rushed forward about halfway through, barreling past the cats that had already made it, and upon trying to stop he found himself skidding slightly as he slowed down, soon finding himself sitting and staring out towards the thunderpath once more, eyes squinting as he looked out towards those that had yet to cross. The grass was... different here, less well worn and walked upon than the grass back home on the other side of the asphalt. He didn't like it.

  • tikki_com.png
    mousekit - mousepaw - mouseflight
    ⋆ ftm - he/him - 11 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ tunneler of windclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
Hazecloud’s answer causes a cloud of trepidation to pass over her eyes. “It only takes the one,” she tells her, and seeing the monsters fly past on enormous crushing paws at speeds only imagined, she can believe it. Her fur is still ruffled by the last of the immense beasts when a young ThunderClan warrior streaks his way across the asphalt. Her eyes are round as moons—a monster begins it’s descent down the Thunderpath just as he makes it to the other side. Another follows—she recognizes this one, it’s one of their lead warriors—and once she’s safely on the opposite end, she cuffs the younger warrior over the ear.

She hides a smile, turning to Mosspaw and Fernpaw. “We’ll do as Hazecloud says,” she says firmly. SkyClan’s deputy and a black and white warrior with the same piney scent offer to take groups, but she gives each a cool glance veiled with RiverClan superiority. “Thanks, but RiverClan will cross together.

She gives their senior warrior a respectful nod. Once it’s clear enough for the six of them to streak across, Iciclefang gathers her courage. She feels no vibrations in the earth, hears no rumbling. “Now!” She leaps, feeling the earth change from soft to gritty and rough under her paws. The Thunderpath is almost springy, spongy, and with a few strength-fueled hops, she’s safe but shaking on the other side. She can only hope her Clanmates came with her.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
He remembered Thunderpaths. He knew them well enough- one ran the course against Thunderclan. His eyes blinked gently as they came upon it, acrid scent in his nose and his vision squinted gently. Thoughts overwhelmed him, ones that reminded him of his family. Yet, the yowling of the monsters as they drove past pulled him free of his thoughts. That was, just as Lightstrike was hail-maryin' his way across. A gasp left him, then a soft growl followed.

Not one of anger, but simple fear. If anything had happened to Lightstrike... his ears flattened and he stepped up to the edge just as Orangeblossom did. He nodded towards the deputy, launching himself across with bunched muscles. The feeling of the Thunderpath beneath his paws was strange, and the only thought that occured to him between one side and the next. Another whoop left him as he settled on the far side, vision turning towards those still crossing and edging the side of the Path, then towards Lightstrike and Nightbird.

He padded to the side of the younger warrior, bumping his shoulder in against him like he had earlier that evening. He offered him a meaningful look, one that was worried but neutral as compared to Lightstrike's former mentor.

Sharppaw is still. Her ears press flat to her skull, against the frantic chatter of the journeying cats. She has not crossed one – not ever. When your life has been the marsh, for as long as you’ve known; when your leaders are consistently stubborn and strange, there is no need for you to ever worry about such a thing.

It is not as if she has never been near one. The evidence for this lies within her tail, dead as it drags across the ground, caked in mud.

He is rooted in place, left to watch cats charged across in groups. How easy would it be, to bunch together with them. I’d be easy to hide how scared he was that way. He doesn’t do that, though. He stares at the dark asphalt road, and he wonders if he’ll have to turn tail. How sad would that be?.

Sharppaw clenches his teeth – he bares them at the problem, as if that will prevent the monsters from flattening him. The lift of fur along his spine could be easily taken for his typical messiness, patches between short, sleek fur and thick longhaired clumps are irregular. Why was it so easy for them? It needed to be for some of them, SkyClanners who spent so much of their time streaking between living and being fed. She couldn’t be blamed. ( Almost certainly, she could. ) It was no excuse.

This – This is what always ruined things for him. Thinking for too long. If he focuses on the blood rushing in his ears; made the fear something productive, maybe he should just go. His muscles bunch, and his eyes are wide.

