pafp mentally, physically, weak [stuck]

Jan 19, 2024
❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

Lightflower had mostly figured out how to balance her ever waning guilt and need to prove herself. Not entirely, but she was at least functioning again. That was not to say she didn't still get distracted by the rumination in her mind. This just so happened to be an inconvenient time. At best. Up in the branches of a tree, staring down a starling, readying to pounce... SQUAWK

A crow, nearer than she'd noticed, let out a loud cry just above her head. "Shit-" she hissed, jumping. Too much. Her claws scraped the bark on the branch as she grit her teeth and tried her best to scrabble back up. With a huff, she hauled herself up, using her weight to swing her up... and over... With a squawk of her own, she overshot her balance on the narrow branch and fell directly into a bramble thicket just under her.

Lightflower hissed loudly at the thorns poking her. StarClan, that hurt, she thought. Twisting around as carefully as she could, she assessed her situation. The edge of the thicket was just near her. But there wasn't really anything to grab a hold of. With a groan, she looked out, both hoping she could fade to nothing out of mortification, and possibly hoping someone was there to help.

// @badgerstripe pls wait for her!
Most cats were functioning normally now, and the past moon has gotten a little easier for Badgerstripe, but the guilt of her actions still haven't gone away. She was still the same ghost of a cat, wandering aimlessly on her own for the next distraction or next means to prove her worth.

Badgerstripe was out on her own, searching for prey, when she heard a nearby thump and a loud rustle that followed. Her first instinct was to play bystander and ignore it, hoping somebody else would come along, but some inner longing lead her to investigate. Perhaps it was the 'empathy' that she was named for. If only it had come into play sooner.

She approaches just in time to hear a light 'ow' and a hiss from the cat trapped inside. A voice all too familiar to her that strikes uncertainty into her heart. Lightflower. She's barely spoken a word to her friend in two moons - one of the last things she said to her was during their vigil night. Her own words haunt her still to this day - you'll only slow me down. Instead of apologizing, ridden by guilt, she shut out the molly entirely just as she did with the rest of their friends, looking through them as if they were spirits.

Even now, Badgerstripe hesitates before offering her help. She wasn't ready to admit her mistakes, even as they bore down on her conscience. She wasn't ready to talk. But.. if Lightflower saw her come and leave without helping, it would only make things worse, wouldn't it?

So, Badgerstripe ducks her head and approaches the scene, examining the bush from the outside for a moment. Deep within the midst of greens and browns, she can make out the movement of a lilac pelt as Lightflower carefully moves around, assessing her situation. There won't be an easy way out without Badgerstripe's help. She stifles a sigh, and moves closer, reaching a paw towards the bush and planting her hind paws firmly into the ground for leverage. "Grab my paw. We'll try this," she murmurs, averting her eyes.
  • speech is #FB8B24
  • badger.png

  • badgerkit badgerpaw BADGERSTRIPE
    ━━ WARRIOR of THUNDERCLAN | 14 MOONS ,, ages every 21st
    ━━ NPC xx NPC | SIBLING to n/asibling adopts here!
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none

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Reactions: Lightflower
ThunderClan’s youngest warriors have grown from brash to subdued, in Raccoonstripe’s eyes. Once brilliantly full of spark and life, cats like Badgerstripe have paled to thin, gray shadows of their former selves. He thinks he can understand—guilt is heavy, and carrying it for too long can crush one’s shoulders. He would know—wouldn’t he? He still wakes in the night, shifting beside Nightbird, tasting cat’s blood on his tongue, feeling sinews crunch between his teeth. The Great Battle had been many moons ago, but in his dreams, it happens over and over again.

The tabby lead warrior is not far from Badgerstripe and Lightflower; the hunting patrol had splintered to cover more ground. Tufted ears perk and flick toward what sounds like a cat in pain and another murmuring reassurance. He rounds the corner of the tree, spotting Lightflower caught in a cluster of brambles, with Badgerstripe offering a weak-willed paw to help her out.

Bad luck,” he meows sympathetically, though he can’t help but hide a smile. “Let me try and pull some of these back so you can get out easier.” He reaches for the undergrowth and pulls at some of the thorn-studded strands, hoping to ease some of the pressure from Lightflower’s body.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

A familiar black spine crossed her view, and her heart dropped a bit. Of course, she thought, heat flushing her face. Badgerstripe could barely look at her lately, but she was willing to help? A win is a win, however embarrassing. Her words still stung, and this might've been proving her point a bit, but she pushed the thought aside. Now wasn't the time. Raccoonstripe's entry didn't help her rapidly reddening ears in any case.

"Ha, ha," she mewed dryly to the lead warrior, obviously still grateful for the help. She reached forward to hook her paw with Badge's. She tested the waters a bit before pulling herself through the thorns. "Damn," she hissed again, feeling the tendrils tug particularly on her tail. "Rude."
Wildheart found himself arriving a little late to assist, though he did at least suspect what had occurred and he found amusement in the plight of a clanmate. As he drew closer he twitched a single ear before he looked at Lightflower. "Diving into bramble bushes isn't the greatest idea. Any injuries? Or is it just your pride hurt?" He inquired, though with little sympathy in his tone.
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Reactions: Lightflower

sleekserpent & 16 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan warrior

Sleekserpent expects an easy hunt - though truth be told, in the toms eyes, every hunt is easy as long as he can find something to hunt down. A natural, her parents had once praised. Until the easy success hadn't cut it anymore, until they needed to do more. To be better. Push himself further. And then she'd gotten sick, and oh how disappointed they'd been.

Muscles tense as fawn furred figure stalks forwards - slowly, each and every pawstep carefully measured as they set their sights upon the mouse. And then an ungodly squawk echoes through the air, followed by the sound of thumping and cursing. In a flash, his prey is gone, and sleekserpent can only curse silently. Tail flicks, hoping to catch @sparrowpaws attention and signal that they will go check things out. Clearly, they won't be catching anything now.

Frown crosses pale face as the tom spots the others, Badgerstripe tugging Lightflower forwards while Racconstripe attempts to disentangle them. But she makes no move to help - starclan themselves couldn't get her to risk hurting her paws and ruffling fur in that mess. Surely, the others have it under control.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

B O Y S D O N ' T C R Y A N D I W O N ' T T O O