mi familia | (flyfam priv)

It had been some time now since his nieces had joined the clan. No longer kittypets but true ThunderClan apprentices - Stormypaw, Cloudypaw, and Hailpaw. Flycatcher had been meaning to speak with them sooner but between his own duties and their training. But today was different and since they all had some free time, he was determined to speak with them and see how they were settling in.

After letting them enjoy some fresh-kill, he invited his nieces to join him for a short walk, before eventually coming to rest below a tree. They were not far from the Great Sycamore actually, and could see the towering tree from where they were sat, though Flycatcher had no intention of inviting his nieces to climb...especially after what had happened with Flamewhisker. He could imagine how well that scenario might go down if he ever saw Moth again. Tucking his paws beneath him, Flycatcher got himself comfortable on the ground, surrounded by his family. "So," He begins, looking at each of them in turn. "How are you settling in to ThunderClan?"

@STORMYPAW @Cloudypaw @Downpour.
Fresh-kill was still an acquired taste for Cloudypaw. She didn't hate it exactly. It was just so different from what her twolegs had given her. That stuff was bland compared to this, she found herself pausing after each bite, overwhelmed by the strength of the taste. It caused her to take painfully long to eat it, and she was more than aware of that. The moment she was done, she hurried to her paws, as quick as she could manage. Not wanting to waste her uncle's time anymore than she already had.

As they walked, she appraised the tom. Though he was family, she knew scarce little of him. Just that he lived out here in the wild, and that he was important out here. He looked lean and strong and competent, a stark contrast to herself

They all sat, his gaze turned to each of them. She couldn't meet his eyes. Even less so when he asked his question. Her paws shuffled beneath her as she considered her answer. Part of her wanted to lie, but that felt like a poor way to begin her first real conversation with her uncle. "Not well." Cloudypaw admitted quietly, staring down at the dirt.​
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Unlike her sister, Stormypaw was loving life here! She got to eat real actual fresh-kill, she got to learn how to hunt that fresh-kill, and even got to learn how to fight! Sure, some of the apprentices could be mean...but she was sure she was doing amazing in her training so far! So she Cloudypaw gives her answer, the bicolor fixes her sister with a shocked look. Cloudypaw isn't enjoying it here? With a look of determination crossing her face, she leaps to her paws and faces her uncle proudly. "I learned a hunting crouch!" She announces, wanting the attention on her if her more reserved sister wants to be a negative newt.
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The disparity between the siblings is quite striking. Poor Cloudypaw seemed to be struggling to adjust, whereas Stormypaw was happily announcing that she had learnt a hunting crouch. Flycatcher gave Cloudypaw a sympathetic look, before quickly looking to Stormypaw. "Glad to hear your training is coming along well, Stormy," He told her a hint of pride in his voice. "I'm sure if you keep progressing you'll make a fine hunter when you're older."

After speaking a few words to Stormypaw, he once again returned his attention to Cloudypaw. "I'm sorry things haven't been as easy for you, Cloudy," Flycatcher mews. "Whilst I can't speak for what life was like for the three of you as twolegs, I imagine it must have been quite the adjustment for you all. If you ever need someone to talk to or just ask for some advice I will always be available to you all. We are family after all, and family should stick together."
hailpaw | 06 months | trans demi-girl | they/them + feminine terms | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold skyblue

They aren't sure what to say. Flycatcher is family, certainly, but they hardly know him. They stare at him for a moment, head dipping to one side, before they settle on a non-answer and a shrug. "It's been an adjustment," Its an understatement. They feel woefully unprepared for the reality of their situation. They feel out of their depth - insignificant. Where they had been able to often overpower their siblings or even the neighboring kittypets while roughhousing, the molly's chubby bulk was no match for the leaned muscled clan cats they trained with. Where they have always been downpour they now have a new name - hailpaw. They still have trouble remembering to respond to it. They miss their mother. But none of that matters - they'll still give it their all, no matter what. "Eating prey is nice change," the girl adds, and it's true enough - while the occasional treats they'd been given were nice enough, the kibbles were dry and bland and tasteless compared to real fresh-kill. Even if there was a few to many feathers for their taste.

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