  • OOC: Tl;dr she iz just,, standing dere
  • SHARPPAW: Mentored by Smogmaw
    —— he / she , no pref , icked by they prns ; fine with gendered terms ( tom, molly, etc... )
    —— currently 15 moons old. warrior ceremony delayed due to lackluster progress.

    a dark smoke feline that stands at an above average height. Easily identifiable by her namesake – an unruly mat of fur, destined to be cluttered by inconsistencies between her chimera fur. Burdened with a broken tail. Though recently, she has realized it still has some use, she has wholey believed in its utter uselessness for so long that it cannot without great effort. anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharppaw is a creature living in constant fear. Most thoughts are irrational, but consistent in that they are borne from pessimism and generalized anxieties.
    Obsessed with the perceived 'game' within ShadowClan, the rules of which she is unaware of. Striving to be someone more likeable due to this. Prone to occassional bouts of impulsive behavior, as it has proved to benefit him, so far.
Another night, another Thunderpath. Some had little to no experience in being near them whatsoever, let alone crossing them, but Slate had dwelled in the twolegplace for most of his life. He had crossed far busier paths, crawling with monsters. He doesn't require paw-holding for this but he can't say he doesn't understand the hesitation that others are faced with.

He remembers his first interaction with a Thunderpath — barely over the tender age of two moons, nearly getting flattened by a roaring monster charging down the black pathway. Needless to say, Slate has learned a thing or two since then about navigating twoleg terrain.

His apprentice opens her mouth to complain, as per usual, but tonight Slate was not in the mood for putting up with it. She had volunteered herself, hadn't she? If Cherrypaw wanted to make these big decisions and act like a grown warrior, then she had better damn well act like it. "Cross now or you'll get left behind." The Maine Coon sharply remarks to @Cherrypaw as Orangeblossom rallies some cats together for a group crossing.

The SkyClanner barrels forth with the group led by the SkyClan deputy, with or without his apprentice. He wouldn't drag her over by the scruff, after all. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices how Orangeblossom stumbles and hisses out in pain. He presses on, determined to finish the crossing, and once reaching the other side he glances down toward the orange and white she-cat's bad leg. "You okay?" Slate meows to @orangeblossom. He knows she's strong, but if she seriously injured herself this early into the journey...

  • slatechibi.png
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
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Suddenly, some mousebrained idiot streaks across the Thunderpath.

It takes a moment for Hailstorm to realize the idiot had been Lightstrike and he can't help but inwardly wince that the young warrior had decided to bolt forward without the word of Flamewhisker or Nightbird telling them to go onward. He practically held his breath when he saw a monster drawing near and part of him wonders if the tabby tom will make it, Hailstorm shuts his eyes briefly as if not wanting to reopen them and see what remains of the younger warrior but opens it when he hears some of the commotion going around. Thank Starclan, he made it. Hailstorm thinks as he let's out a long breath before hearing Orangeblossom's words about crossing the Thunderpath, his eyes focusing on the sight of Nightbird, Lightstrike, Batwing and a few other cats had taken off to the other side.

With a quick glance to Flamewhisker, Hailstorm steps forward after briefly brushing shoulders with @LITTLE WOLF in encouragement sparing her a quick glance and his paws touching the rough surface of the road before glancing in both directions. He inhales quickly hearing the voice of the Skyclan deputy once more directing them to go now, his large paws drumming against the asphalt unable to feel him breathe until he could feel the blades of grass touching his toes. He exhales glancing over his shoulder seeing that there was still a few cats back there but trots over in the direction of where his clanmates have decided to settle after they had crossed. Hailstorm can't help but pant briefly, he had never been the one for agility like a lot of his clanmates, his virtues mainly being his strength and hefty build that hid beneath his plush coat.

His paws carry him further until he's by Batwing and the rest of them, he offers a half smile though can't help but feel a little bad that Lightstrike was getting reprimanded in front of several other cats that weren't just his clanmates still... It hadn't been wise for the tabby tom to run ahead without even batting an eye in the direction of their lead warriors that they were supposed to take orders from. A soft huff leaving him as he finally catches his breath and plops his rump onto the ground unable to help but glance over the road to those that were still standing there. Were they frozen with fear? Or was it simply that they didn't want to cross with the Skyclan cats and their own groups? Maybe even pride. He does not know.

  • 5_by_caviesh_dg4bkw8.png
    ✦ 47 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic; single
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength and his burly build
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus