pafp met a boy in green, thought it'd be me // camp, open

periwinklepaw | 09 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
With so many kits graduating recently, moving onto become apprentices, and only spiderblooms litter running about the nursery, Peri cannot help but feel rather bored. He'd always loved interact with the younger of his clanamtes - innocent and naïve, and so small compared to his own limber frame. It was nice, truly, to play about and frolick without a worry nor care about the world outside the gorse walls. Not that he truly hates being an apprentice - the freedom to wander the moors, to hunt, to feel the wind is fur, it's like nothing else. When clear blue gaze lands upon a pale frame, it is these thoughts which linger upon his mind, a small but warm smile painting hi lips as he pads over, brushing his flank against the other boys in greeting. "H-h-hi milkpaw. Wh-what's it like b-being-g an apprentice now?" he says cheerfully, his soft voice teasing and eyes sparling with mirth. Though he truly wants to know how the other fairs, it's to much fun to tease the seemingly ever-confident tom.

// please wait for @milkpaw
Milkpaw couldn't make too many friends with the other apprentices, not yet at least. They didn't want to meddle with someone who frequently got in trouble probably. But that sucks for them. They just miss out on hanging with the most amazing cat ever. They just don't see his adventures as fun as he does and the warriors are ready to crush down on his dreams in an instant. Oh well.

Periwinkle paw however, actually approached him. "Being an apprentice is amazing! Though, I definitely thought there'd be a lot more freedom to it," he said, shrugging his shoulders. "Did you learn anything interesting today?"

Apprentice discussion wasn't something he joined in with often because, well, you needed to discuss it. And Petalpaw didn't, Petalpaw didn't discuss anything really. Petalpaw simple was and that was thankfully good enough for most cats, but he often wondered if he would have more friends if he did. Not that it would change anything really, this wishful thinking.
Blue eyes moved to the two figures off to the side, Perwinklepaw was a much older apprentice and surely almost ready to be a warrior but he carried with him a bloodline of traitors from what he heard. Milkpaw he was less familiar with but was whispered to be quite the problem child among the other apprentices and he wondered if it was wise to try to be close to either but decided he'd like to see for himself rather than make assumptions.
With his mouth wrapped around a far too plump sparrow he wandered over to the two with his tail high in a wave and a smile just barely visible past pale brown feathers. He dropped it just between Perwinklepaw and Milkpaw and pawed at it slightly before tilting his head to the side in a gesture of questioning. Hopefully it was clear he had come to split his bird with them since it was much too round for just him and the rest of the pile was full rabbits right now.

Feel free to misunderstand him!
Prompt: Prey has been returning to the moors in plentiful numbers! Your cat has a meal that is far too large for them to finish alone. Who do they share it with?
From across the way, hazel eyes narrow as they settle upon the pair of apprentices. Gravelsnap’s maw parts in a deep yawn, night-black tail lashing behind him with irritation. He stands slowly, deciding that he may as well see what they’re talking about—Milkpaw is troublesome, he knows that much, and associating with him doesn’t seem like a good idea for Periwinklepaw. Slinking over to stand a safe number of tail-lengths away, the monochrome warrior scowls in Milkpaw’s direction.

"The real freedom comes when you become a warrior," he states, recalling his own freedom, only recently gained. It would make sense for them both to feel as though they’re lacking freedom. Periwinklepaw is still the child of a traitor, and Milkpaw is a troublemaker—it makes sense for his mentor to hold him to stricter standards. The two of them have a ways to go before being named warriors, he thinks; they’ll surely need to prove their loyalty and obedience before Sootstar feels confident enough to name them warriors.

He watches as Petalpaw drops a bird between Periwinklepaw and Milkpaw, a clear offer to share. The young apprentice doesn’t speak, but the intent is clear in their actions. "Did you catch that yourself?" Gravelsnap doesn't move to accept the offer in either apprentice’s stead, and simply settles onto their haunches to observe.