mental funeral (sedgerunner)

Jan 5, 2023
Bunnywhisker feels a bit like an outlier. She can't hang out with her former friend group, firstly because the majority of them are tunnelers, and secondly because she's burned a bit too many bridges there with her occasionally explosive behavior. That said, remaining within the crowd of moor runners doesn't help her too much, either. Many are around her age, still, but many more extend beyond her moons and simply don't understand her struggle. Sedgerunner is older, yes, however the two of them get along. Neither is particularly amazing at their jobs as moor runners, and it doesn't hurt to help one another work on their skills. This just happened to be a moment like that.

With the herb raid behind them and the nature of the camp still unsettling Bunnywhisker, she had suggested to Sedgerunner that the two of them go and explore the snowy moor. The snow seems to never end, but two brown tabbies shouldn't have too much issue finding one another should it thicken up at all. The younger of the two walks rather aimlessly, ear twitching occasionally to clear the snow dust that's landed on it, uncomfortably. Small talk is annoying, she finds, but the silence leaves her to her thoughts and frankly put, Bunnywhisker doesn't wish to remain with them for too long.

"You feelin' well?" Bunny asks her companion, again with an ear twitch, "I haven't heard you cough once. Whitecough's avoiding you, too?"

It had been eerily quiet since the pillage of SkyClan, only for WindClan to return with hardly nothing to show for it except for stinging wounds and broken expressions. And also a fatality. Sedgerunner had been having reoccurring nightmares of that night, Sunsetbreeze's slain body etched into brain like a newly burned brand. She couldn't get his lifeless face out of her mind, a face she'd never forget. She also wouldn't forget of her plea to her clan, her cry in front of everyone to cease fire to grieve a loss that couldn't be found. The warrior had been quieter than normal after that, tip-toeing along the camp with her head low to avoid gazes that'd occasionally glance her way.
She had known better to speak out in such a way. It was better for her to keep quiet and stay out of the way. But, that night she just couldn't. She was so overwhelmed with emotion that her mind completely shut off all logical thought as her heart rose in her throat and cried out to the stars. It had to be done. WindClan was coming apart at the seams, their number dwindling as exiles were named and a medicine cat was stripped from his rank. It was all too much for her.
Even Sedgerunner was beginning to tear, her thoughts blazing through her head like wildfire too large to be extinguished. Apart of her agreed that the raid was uncalled for, but what of her sick clan mates? Dawnglare refused to aid WindClan, just assume let them die as sickness spread farther each day. Sootstar couldn't stand by and let it happen. Right? She was thinking of her warriors and their health, right? It wasn't just her pride as some claimed it to be? Sedgerunner prayed not. Sootstar led them well so far, had kits along the way. Of course she wants her clan to be as strong as ever to bring in future generations and thrive too.

Paws shifted uncomfortably in the powdered snow, occasionally flicking off clumps that melted onto her glossy fur. Bunnywhiskers sudden voice snatched her out of her dissociation, her body jolting as she stared at the other Moor Runner with a widened gaze. "Oh! S-sorry, Bu-Bunnywhisker." She stumbled over her words, her tongue flicking as she searched for her words. "Yeah—I'm okay as I can be. I'm just—on edge I-I guess? There's so much tension lately. Oh—but you were asking about me being sick. No...I've been fine so far." You don't deserve to be. "I did get a bit of a chill the other day from staying out so long. But—uh, Dandelionwish helped me." Sedgerunner's voice softened at the name of the former medicine cat, virdian eyes darting around just in case anyone else was around. Of course, no one would care if he did, he was the medicine cat then anyways. He still was, technically, till Vulturemask had been fully trained anyways. What would become of the sepia tom then?
"UH, how about you? It seems you're still rather healthy—mostly, anyways? Besides from the fight?"
✦ ★ ✦
She must've caught the other in the thick of a thought. Bunnywhisker chuffs and shakes her head, a good-natured smile still gracing her features as she does. There was just as much of a chance of Sedgerunner interrupting her inner thinkings, so there was no sense in her getting upset. Still, it's not difficult to see where the other's mind wanders when she's left in silence. Given the way she rambles and the contents of her speech, she can tell that the unsettled camp has gotten to the older feline, too.

She mentions the tension with a wince, says the former medicine cat's name like it's a curse and glances around as if she's suddenly someone's target. Bunnywhisker's chest flares, not with distaste or frustration for the others timidity, but moreso with a flash of worry. Should any of them be as fearful as this? Like Sedgerunner, she simply wants to believe that the actions Sootstar and the rest of the team impose are those for the betterment of their lives in WindClan. The tension will melt away with the snow and they'll be a happy family again. Right?

The moor runner halts her own tangent, "That's nice enough to hear." She's simple, striding forward without much of a hiccup. "I'm fine, for the most part. One of the SkyClanners gave me a nasty scratch, though - hope it doesn't get infected..." Bunny trails off for only a moment. She's yet to go to Dandelionwish for treatment, finding the injury too small to worry the prisoner about. And Vulturemask hardly knows his left from his right. She shakes her head and looks back towards Sedgerunner again, "It's all good, though. No need to worry," a vague attempt to assuage the other's worries.

Bunnywhisker doesn't want the silence to plague them again. "No one's bothered you since the exile, right?" She asks, head tilted. She's unsure she has any weight to throw around to potentially protect her one-time outspoken friend, but a part of her feels she must, given she hardly has any friends left.