camp MERRILY, MERRILY ✧ . intro

Apr 12, 2024

✧ . Streamkit’s been itching for a day like today! Ma always tells him that warm, sunny days are the best to play outside of the nursery in, and — especially as of late — always shuffles him back inside when the slightest bit of rain starts to fall. The gray kit thinks he’s been cooped up in the nursery for days, now! Other kits get to play in the rain, and he’s big now too — a whole… a whole two moons! So why can’t he play in the mud just like all of his other denmates?

It doesn’t matter today though, does it? Because the sun is shining so bright, and when the small gray kit pokes his head out to look up at the sky, he sees nothing but blue above him. Which means… playtime! Streamkit looks to his mother to double check, and when an encouraging nod is sent his way, the small kit bursts out of the nursery. Freedom!

They hop along the camp, river-blue eyes wide as they look around. What now, what now? Well… they should find someone to play with, right? The kitten scans the camp for a playmate, and bounds toward the first cat he sees.

Hi! “ Streamkit squeaks loudly, hopping up behind his new playmate. “ D’ya wanna play a game? “​
  • STREAMKIT AMAB. He / They. Kit of RiverClan.
    ✧ . A blue smoke tabby and white cat with blue eyes.
    ✧ . NPC x NPC
    ✧ . Mentor to be determined.
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

Time and time again, Eveningkit finds herself squinting up at the sky, wondering when it'd turn dark again. The eerie blackout has not yet repeated itself, and she suspects it doesn't happen very often based on her Clanmates' reactions... but who's to say it won't happen again?

That is precisely why she is sitting uncharacteristically still outside the nursery. She cannot stare into the bright ball lest she wants permanent darkness, but she simply has to keep an eye out. Just in case. Huffing angrily at it might stop it from becoming so dark again.

Her ear twitches when she hears someone emerging, and when Streamkit talks to her, she finally tears her gaze away from the endless blue. Streamkit is barely younger than her, but Eveningkit feels the need to straighten her back and shoulders and puff her chest out. "Um," she stutters pathetically. So this is what it's like to be stuck between a rock and a hard place. Playing sounds mega good right now, because sitting still for so long is really not her forte, and she is bored out of her mind... but- the sun!

"I'd love to!" Her voice rises high as excitement takes over, but she forces herself to calm down. "But I have to keep watch. Because of the sky- yeah, it's important business. Maybe you wanna join me?"


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    ────── SHE/HER ✦ PENNED BY KARMEN ✦ 04/15

Mutterings of the eclipse had passed back and forth between Clanmates, but otherwise nothing was truly conclusive. Moonpaw had not shared any formal insight of the occasion and Hazecloud did not expect an answer for its meaning any time soon.

It was unsettling, though, not knowing. Clearly it's had an affect on the young as even her own daughter couldn't feel safe despite the suns return. Streamkit has solicited for some play and a half-smile dressed the mollys features as she lightly nudged Eveningkit.

"No need to keep your eyes up there. You should show Streamkit what me and your mother taught you in the shallows. It's a good day for a swim." Sun-warmed tides outside of camp still called for the queen, and she herself was eager to jump into the river the moment she could.

✧ . Velvet ears twitch at Eveningkit’s stalled answer, paws kneading at the ground in their attempt to be patient. When an answer finally does come — an I’d love to! chirped to him — his gaze brightens, but not for long, as the older kit’s gaze shifts, and Streamkit’s follows toward the sun.

Oh, “ the kit mews, disappointment at the edge of his voice, “ That’s not much of a game, but… okay! “ Because, it’s better than nothing, right? For a moment, blue settles beside blue, a head craned to look upward. In all honesty, he’d slept right through the sun’s disappearance, waking up to a chaos filled nursery and a sun still held above him. It was still scary, though — the stories, at least. Night time during the day? A hole in the sun?

Would it happen again? As scary as the tales were, he… kind of wanted to see it with his own eyes. But Hazecloud arrives, says there’s no need to, and offers a different pass time instead, one that has his gaze alight all over again.

Swimming? “ Streamkit squeaks. The state of the sun is forgotten as their head turns to their newfound friend, who apparently already knows some cool tricks, “ Can we? “​
  • STREAMKIT AMAB. He / They. Kit of RiverClan.
    ✧ . A blue smoke tabby and white cat with blue eyes.
    ✧ . NPC x NPC
    ✧ . Mentor to be determined.
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack