camp Menace to Society || play fighting


"You're covered in dirt, you're filthy!"

Sparkkit couldn't believe this affront to his person. A BATH. So what if he was covered in dirt! Dirt was good for the soul! Rabbitnose didn't understand! His dad continued to groom him and he continued to complain. And when he was finally done....

Sparkkit hopped away and rolled in the dirt again. "IM UNSTOPPABLE!!"

Rabbitnose sighed, amused. "You sure are!" He said. "Try not to cause too much trouble-"

Sparkkit was already fighting a leaf that had blown into camp. It was twice his size.

Rabbitnose couldn't help but be impressed by his energy. Look at him go. May his enemies run away in terror before him.

"You winning?"


The sound of crinkling was almost obnoxious.


Little did Sparkkit know, the very leaf that he was so enthralled with fighting had been knocked out of place by the jostling of branches. Flickerkit's tiny claws dug into the bark of the small tree near camp. It's branches were thin, barely able to hold a full grown cat if any would have attempted it themselves. But she was smaller then those adults! And braver! It was also a rare moment where the fiery tortoiseshell didn't feel the eyes of her parents burned into her back.

From her perch a few feet off the ground, she stared down at the camp like a monarch, feeling taller then any cat that walked by. She could see everything from here! Or as much as her small brain considered everything so far. The camp was her world and she could see it all! And that included her red patterned brother who was dueling a fluttering leaf from her tree. That doesnt look very fun! The leaf can't fight back! I'll show him how to really play! With shaky paws, she stepped further onto the branch, a few more leaves starting to drift down.

BROTHER! LET THE LEAF GO AND FIGHT ME! IM A BETTER BAD GUY, WATCH THIS ❞ And with that exclamation, Flickerkit broke into a short run, tiny claws barely finding purchase and keeping her on the branch with each step. That was, until she jumped. Her fluffy little body went airborne for just a second, before the ground came to fast and her paws weren't ready to catch herself. She hit the dirt of the camp floor hard, her front paws slipping out from under her....

All she saw was dirt as she planted her face straight into the ground, tumbling over herself and onto her back, a plume of dust kicking up. Blinking, the fiery molly looked up at the clear blue sky before her gaze drifted to Sparkkit. The stunned expression only lasted a second before she remembered the reason she was down her in the first place. A FIGHT! She whirled onto her feet, taking a playful stance towards her brother and grinning. ❝ DID YOU SEE THAT! IM AMAZING!I BET YOU CANT BEAT ME NOW! ❞ It was almost as it her wipe-out had never happened.

✷ ϟ ✷

The sound of excitable fresh life was just the very thing that he liked to hear. A new generation living the best days of their lives under the protection and guidance of an entire clan. It was the sort of peace he wished they could all just bathe in for eternity with no fear of sinister times befalling them.

The old tom watched the kits playing from a safe distance away, currently content with simply watching them get up to mischief whilst sparing himself from becoming another plaything in their games. However, when he spied Flickerkit on a branch he instantly began to feel on edge. Then the young she-cat made a leap, an ungraceful one with a messy landing. The sight made his heart lurch up into his throat and he practically jumped to his paws with the intention of hurrying over to assist the youngster if they were hurt.

Fortunately it seemed as though Flickerkit was fine and the game continued. Sunnyday allowed himself to exhale with relief, though he came closer so he could keep an eye on the rough housing. "My my, it seems like we have a couple of fearsome warriors!"


The moment Rabbitnose heard Flickerkit above him, his hair stood up. He looked up at her and frowned with worry. "Flickerkit, be careful!" He called.

Sparkkit destroyed his leaf. It stood no chance. He was undefeatable. He looked up at his sister in surprise. "OH YEAH? COME ON!"

He was a little worried when she fell face first into the ground. He hopped a little closer to check on her, and Rabbitnose practically kicked up a cloud as he rushed to her side.

Rabbitnose crouched beside her. "Flickerkit!! Are you alright?" He asked.

Her declaration of war relieved him. She was alright, thank the stars. "Try to be a little more careful, okay?" He said softly, sweetly, before stepping back to let her go on her crusade.

Sparkkit was glad to see his sister was okay. Sunnyday's words only further stoked his ego. "WE'RE GONNA BE THE FEARSOMEST!"

He then pounced at his sister with a "RAAARRRRGH"


The sound of the kits play fighting brought an amused smile to Flycatcher's lips. After their troubles with the fire, it was nice to have new life running around camp, filling it with raucous laughter and playful squabbles. It was something he hadn't got to experience much himself when he was that age. He had no siblings his own age, nor did any of the other cats in their colony have kits at the time, so he had often kept himself entertained by clambering all over his parents when they were relaxing, or exploring his surroundings when the colony would move around.

Watching as the kits fought with each other, Flycatcher came over. He gave Sunnyday a knowing glance and smiled down at the kits. "I think you were right Sunnyday, we'll have quite the fearsome pair of future warriors on our hands soon," He remarked with a laugh.


When the kitten's father asked if she had survived, she gave herself a furious shake, kicking off any dust that had settled in her coat from the jump. She narrowed her eyes at Sparkkit and spread her front paws, a grin showing her sharp teeth on her muzzle. When Rabbitnose asked her to be a bit more careful, she gave a sharp nod and a quick "Kay, dad!" before her attention was back on her brother.

When she noticed him look to respond to an adult, she made her move. ❝ Distraction! ❞ She called out as she crouched down to pounce on Sparkkit. But her voice gave her initial attack of opportunity away as her brother veered with his statement and moved to pounce back! The kitten skittered to a stop before rolling backwards and onto her back. In a flail of unpracticed paws, she attempted to try and use Sparkkit's momentum against him and fling him over and past her. It probably looked much more clumsy then it felt, which was awesome to the little kit.

✷ ϟ ✷
Emberstar's eyes lit up as she saw the two kits going at it. It was adorable and looked like such fun. There was, alongside her joy, a soft sad envy that bubbled up within her. How she wished she had ever had a litter mate to play with when she was young. It had just been her and her mother though.

She pushed the feeling aside, racing toward the kits.

"Go little warriors go!" she cheered enthusiastically, practically bouncing on her paws. Not cheering for either of them in particular, but simply for the play itself. This was great!

Emberstar nodded in agreement with Sunnyday and Flycatcher. "The strongest warriors in the clan someday, for sure!" she remarked with a bight smile. Imbuing the statement with all the boundless optimism within her. It wasn't even platitude either, at least not entirely. There was merit to this play fighting after all, at least in her mind. By starting to practice so early, even in such a silly manner, they were sure to have a shot a being the best. She was certain of it!

She would be lying if she didn't say she also just wanted to make the kits feel proud of themselves though.