MERCENARY | ospreytalon


May 13, 2023

ospreytalon / once known as osprey; given the suffix talon for his combat experience
— about 40 moons old / ages semi-realistically
— amab / prefers masculine or neutral pronouns
— former pine group member / warrior of thunderclan

storm-colored tomcat with dark tabby markings, low white, and blue eyes / reference 1 / reference 2
— about 12 inches tall / possibly a maine coon mix / heavily scarred / missing most of his tail
— osprey is a tall, rugged creature with a choppy pelt and nearly perpetual scowl. even his smiles, rare as they are, seem harsh; lopsided from the scar tissue webbing his maw and roughened by the coldness of his eyes. his tabby fur is dark gray, scattered with white flecks like snowflakes against asphalt. he is somewhat broad and tends to cut an intimidating figure, but overall is more suited for slipping into the background than diving headfirst into a battle. due to an old injury, his tail is artificially bobbed; this mainly effects his ability to balance when climbing. all in all, osprey can be used as an example for parents teaching their kids not to frown too much, or else their faces will stick that way.
smells of clean rainwater, dew-soaked plants, loamy earth
sounds of a rich baritone / has the tendency to drop the possessive article from sentences ("i saw him over there" vs "saw him over there", etc)

quiet, understanding, skeptical, cautious, battle-hardened, harsh
covered with scars / deadpan snarker / nice job breaking it, hero
— a bit of an ornery bastard. those that knew osprey in his heyday would remember a cautious, angry teenager who'd snap at anyone that looked at him wrong. he's not that person anymore, not really. osprey's gotten wiser with age; he's loyal, but he's also skeptical to a fault. traditions and borders mean far less to him than common decency, and he will often be the first to warn against bullheadedness borne from outer-clan conflict. however, he believes he owes his life to the cats of thunderclan, and that means something. osprey is warm, yet guarded, and cares very deeply for those around him. he's not afraid to speak his mind, no matter the consequence.

npc x npc / no notable relations
— formerly mentored xena (npc) / currently mentors tbd
— dislikes goldendawn, sootstar

penned by bellus
— updated 5 / 19 / 23

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— osprey is born a rogue to unknown parents
— osprey joins the pine group, though initially hesitant to do so
— develops a close familial bond with xena
— encounters and fights with goldendawn
— at some point around the great battles, xena betrays the pine group and is killed; osprey considers this a personal failure

LIKE REAL PEOPLE DO | intro - first ic introduction
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