private METEOROIDS \ mica

Oh, he knew that shivering uncertainty very well- he'd seen it time after time, when his eyes had shivered to Daisyflight, when he'd been made lead warrior, deputy. Self doubt emptied the light from your eyes, quivering with uncertainty- and it was doubt, overwhelming... noise, noise everywhere. Kithood memories were filled with it, that static- clamouring, and allowing nothing clear to pull through. Mica had been a kittypet, originally... but Twitchbolt knew very well by now the value that outsider knowledge could bring.

Of course, there was a chance that his nervousness, his tentativeness, was some manipulative ploy to gather pity... but he'd grown from the days of a foaming, gnashing kitten who eyes outsiders like they'd rip his throat out. The lined of Mica's ribs beneath his skin, of course, helped Twitchbolt's suspicions fade slightly. Loneliness, neglect maybe... he tightened his jaw against the memory. Shaky, tentative approach moved his mismatched paws, eyes flecked with sympathy, though a little guarded. "How are you settling in...?" His voice was quiet, hoarse- a little pitchy and worn. He smiled, though- a small, tight and wobbling thing but at its core the embers of sincere. "I know it- it's probably a lot to get used to." Stars, Twitchbolt couldn't imagine how much he'd be losing his mind if he wasn't born into SkyClan.

\ @mica~
penned by pin ✧
𓆝 . ° ✦Mica was sitting by himself for the moment. Not that he had sat with anyone much at all the past day or so. Once initial curiosities died out on just who he was, most were content to keep to their established groups. Not that he minded yet. He was used to the solitude. He never really talked to anyone who could understand him anyway. He merely observed. That is, until Twitchbolt moved to speak to him. "How are you settling in...?" he was asked.

"I've never been around so many cats." Mica mewed. He tucked his paws in close to his chest. Maybe it was to stifle the growl his stomach made. He'd been afraid to try wild food. "Sorry," he mumbled, ashamed of the state he'd shown up in. Questions flooded his mind, he didn't dare try to ask unless prompted. If he did nothing, no one could get mad, right?
 ° .  . ° 
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    lanky and tall light brown tabby with high white and green eyes. Big ol' himbo.

Yeah, that checked out ... anyone would be intimidated at the sight of all this, if they weren't used to it. Mica certainly wasn't, with a name and a demeanour like this... kittypet origins, certainly. And it was all congruent... he didn't seem like he was lying about his nervousness. That anxious sort of posture, well... Twitchbolt found he related to it. His smile grew a little bit more genuine, more encouraging- he quaked on the spot, still. Probably not the most calming person, was he? But, well... he was living proof a jittery sort could still succeed.

"Were you the- the only cat in your, uh ... den?" he forgot, in that moment, what the daylight warriors called their twoleg nests. "That'd certainly be quite an adjustment." Oh, stars, he was trying- but he wasn't trying to make assumptions, either. Wasn't... trying to make anything worse. Was his own doubtfullness contagious? Could Mica feel it, maybe- radiating off of him like sunlight glaring out of the blue?

Stop it! He interrupted his own thoughts with a wavering voice. "Don't- don't be sorry. You're allowed to take it slow, you know." As long as progress was being made, SkyClan would support him.
penned by pin ✧
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