camp merry-go-round of life — playing [ pafp ]


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
It’d been a few days since the incident, camp-ridden until the worst of his injuries healed. It made him itchy with the need to do anything rather than laze about like some freelancer. He breathed, clouding the air. He would do it again. Riskin’ himself for others. It was long overdue. Thoughts plagued him the longer he spent sprawled out across the frozen earth with nothin’ but time.

It’s why he was where he was, sitting with pine needles and twigs woven into his fur haphazardly by kitten paws. Molten hues crinkled in amusement, muzzle wrinkling at the state, no doubt becoming a pain later on when he’d have to detangle the bunch of ‘em in the dark. Didn’t bother him in the slightest, other than the rumbling call of ‘be careful, kid’ around his healing injuries.

“Lookin’ good, kid.” He remarked dryly, staring at his spruced-up fur with a slow swish of his tail, welcoming the rambunctious bunch to attack the wooly appendage like those feather boa cat toys he remembered seein’ while a youngster. “Anythin’ else ya wanna add?” He rumbled, gesturing toward the cluttered mess of pine needles and twigs they scrapped together within the camp, eyebrow raised.

Lowering his helm, Duskpool situated himself on top of his outstretched forelimbs with a rumbling hum, amusement displayed openly across a scarred muzzle. He looked like a spiky badger with the things stickin’ out, more porcupine, but the smokey warrior didn’t dare let that thought fester.

After this, if the kids still had energy, Duskpool would propose a small game of chase. Might as well put the kids' hard work to good use, lookin’ like the predator chasin’ a bunch of small fries, somethin’ light-hearted during leafbare until whiskin’ them back to the nursery to warm up.

/ please wait for @Springkit ! but takes place a few days after this thread
thought speech
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