mi familia - family time

Despite Howlfire's urging that they spend some time together, there is a prickle of unease washing over her as she walks with her family. They are not far from camp, safe from any that would truly do any harm, but that doesn't stop her eyes from darting around like a hawk, half expecting to see a rogue slipping through the treeline. Howlfire knows the chances of it happening are slim to none - the same rogues that had brutalised her children had long since been chased off - but it still makes her wary.

Howlfire's eyes find Coyotecrest briefly and she wonders if he has the same fears as she does. True, he had not been there when it happened, but it does not negate the emotions he must have felt. Slowly, her gaze turns to her kits, looking at them warmly. Her heart aches to look at them sometimes, knowing their lives had been forever altered by that attack, but whilst they carried physical and emotional scars, she was just glad they were still with them. "You must be glad to pick up your training again," Howlfire mewed, recalling how eager they had been once. A small smile plays on her lips, but falters remembering their training would remain limited until they reached their sixth moon. "I know it won't quite be the same as before for a little while but I'm sure me and your other mentors can find ways to sharpen your skills." Amber eyes shift to Coyotecrest again. "And 'm sure Coyotecrest would help too."

@Coyotecrest @Hawkpaw @BLAZINGPAW @wolfpaw!

He knows for certain that the rogues should be long gone by now. He hasn't scented a single one of their sleazy kind since the day they'd been chased out. However that does not stop him from remaining on constant alert. He found himself balancing across a wide branch with narrowed eyes skimming the horizon, while Howlfire walked with their children before. "Clear for now..." He thought passively to himself. The extra net of precautionary measures placed his mind at ease for now, allowing him to return to his family down below. Curved claws shed loose bark from the pine while on the way down, sending a flurry of chipped wood downward.

Quietly he passed Howlfire a knowing look, wordlessly letting her know their little nook of the forest was safe before focusing on their kits. A warm tender smile touches the tabby's lips. "Of course I can." He added with a reassuring nod. "I could even show you guys a secret move not even the rest of skyclan knows about." While he didn't plan on discussing his windclan heritage, Coyotecrest was still up for teaching them something extra special if it meant cheering them up.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / twenty moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

YOU TELL ME THAT YOU NEED ME — He follows along cautiously behind his parents or at least, his mother since his dad had scaled a tree to double make sure that there were no rogues lingering about after their attack. A shaky breath slips from his maw at the memory and proceeds to press himself into Howlfire's side for comfort, his tattered ear flicking uncomfortably and listens to her speak saying that they must be excited to pick up their training once more. "I suppose so," Blazingpaw halfheartedly mumbles with a small frown on his scarred maw as the bridge of his snout scrunches up in the slightest unsure of what Bobbie would teach him first and he can't help but feel his insides twist with slight anxiousness. He shuffles his large paws glancing over to his littermates then turning his full attention to Coyotecrest and Howlfire once more with a slight smile on his maw when they offer to help with their training, maybe they could get a small headstart of sorts to impress their mentors.

He blinks when his dad mentions a secret move that Skyclan doesn't know about and he frowns with his brows furrowing in the slightest "Secret move? What is it exactly?" Blazingpaw finally finds himself asking as his head tilts to the side.


  • 8JbI3pG.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    6 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfpaw and hawkpaw
    currently being mentored by bobbie
    easy to befriend ; oftentimes quick to anger
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed